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The Root (continues) To Be On Some Bullsh!t.


Sixer First Class+
I saw this before Jason Black talked about it.

The Root is a black feminist anti black male shill. I'm gonna call it straight out. Just like every Black man on this site, we love seeing Sistas win. We love seeing all Black people win, and we celebrate all the victories.

We all have a mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, cousin, daughter, homegirl, who we will do what we can for them to fulfill their full potential. It could be anything up to and including CEO or President.

The same in reverse for all B1 sisters.

That said, this pic and title is on some BS. Michael B. Jordan is arguably among the top 3 if not the most prized bachelor out there, black or white. Pause.

The Root is trying to signal for the best of us to choose women who are the most problematic. Tia Mowry, 45 to him 37, divorced a good man, can't find a man. But MBJ should holla at her? GTFOH.

Jodie Turner Smith don't even like Black men. Including her is the most asinine and insulting of the 3. At least Tia and LaLa like Black men. So, he should go after a Black women who literally chased and pressured a white man to marry her. Begging him twice, and he cheats on her first with his white nanny and second with a woman she knew casually, Lupita N'yongo? This is so laughable it's not funny.

LaLa Anthony may be the best of the 3 but still, not much older (41) but still. Felt bad for. Carmelo cheated on her. She knew his get down. She helped him cheat on the previous chick.

Guarantee 100 percent if a black male centered publication said "Don't you think Lori Harvey should date these Hollywood men?" and it was Tia's ex Cory Hadrict, Megan Good ex DeVon Franklin they would not even clown but be outright upset.

I got no issues with Tia and La La per se. I got big issues with Jodie though. Bed wench poster child. This will sound mean but Tia and La La are not desirable dating options for most men. La La looks decent, cool girl, wish her luck but a man of reasonable means isn't tryna holla at her. Tia especially. I have nothing against her. Jodie is fine. She actually is my type physically. Dark, slim pretty. But she's a straight out, Brad loving, fully committed negro bedwench.

The fact that The Root feels secure enough to even make this story tells you where we are culturally. 10 years ago this wouldn't even make it to print. It would be laughed at. But Black men of means, the best of us, are being told to include women you can do far better than as the preferred option.

This is the person that wrote this article. How she wrote that with a straight face is anyone's guess.