Recent content by AintShit

  1. AintShit

    Rosita from Sesame Place is Anti-Black

    Yes, Bucks County is horrible the other surrounding counties are racist af as well but Bucks Most def has the worst rep.
  2. AintShit

    Rosita from Sesame Place is Anti-Black

    I'm from Philly and Sesame Place ain't that far they have always had a rep low-key because the county right outside of the city it's in has a rep for being racist. This is just one more example with the muppets last summer one of their Black employees was stomped out by a white couple and they...
  3. AintShit

    White people are at war in the US, we need to let it happen

    As they would say about us " Let them kill each other ". but I agree with everyone here that self-reliance is key to our survival.
  4. AintShit

    Falling hard for someone not meant for you...

    Tell me about it Bro ever since then I never go aginst my gut anymore and its led me nothing to success since I have learned my lesson
  5. AintShit

    Yeah...he ain't invited to the Cookout no more

    yea he was outta pocket for that one. I would a hit him with a
  6. AintShit

    The Official Gun Owners Thread

    Big Facts were big on gun safety in my house, especially because I own so many. I do work with my kids on how to use them properly brake them down and clean them and put them back together though. Because when I was in the Army I knew white kids 5,6,7 years old that could shoot better than some...
  7. AintShit

    She Says Men Need to Bring 200 - 400 on a Date

    200 maybe, but I'm only spending 400 on a date if I'm dating 2 women simultaneously. Why am I spending so much on one woman for a date especially if it's the first date and you could get some from 4 different women for 100 a piece! IJS This is my Aint Shit momentWill Smith Haha
  8. AintShit


    AintShit submitted a new business: Mooncycl3 - All Natural Femininity Hygiene Products Read more about this business...
  9. AintShit


    From ….PCOs, Cysts, BV, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Yeast Infections, Pid, Pelvic Floor disorder, Cramps irregular Menstrual Cycle, Foul Odour, Scar Tissues, Looseness, Blocked Tubes, Bladder Issues, Unwanted Discharge Mooncycl3 is here for you no matter what phase you are in let the healing begin!
  10. AintShit

    Will you vote for Joe Biden in 2024?

    I didn't the first time won't do it the next
  11. AintShit

    FBA VS Everybody

    That Part is just casualties of war
  12. AintShit

    Today Is My Born Day...

    Happy Earthstrong
  13. AintShit

    If you could date/marry any celeb, who would it be and why?

    Since I was a kid I have always been crushing on Kelly Roland and Naturi Naughton
  14. AintShit

    Video games that feature an all black cast/production team

    Im a have to Check it out thanks for the info
  15. AintShit

    White people with "Dreads"

    First off Black People have Loc's now. White people, they have Dreds cuz that Shit is a dreadful ass look for them