Recent content by Big Boda

  1. Big Boda

    A.I. Creates A Nas Song

    nah we good on soulless demonic computer hiphop over here.
  2. Big Boda

    Young Passport Bro Prodigy Auston Holleman is getting cancelled by Brazilian Feminists

    Ok now we're getting into stereotypes with that "third world country" talk. Brazil is a developing country not a third world country. There are many rich cities there like Sao Paolo and Rio has wealthy areas in it not just favelas. Same for Colombia. As far as this Auston guy he was moving...
  3. Big Boda

    Did you get vaccinated?

    Hell to the fuk no.
  4. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    There's going to be people that have energy you won't like I suggest you block them like I'm about to do you. That's the great part about 6zeros we can disagree and keep it pushing with the help of 'Ignore' button
  5. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    I didn't call anyone in this thread a name specifically. Unless they are the dusty youtubers I mentioned.
  6. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    To be fair to who? Who are you for me to point out things for? You for sure aren't Elijah.
  7. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    The museum isn't even open to the public yet so what difference does it make that tenants were there before The person that stalked for that information (that could be false) doesn't have a comparable track record of successful projects. Theres never been anyone on the live streams asking...
  8. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    theres this thing where haters try to viewer shame people that tune into tariq's broadcasts when their dusty bummy talking points get rejected. like rooting for every hating youtuber that pops up makes you an independent thinker thats not worshiping tariq nbaplayerdisbelief why you not letting...
  9. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    It takes a loser mentality to be able to tolerate more than 2 minutes watching losers like Taharka, Mechee, Panafrstrikesback etc theres so much transparency with tariq's projects that anyone pretending there isnt enough info is easily spotted as another bummy jealous hater. not because they...
  10. Big Boda

    Military cancels mandatory vaccine mandate.

    I wish I would let these evil mfs pressure me into taking a drug spliffstarlaugh
  11. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    Seeing alot of pocket watching whining going on. It's all good when the dust bunnies make 2 hour live streams about tariq, his wife and his children but when he makes a cartoon clowning them its "we gotta do better as a people" Nobody is really falling for the fake outrage anymore. Nor are we...
  12. Big Boda

    Young Passport Bro Prodigy Auston Holleman is getting cancelled by Brazilian Feminists

    Its not looking good for the young brother down there in Salvador Bahia Brazil. Stephanie Ribeiro one of the popular Brazilian Feminists has gotten wind of Auston's many videos showing how much "easier" it is for american men to date in brazil compared to america. She is now contacting lawyers...
  13. Big Boda

    The Official Tariq Nasheed Thread

    Dust is contagious. If you can sit up and watch some unsuccessful bum whine for 2hours about another man. That means there is dust inside you that resonates with the bum.
  14. Big Boda

    Chillin'in Houston

    Beautiful couple. Love to see it.
  15. Big Boda


    Sounds great just installed the app thanks for the info I subbed to their youtube