Recent content by DOSO

  1. DOSO

    There's A Chinese Supermarket In Nigeria Where Nigerians Are Not Allowed To Shop

    I never understood how Africans could stand for this. They are in YOUR homeland, in YOUR country, and they are discriminating against you. They would never stand for this in China.
  2. DOSO

    Rest In Peace, Dexter King.

    R.I.P. Mr. King.
  3. DOSO

    Wave Of Black Women Kidnapped In Oakland

    As much as I hate to say this, many of those black girls on the streets were probably prostitutes. They probably took them to Mexico and got rid of them.
  4. DOSO

    California Is The Prototype Of The New America

    I agree with you bruh. California is ground zero for the nation. I have always said, that whatever happens out here will take place across the nation.
  5. DOSO

    BREAKING NEWS! Donald Trump Promises To Pay Reparations

    I don't think that I am going to vote at all in the next election.
  6. DOSO

    BREAKING NEWS! Donald Trump Promises To Pay Reparations

    Welp. Donald Trump lost me as a voter. Many of these white folks trip me out. They have a serious problem with black people getting reparations. They don't even deserve reparations. Their ancestors didn't go through anything.
  7. DOSO

    I Turned 37 Today - 9MARXX

    Happy Birthday Jay bruh.
  8. DOSO

    I’m at the California Reparations Task Force Public Meeting 1/28

    Excellent speech Jay. You nailed it bruh.
  9. DOSO

    Kendall Qualls (NYP)

    Exactly. I'm like "Don't speak for us bruh." I totally support reparations for FBA. I'm full-blooded FBA. We are owed. Period.
  10. Diary of DarkOneSun

    Diary of DarkOneSun

    Diary Of DarkOneSun is an in-depth look into the thoughts of a young black male as he struggles to forge a path for himself in a rather racist, hate-filled world around him. In this book are various strategies that the author developed in his response to out of control racism that he dealt with...
  11. DOSO

    Ever met a famous person?

  12. DOSO

    Ever met a famous person?

    Yeah. When I first moved out to Oakland, I remember having a class with Opeo off of the "The Souls Of Mischief". I saw 'Glen Plummer', the guy that played O.G. Bobby Johnson on Park Blvd, and I saw John Starks at a dealership in Oakland. One thing about the West Coast, there are alot of stars...
  13. DOSO

    Akon Explains Why Africans Are More Talented Than Black Americans

    Africans more talented than African-Americans? I don't know about that. One thing that I do know, is that Africans don't seem to be that good in boxing compared to FBA's. Most African boxers seem a little soft.
  14. DOSO

    Gabourey Sidibe With Her Husband at Grocery Store

    Maybe things are different for you. Do you live in the L.A. area.? I live in the Bay Area. I was going through all types of crazy stuff out here when I was a younger black man. Things that I never went through in the South. When I was coming up, black women didn't hate you when I was living...