natural selection 8

Charles Darwin asked himself who will won the struggle?
Those with the traits variations that were best fit for their environment and then the survivors of the struggle would reproduce and pass on those useful traits to their offspring .

I will meet you with the same energy that you give me.

Respect is earned it is not given.

There is different between knowing the path and walking the path.

Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.

True freedom comes by not tolerating abuse.

Most of people don't want reality because reality is about taking responsibility.

Spirituality as maturity is a individual business and spiritual growth has levels therefore it is only for those who are ripe enough, if you are not ripe enough keep hanging by the tree enjoy the birds and the breeze a time will come when you are ready.

The root to health spirituality is self knowledge understand who you are.

In nature they are few happy endings what you do not want done to yourself do not do to others.

Be prepared like in the days of KNOWER.

People who die early in war are those who lack situation awareness.

It is in the universal law to protect myself my life is my responsibility it is not government rubber stamped .

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