6ZEROS | Stay Woke

Nobody considering themselves "pro-black" which as a generality most people on this site do should be voting in that type of mindset.
The majority of black people were just wanting to get Trump out of office due to his racist rhetoric and wanting nothing else more than that.

In return the Democrats are giving money to foreigners and immigrants that most Americans can't get and if you are a Black American then you certainly aren't likely going to get it.
Rollie Forbes
Rollie Forbes
Both parties are giving that money to foreigners, and that has nothing to do with voting for either party, or any candidate.
No foreign country can get American dollars just from the Democrats. No foreign country can get money just from the Republicans. Any dollar that leaves the United States requires bipartisan approval. The Democrats & the Republicans both are equally responsible for sending money outside of the U.S. that should've gone to Black Americans.
Like I said, the American money that Ukraine, Israel, etc. get isn't green, it's blue and red; both parties work in unison. Neither party can allocate those funds on their own.
Reactions: cjg
We're not going to sit here and play that both parties BS.
Black didn't vote for Republicans at over 90% so I don't think it really matters about Republicans.

We do vote for Democrats in that percentage though and we do so consistently. Yet they voted to give money from our tax dollars and from our social security program to people who aren't even citizens.

Meanwhile those who voted for them get nothing.

Those are the politicians that you support and vote for. This is your blue no matter who Democrats. They may not be completely responsible but they damn sure didn't do anything to stop it!

No filibuster against it. No pushback. Just straight give em the funds. Meanwhile every time that a discussion are reparations comes up. They vehemently speak against it.

This sir is what you voted for!