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Did Blacks In America Cause Their UN-UNIFIED Drama On Themselves?


Whites have pamphlets on how to make a black a slave, US immigration has tests for immigrants that omit real American history for entry into the US, American history books blatantly lie and alter American history so that white kids won't feel bad about their heritage and the rapey, yucky people that they came from. So my question is why was there not an underground pamphlet or book on warning blacks who came to America about the deceptive ways of whites? Or the pervert and pedophile behavior of white men? Or the differences between the white groups. I think that would have prevented a lot of this un-unified behavior. Yes, some would not have fully listened, but many would have kept the warning in the back of their minds and look for these deviant patterns in white people they interacted with on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way through interaction. And it was not only hard but it was devastating to my life goals and financial aspirations and the future of my family. Whites are wicked! For example, I am learning from the show, "The Godfather of Harlem" of how evil, criminal and disgusting liars and manipulators Italians are. I know it is a show based on crime, but many of them that I have interacted with act EXACTLY like the characters! All this time I was interacting with these wicked souls unaware that I could get caught up in their sick web of lies, crime and deceit and jealousy. Italians are not decent people. One of the main characters wife is a master liar. Homegirl, went into a church dressed in ALL RED, telling the Priest that his brother friend is the devil and tried to kill his daughter, when she asked the friend to kill her husbands daughter. Italians really move like this. They are nuts. LOL! This Italian from JP Morgan Chase where I used to work, recommended that I watch the show, "Peaky Blinders". And I see that the majority of whites do in fact build their business on criminality and whites entire world revolve around business and pimping out people to work for them and building business empires, like the household names we have here in America. I think only until now, people have recently learned of the vile, vicious jealousy of white women because before it was hidden. Because everyone was mislead to believe that the lighter women are the softer, nicer and gentler. White women are in fact the Devil himself. Devil spawns.

Anyway, information needs to be spread about the villainous ways of white people. Especially, like how they like to divide and conquer.
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The First Sixer
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    The problem with your thesis is that the division started in Africa way before we even had an Anglo to contend with.

    The lack of trust, the disunity, and the chaos is a part of of the way we largely thought and interacted with each other in Africa.

    We can write all the pamphlets and manuals we want which we have but the problem is from within. It largely stems from not adapting to a world that was changing around us.

    - Europe recognized different ethnicities but saw all as one race, White.

    - Africa recognized different ethnicities but saw them all as different people.

    When our enemy started to attack us as a unified race we fought back as groups of individual people which reduced our strength. This allows divide and conquer to work extremely well because we don’t see each other as one. If a European came with some guns and told us to blow the other tribes brains out it was easy because they were totally separate people.

    We still think like that to this day…the continental and diaspora beefing is the same exact crap we see between the Hausa, Igbo, and Fulani.
    It is not a thesis. It is a straight up question that I want to hear people's opinion on. Thanks for the feedback!!!


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    The problem with your thesis is that the division started in Africa way before we even had an Anglo to contend with.

    The lack of trust, the disunity, and the chaos is a part of of the way we largely thought and interacted with each other in Africa.

    We can write all the pamphlets and manuals we want which we have but the problem is from within. It largely stems from not adapting to a world that was changing around us.

    - Europe recognized different ethnicities but saw all as one race, White.

    - Africa recognized different ethnicities but saw them all as different people.

    When our enemy started to attack us as a unified race we fought back as groups of individual people which reduced our strength. This allows divide and conquer to work extremely well because we don’t see each other as one. If a European came with some guns and told us to blow the other tribes brains out it was easy because they were totally separate people.

    We still think like that to this day…the continental and diaspora beefing is the same exact crap we see between the Hausa, Igbo, and Fulani.
    I was born in 1957, San Francisco, CA. I was introduced to all my relatives in Frisco, Oaktown & Palo Alto.
    1962 Is when my Father introduced me to my mentors, Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton & the Black Panther Party, located on Fillmore & Eddy streets. MLK, Angela Davis & Maya Angelou also. I had other mentors also, such as Langston Hughes, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan & countless others.
    Our community was ran by Huey & the Panthers. Everyone was protected & cared for. We were all considered as family & behaved accordingly. We were taught our true history, NOT public school history.
    We all had jobs, from the eldest to the preschoolers. The Elders took care of the babies to the elementary aged children. We were also trained how to help care for the babies & later taught them how to count, read, write & spell before kindergarten age.
    We all were honor roll students.
    The teens worked around our community, after homework & homes chores were completed.
    The high schoolers had after school jobs within our community. Most high schoolers received scholarships to HBCU's while others went to community colleges, because of outside employment as well.
    Huey & the Panthers policed our community & so did our Fathers, Uncles, Nephews, Brothers & Cousins.
    No outside law enforcement was ever allowed.
    All the females took care of home, inside & outside gardens.
    The older we got, the more responsibility & knowledge we achieved. Every generation was knowledgeable & responsible. Our community was safe, drug free & harmonious.
    Weekly meetings with the entire community occurred. If anyone needed assistance, weekly dues were already in existence. Everyone assisted everyone, no matter what it was.
    Huey formed after school programs, breakfast & lunch programs, recreational activities, summer programs, fed the homeless, put them to work in the community & made sure they were no longer homeless or on drugs.
    All of our businesses were owned by our community family. My Uncle William was one of them. He owned Chicken-A-GoGo, adjacent from Huey's headquarters. Needless to say, all our businesses were protected as well. No outsiders were allowed, unless they were related to someone who resided there & still was checked out by calling the resident. If the visitor wasn't who they said they were, we never saw that person again & their picture was posted for all to see.
    We were totally self sufficient. I lived in Black Wall Street & didn't even know it then. Everything just felt right. No crime whatsoever. Huey & our community, our family was as it always should be with Black people, a family & the village.
    Huey was our president, our leader & our family, so we're the Panthers. I ended up working for Huey at age 7 & Uncle William.
    Huey, my Father, Uncles & our village filled with knowledge, leadership, love & care made me who I am today. Now, they're our Ancestors, who still are with me today, along with other loved ones that have moved up to the next level.
    Sorry if I got carried away, but I know we can get back to who we truly are. Hard work, effort, determination & on one accord. Let's be the example, the blueprint on how it should be done.
    We may have to make a few adjustments, because it's 2023, but I know we can do it. WE ARE FAMILY, LIKE IT OR NOT & WE ARE TRULY ALL WE'VE GOT! ✊🏽


    Royal Sixer
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    It's called " programming " for a reason....we have been programmed to the point that it's in our DNA the spirit of the fight is also in our DNA! It's time to unlearn what we've been taught because this question sounds a lot like the " what about Black on Black crime?" Trope. It's time to use our critical thinking skills to maneuver out of this system that needs to die we are here because we survived the system one way or another It's not too late and the devils have won nothing as long as I breathe! Our master teachers left counter programming or counter propaganda we MUST continue to spead the seeds that will continue to cultivate our young people of tomorrow AMERIKKKA and the World won't ever be comfortable as long as we continue to leave the counter programming with the people until there is equal justice and prosperity in the worldfor OUR People! The question remains "What are We prepared to Do and how far are we prepared to go?" Please keep that answer to yourself never answer that out loud or online! B1! ✊🏿💯

    Princess El-Bey

    Senior Sixer
    Community Host
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    Whites have pamphlets on how to make a black a slave, US immigration has tests for immigrants that omit real American history for entry into the US, American history books blatantly lie and alter American history so that white kids won't feel bad about their heritage and the rapey, yucky people that they came from. So my question is why was there not an underground pamphlet or book on warning blacks who came to America about the deceptive ways of whites? Or the pervert and pedophile behavior of white men? Or the differences between the white groups. I think that would have prevented a lot of this un-unified behavior. Yes, some would not have fully listened, but many would have kept the warning in the back of their minds and look for these deviant patterns in white people they interacted with on a daily basis.

    Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way through interaction. And it was not only hard but it was devastating to my life goals and financial aspirations and the future of my family. Whites are wicked! For example, I am learning from the show, "The Godfather of Harlem" of how evil, criminal and disgusting liars and manipulators Italians are. I know it is a show based on crime, but many of them that I have interacted with act EXACTLY like the characters! All this time I was interacting with these wicked souls unaware that I could get caught up in their sick web of lies, crime and deceit and jealousy. Italians are not decent people. One of the main characters wife is a master liar. Homegirl, went into a church dressed in ALL RED, telling the Priest that his brother friend is the devil and tried to kill his daughter, when she asked the friend to kill her husbands daughter. Italians really move like this. They are nuts. LOL! This Italian from JP Morgan Chase where I used to work, recommended that I watch the show, "Peaky Blinders". And I see that the majority of whites do in fact build their business on criminality and whites entire world revolve around business and pimping out people to work for them and building business empires, like the household names we have here in America. I think only until now, people have recently learned of the vile, vicious jealousy of white women because before it was hidden. Because everyone was mislead to believe that the lighter women are the softer, nicer and gentler. White women are in fact the Devil himself. Devil spawns.

    Anyway, information needs to be spread about the villainous ways of white people. Especially, like how they like to divide and conquer.
    Whites have pamphlets on how to make a black a slave, US immigration has tests for immigrants that omit real American history for entry into the US, American history books blatantly lie and alter American history so that white kids won't feel bad about their heritage and the rapey, yucky people that they came from. So my question is why was there not an underground pamphlet or book on warning blacks who came to America about the deceptive ways of whites? Or the pervert and pedophile behavior of white men? Or the differences between the white groups. I think that would have prevented a lot of this un-unified behavior. Yes, some would not have fully listened, but many would have kept the warning in the back of their minds and look for these deviant patterns in white people they interacted with on a daily basis.

    Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way through interaction. And it was not only hard but it was devastating to my life goals and financial aspirations and the future of my family. Whites are wicked! For example, I am learning from the show, "The Godfather of Harlem" of how evil, criminal and disgusting liars and manipulators Italians are. I know it is a show based on crime, but many of them that I have interacted with act EXACTLY like the characters! All this time I was interacting with these wicked souls unaware that I could get caught up in their sick web of lies, crime and deceit and jealousy. Italians are not decent people. One of the main characters wife is a master liar. Homegirl, went into a church dressed in ALL RED, telling the Priest that his brother friend is the devil and tried to kill his daughter, when she asked the friend to kill her husbands daughter. Italians really move like this. They are nuts. LOL! This Italian from JP Morgan Chase where I used to work, recommended that I watch the show, "Peaky Blinders". And I see that the majority of whites do in fact build their business on criminality and whites entire world revolve around business and pimping out people to work for them and building business empires, like the household names we have here in America. I think only until now, people have recently learned of the vile, vicious jealousy of white women because before it was hidden. Because everyone was mislead to believe that the lighter women are the softer, nicer and gentler. White women are in fact the Devil himself. Devil spawns.

    Anyway, information needs to be spread about the villainous ways of white people. Especially, like how they like to divide and conquer.
    My short answer is no and my long answer is no, we had a lot of help stemming from slavery, racism and divisive tactics by white Americans actually targeting black people.

    We’re also very tribal people with different experiences depending on where and how we grew up. A South side of Chicago upbringing is in no way like say a Baltimore or Detroit upbringing.

    Some parts of the country are more Big family oriented, i.e the South and even New York.

    White people pretty much grow up the same way and the stories in their heads are ones of supremacy, overseers and full of misinformation. This is blatantly apparent when one looks at how they always live amongst themselves because to them the other cultures are lower than… We are too loud and violent. There is also a fear of retaliation for their hand in historic atrocities

    We also see the dominant society’s mindset in action through multimedia… presentations and productions. We see the remarkably different portrayals of black and white families on television and on movie screens. Our families are portrayed not intact and dysfunctional. It’s just bad modeling


    Sixer First Class+
    We are historically and to a large extent on the continent a tribal people. Within our own circles we were always united, Disunity was part of the white supremacy plan. Right after the Civil War, whites thought we'd die and on the vine because we left the plantations illiterate, no money, no land, nothing and in a generation or two exceeded the whites around us. How? We were left alone for a brief period and went back to our tribal ways, the good things that are tribal: working together, looking out for one and another holding all accountable within the community.

    This disunity is foreign to us. It's promoted and pushed by white supremacy: they push the gender divide. In LA any time there was any sort of peace treaty between gangs, the cops worked against it. By only allowing one black leading man a generation, Hollywood made black men compete like black crabs. There are examples in all facets of society.

    Without exception, EVERY single national black organization, no matter how benign (in terms of violence) has been infiltrated, and either co-opted , leaders killed or framed or made impotent: The NAACP, the Civil Rights movement, Black Panthers, NOI, all the way down the line.
    I agree with you. It is so sad that it is like this. From living in this country I see the ways of white manipulation. But I can understand why people from other countries come here and turn against blacks. They are not around whites like that. They are surrounded by other blacks who do them dirty on a daily basis. Whites left their countries in total abject poverty and they already fight with each other like crabs in the barrel for resources and bare necessities. Then on top of that, their education system is awful or lacking. So they are not taught critical thinking skills and come here and see whites doing good. And with their small brains with lack of education, come to the conclusion "Oh if whites are doing well and are nicer, then white is good and black is bad." And go so HARD against blacks who live here in America, no matter what their origin. It's a messed up world.

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
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    New York
    I don't believe that we caused the disunity we were born into it. There were sellouts on the plantation.
    Wow, very true. Me as a black person, after being born in this country and interacting only interacting with whites on the job and in school, I can honestly say just being around them makes me fully sick to my stomach. They are a real garbage group of people. I see through all they crap or catch it later. So it is hard for me to really align with their nonsense. It's so unfortunate that some blacks align with them to hurt other black people.


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    Whites have pamphlets on how to make a black a slave, US immigration has tests for immigrants that omit real American history for entry into the US, American history books blatantly lie and alter American history so that white kids won't feel bad about their heritage and the rapey, yucky people that they came from. So my question is why was there not an underground pamphlet or book on warning blacks who came to America about the deceptive ways of whites? Or the pervert and pedophile behavior of white men? Or the differences between the white groups. I think that would have prevented a lot of this un-unified behavior. Yes, some would not have fully listened, but many would have kept the warning in the back of their minds and look for these deviant patterns in white people they interacted with on a daily basis.

    Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way through interaction. And it was not only hard but it was devastating to my life goals and financial aspirations and the future of my family. Whites are wicked! For example, I am learning from the show, "The Godfather of Harlem" of how evil, criminal and disgusting liars and manipulators Italians are. I know it is a show based on crime, but many of them that I have interacted with act EXACTLY like the characters! All this time I was interacting with these wicked souls unaware that I could get caught up in their sick web of lies, crime and deceit and jealousy. Italians are not decent people. One of the main characters wife is a master liar. Homegirl, went into a church dressed in ALL RED, telling the Priest that his brother friend is the devil and tried to kill his daughter, when she asked the friend to kill her husbands daughter. Italians really move like this. They are nuts. LOL! This Italian from JP Morgan Chase where I used to work, recommended that I watch the show, "Peaky Blinders". And I see that the majority of whites do in fact build their business on criminality and whites entire world revolve around business and pimping out people to work for them and building business empires, like the household names we have here in America. I think only until now, people have recently learned of the vile, vicious jealousy of white women because before it was hidden. Because everyone was mislead to believe that the lighter women are the softer, nicer and gentler. White women are in fact the Devil himself. Devil spawns.

    Anyway, information needs to be spread about the villainous ways of white people. Especially, like how they like to divide and conquer.
    Very good question... 2 answers: Yes & No... 1. Yes: Most of the issues that we have is that we have far too many different views with how to deal with the system of white supremacy. For example, The NOI believes in the "eye for an eye" philosophy (so do I), others believe in the "forgive them O Lord for they know not what they do" narrative. There's also a vast political division that we've been experiencing for longer than I've been alive, and don't get me started on the religious division. I can go to the streets of NYC right now and I would see 2 dudes arguing over which religion is the black man's true religion (no disrespect to my NOI and Hebrew Israelite brethren, but this is a DUMB-ASS argument). There's also the gender divide, the sexual-orientation argument and so on. 2. No: The "divide and conquer" philosophy has been instilled in the Black Community since Day 1. Mr. Fuller pointed this out decades ago as did Malcolm X before him. This is what the so-called "dominant society" wants because they (and by "they" I mean white supremacists) planted the seeds of division among us. As long as we're divided, we're easily subjugated and conquered. Just an opinion.
    Omg so true! My family is religious and spiritual. For example, when I kept doing so terrible in interviews and not getting a job. My family members said it is because I was a bad child. Through reading books about interviewing and learning from the internet, come to find out, when employers ask you, "Tell me about yourself?" They only want to hear about your job history and education LOL. There is a lack of education, so when terrible this happen uneducated people believe "Oh, you have defied the GODS. Fire will rain down on you from the heavens!" I do believe in spirituality but practical skills and knowledge is lacking in many people. Knowledge is truly power and can prevent people from being manipulated.

    Deleted member 1946

    I love this answer. Yea, some people just vile. LOL. That is why I cannot work in the office settings. Those people just think of all kind of nonsense. They just sit at their desk all day long and PLOT. People who play both sides are sickos.