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  1. OaklanderForever

    What you know about anti white speech?

    So you mean to tell me that is a real thing?Can't be.. Call it I'm white and I'm right..
  2. OaklanderForever

    Look how he did this..

    Oakland man faces racism during summer program at Cambridge and responds with an incredible teaching moment By Sharon Song Published 15 hours ago KTVU FOX 2
  3. OaklanderForever

    Why do you think they are hating on Ice Cubes 100 million dollar deal with the NFL? ??? opinion is that they know that the 100 million will generate more than that that on the back end...To add to that there should no reason for anyone to hate on us FBA's getting $ from the NFL considering that we are more than 1/2 of its players..Not to mention STARS..