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  1. R'Gos Rho

    But Not For Anything Else, Especially Yall Folk

    Again, not for reparations though.
  2. R'Gos Rho

    Cop The New Drop : Trump Force 1's

    Aside Trump Force 1's. Other names were; Trumpers Orange Slide The Don's DTFB GREAT AGAINS Enter your favorite or select from the list. Which ones is best?
  3. R'Gos Rho

    Dust And Echoes

    For those who remain, they will hear their cries...
  4. R'Gos Rho

    Disrespectful Or Klean: Micheal Jackson

    too bad I can’t put a poll but… here it is
  5. R'Gos Rho

    Removable Batteries Resurgence?

    I still have my V20, surprisingly it still works with my network. Either way a great tools; 3.5mm jack, IR Blaster to control TVs and whatnot and for the conspiracy conscience, a removable battery. Well imagine and iPhone doing that..You may not have long to wait to see...
  6. R'Gos Rho

    Sometimes It Isn’t Always Jermaine’s Fault

    Don’t know if BGS saw this one about Jermaine. Maybe it’s multiverse Jermaine.
  7. R'Gos Rho

    Project Blue Beam…Rated M For Mature

    Well if it could happen, I suppose this is close to it
  8. R'Gos Rho

    A Trip To The Wilds

    De Rareum Natura
  9. R'Gos Rho

    Who Got Invited To Kate’s?

    Asking for a friend…
  10. R'Gos Rho

    For When The Roads Go Off

    Hey Sixers, If you off road like me. Here’s a good video demonstrating how to save yourself with limited equipment. Heck if you’re a farmer and the rains come and get stuck in the muck. This should help too.
  11. R'Gos Rho

    Get Smart! [Don’t]

    2 for 4$ at 7/11 right now
  12. R'Gos Rho

    This Post Brought To You By Power Tools!

    For those who move about the country. Do so with confidence. Byrna LE Launcher - CA / NY Compliant
  13. R'Gos Rho

    Do You Want A Revolution?

    Well resolution in this case...New music will benhotter than the spirit itself...
  14. R'Gos Rho

    Monster Hunter Now, Now

    Been waiting on this for some time now. It has arrived. Anyone else a fan of the series that set the tone for strategic hunting with friends and grinding for envious armors pieces? Let's Hunt...
  15. R'Gos Rho

    “A Keisha In Space”

    Salutations all 6r’s..How goes it? The Space Race continues. The tourist sector at least. Here’s the latest on our outer frontier! Key take always: -Million to get a ticket (quarter million when opened to potential astronauts -Fly Virgin for a chance to win -Earth ain’t flat jack
  16. R'Gos Rho

    Of Almonds & Galls Pt II

    In Of Almonds & Galls pt II, I take you on a thrilling adventure exploring the wild almond trees and the strange growths near them. As I explore, I discover the fascinating relationship between the almond trees and the tiny wasps that pollinate them. The mysterious world of galls, strange...
  17. R'Gos Rho

    Of Almonds And Galls

    High time to learn what is in your local flora environment. May this video help inspire you to learn what’s in your proximity. You never know when you may need to extract from it. Of Almonds & Galls
  18. R'Gos Rho

    John Perkins Shrugged

    The playbook, but in reverse. This one may need a full video dive.
  19. R'Gos Rho

    The Streets Is Always Watching

    For all activities.
  20. R'Gos Rho

    Neil Doubles Down

    Well. He could have easily let it slide, he did not. Black History Everyday