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444K Goes Full KKKlan With This Racist Headline And Article.


Royal Sixer
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Ryan Carson, 32, is stabbed to death while waiting at bus stop with his girlfriend in unprovoked attack by unhinged thug. These crazy N-words MUST BE STOPPED ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Screenshot down the bottom. For some reason I can't slide the image to the top right now.

I came across this story of a mentally ill Black man in NYC who wrongfully murdered a white leftist activist and they, including Black-looking self haters looking for camaraderie with whites, are vigorously urging for more Kkkops in the street to "get the violent thugs and demonic criminals under control" (racist dog whistles) when cops and criminals are mostly one and the same.

This is the same despicable, racist Daily Mail that posted a video of a small Black child being shot and included a GIF video replaying the Black child being shot over and over again in their article due to the insensitivity and lack of humanity regarding the attacks and deaths of Black people, including Black children. Meanwhile, before the white leftist activist adult is murdered, Daily Mail makes sure that the video is stopped and that you don't see him being stabbed.

The racist white media, thugs with badges, and evil politicians such as Ron DeSantis have been going on a full jihad against Black people. They are spearheading the war against woke Black people.

Beware of actual unhinged Chalkasoid thugs and those wild animals rabid with their anti-Black racism that are using this tragic situation to further justify and ramp up their anti-Black racism.

I even witnessed some short-sighted idiot commenters (including Black-looking ones) openly supporting the KKKop City (Cop City in Atlanta) and how it will combat the "out of control crime wave." These deplorable fools truly fell for the anti-Black propaganda so bad that they are willfully letting their unhinged anti-Black hatred guide them into a national collective demise by advocating for a fascist police state with full-blown martial law that won't be so kind to them either. They will risk their own little freedoms left to hate and stick it to Black America.

They are angry about these crime waves and this Black crazy man murdering a white activist. People do have a right to angry over unjust murders and killings, including Black people. I want to know where was this level of public anger and energy towards the recent unjust murders and attacks against Black people (and not just George Floyd and Breonna Taylor).

Where was this level of public anger and energy towards the demonic, evil, murderous, white supremacist terrorist Ryan Palmeter that recently shot and gunned down innocent Black people in Jacksonville, Florida? The worst I saw the public call him was a incel, lone wolf, and a weirdo. Nobody outside of these B1 circles seemed angry enough. And of course the public also doesn't care about that other Black homeless man who was recently beaten down unconscious by a racist, thuggish, violent illegal alien that Biden and Democrats are welcoming in. But let one Black person more or less commit a crime that non-Blacks often do without consequence and somehow it's time to go after Black people as a whole, which is exactly how things like Stop and Frisk, the War on Drugs, the 94 Crime Bill, and Three Strikes become real.
