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It's Easier Than You Think To Develop Your Own Website. Here's Some Necessary Elements Of Website Design & Development


United States
Making a web site is not so much a task, if we compare it to the education of other technical skillsets.

Most people are likely to give up as soon as they hear the word “programming” and “technical”.

They suppose it`s too much of a hassle to really become skilled at a complete PC “language”. HTML, the most basic computer language in building sites. Is really pretty simple to understand, as long as we have the interest in learning new things.

What is HTML?

HTML is the abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language.

Intended for learning reasons, think of it as a language that the computer recognizes. For instance, as humans, we have been taught different languages; i.e. HTML as a language, is used to develop a website.

The web browser, such as Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox. Will then decipher plus understand the code or rather, language(HTML), plus display it in a way we can understand it, like in a basic webpage.


Coding the HTML language could possibly be a bit tough for some people. So we can actually pay money for software programs or computer software to help with that. These programs are created to aid individuals in making professional webpages/websites.

Also, one could also gain access to online web-builders. Site builders that are inbuilt and can be controlled from the net. There are loads of different and specific builders on the net.

Books and reading material have guides that can help in offering tutorials and ways to put up our own websites. Even online tutorials are credible. Information technology is the best and most cost efficient way. In holding onto knowledge, especially in this particular field.

So, you could start and build one right away. If you enjoy coding, it might even grow to be a good quality past-time.

Most establishments can benefit from a good, internet presence. Whether a website is used as an online portfolio and contact method. Or a more complex customer management and shopping cart doesn't matter.

What matters is that your website meets the professionalism of your organization. Many websites that fail to make the impact projected fall short because they are inaccessible or look less than professional. The actual usefulness of a website design comes down to a lot more than different colors and code.

Quick To Load

Web pages and page elements have to be quick to load. A surfer's attention span can be measured in mere seconds, and very few of them. Bearing in mind, that while high speed Broadband internet connections have become much more popular.

There are still a hefty number of people using 56k dialup modems. Lots of graphics and many streaming videos that play automatically will make a page slow to load. Poor design and coding can also cause a page to load slowly, along with an overloaded server, and excessive traffic.


Web site accessibility is very important and there are many aspects that should be considered. At its center, accessibility means that the your site or blog should not be prone to regular outages. These are usually caused by unreliable host servers but can be caused by poor programming and maintenance.

Your site should also be accessible to people regardless of disabilities. You can overcome this by providing the option to enhance text size or have an vocal version of your site. Check your site in all browsers, on all systems, to ensure the greatest possible level of accessibility.

Effortless Navigation

Site navigation needs to be simple and noticeable. If you intend to draw site visitors from the search engines then navigation menus also need to be accessible for the search engine bots.

Text links are usually best, but if you use Flash menus or graphics, then include a sitemap and link to it from your main page. This will help people who are looking for specific information, and the search engines value the effort also.

Clean and Crisp

Keeping your site clean and clutter free also assists visitors plus helps improve your website's performance. Too much clutter distracts users' attentions away from the main point of the page.

If there eye is caught by a flashing banner at the side of the page then most visitors will give up trying to read the major content and look for another site.

Functional and Intuitive

Depending on the purpose of your website, it needs to fulfill the desired functions. If your site is an educational site. With contact details and some essential information then the functions are relatively limited.

But, if you are selling products, then use recognized and reliable shopping cart software. Aim to limit the number of clicks a user has to make. To get from the opening to the end of the purchase process. The more clicks your visitors have to make, the less probable they are to make them.

Good Content

Pretty much everything from graphics to illustrations and menus to video tutorials are considered content. Even ads for other websites that are used to monetize your websites can be considered web content. Make sure that all content is related and is useful to your visitors.

If there is no real worth in including a two minute video clip, then remove it. This will help make the page faster to load, more accessible, and cleaner. It will also ensure that your visitors are not distracted from the content on the rest of the page.

The Key Website Design Factors

It can be appealing to try and contain as much information and as many features and design elements on a page as possible. This is a temptation that is best avoided in the vast majority of cases. Users want access to relevant information. They want to access that information as fast as possible.

This means quick loading pages, an accessible site and good navigation options. You should also make sure that the sites are not too cluttered, but are still functional and provide high quality content.

This will help! #KeepGrinding


Half Black
If you want to start up a website, the easiest and cheapest way to do it in my experience is using Wordpress. They make it simple to get something set up and get the ball rolling. If you can get a traffic base going, you can make good money through ads.
WordPress is a very decent forum software to use and start up one's website and also is XenForo. But if you're not willing to spend money yet, you can start out with ProBoards.