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Jamaican Bedwench Gets Called Racial Slurs By Her Zaddy, and She Still Finds a Way to Shade Black Men.


Royal Sixer
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In the modern age where they tell everyone to "love themselves" no matter if they're LGBT, overweight, of a different heritage or background, have kinky curly hair, short in height, have quirks, etc, somehow that no longer applies to Black women in abusive and racially abusive with sociopathic / psychopathic white males.

We often tell women who are in abusive or horrible relationships to love and respect themselves enough to leave so they can heal, find and learn about themselves and eventually (if lucky) find the person who loves, cares, and respects them.

Why doesn't that apply to Black people in interracial relationships with white abusers (especially the white male ones)?

Because the dominant society and its outlets, as well as the sellout / old dead Black media outlets, don't want Black people to collectively wake up to acknowledge our true value and to have courage to develop absolutely zero tolerance for all forms of racial abuse or abuse from whites. If they can dominate and racially abuse you in the sheets, then they can do it in the streets to you and any other Black person.

Yes, whether the Black partners enjoy it or not, this race play, Ghetto gagging, use of racial slurs, microaggressions, and dehumanization and disregard of your Black partner and their race of people's interests is a form of abuse. And that race play garbage is racist psychological abuse.

In a white Supremacist system, Black women or Black men must love everybody (especially white people) before loving ourselves. Hell it's actually forbidden for Black people to love ourselves too much because they'll be so quick to label Black people "Bl@cK iD3NtiTY 3xTreMists!"


Royal Sixer
Community Host
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Peep the part when she calls herself a Black American, too.

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She's not leaving him, at least not anytime soon. She wants that proximity to both whiteness and old white wealth so bad and she doesn't love and respect herself enough to leave. She figures the benefits largely outweigh the negatives anyway and she will defensively rationalize herself into staying put. It is incredibly irresponsible of her and those above her to promote this dangerous, psychologically harmful garbage to Black women.

She complained about Black men being of lower value as well as insufficient enough and too collectively poor (due to obvious reasons) for her and her expensive taste, so she thinks the grass is greener because she found a wealthy white guy from old money (she basically hit the lottery, and on the outside looking in, many would even envy her).

A lot to unpack here. We have too many women out here thinking that because a guy has a lot of money (or comes from money), buys you nice shit or whatever the hell else you claim he does for you that it means that he loves and respects you dearly. Yeah he does......until he does some unforgivable shit like physically abusing you until you can't get up or calling you an n-word b!tch in bed.

As a Black woman, that is absolutely not worth the price if you will eventually end up paying with your life or peace of mind in the process, especially with these demented and murderous zaddies out here that will "play nice" in the beginning and end up revealing true colors anyway and how they really feel about you. And these same zaddies are continuously getting away with crimes against Black women and receive full white supremacist police protections. It's a dangerous, wicked game to play.

Everything has a price.

Don't be fooled by the riches and fortunes that he bestows you with as well as the love bombs and "I love yous". He doesn't have or see you as a wife. He has and sees you as his n!ggeress slave toy that he's totally okay with investing in because of the amount of vastly unbalanced power and control that he has in this "relationship" or "marriage" when you are not just with him, but also under and beneath him. It's priceless to him and other white supremacists to have complete dominance of Black people and our minds in both the streets and the sheets. It's a sick racist power play. I wouldn't be surprised if he's also some covert narcissist as well (and too many whites are overt or covert narcs whether or not they were officially diagnosed).

Honest Question:

Do you think you can stomach living under that racial domination disguised as a "happy" legalized marriage for the rest of your life?

Because these interracial relationships are mere facades of a some imaginary faux-equality that we somehow have achieved in this society. These interracial relationships are some of the psychological trappings that White Supremacy overpromotes and encourages Black people to engage in to keep us collectively neutralized and powerless, and to whitewash our DNA in the process and confuse our progeny and their purpose / role.

In this society:
White men are not equals of both Black / Half-Black women and men.
White men have more power than both of them.

White women are not equals of both Black / Half-Black women and men.
White women have more power than both of them.

Whites and others have more power and control than Black / Half-Black people.

The harsh reality is that you (Black woman) and your white slave owner husband are not equal, were never equal, and won't be treated as such in this anti-Black racist global system.

They lied to you and other Black people when they said that the Civil Rights movement gave Black people equality to whites and allowed integration. They continue lie when they say "we are all the same" and "we are all equal." It's beyond time to reject the make believe fantasies and post-racial propaganda that the dominant society likes to promote, play along and play dumb with us with. We don't always get killed for our beliefs, but we can also get killed because of our beliefs and the actions we take based upon those beliefs. And unless you are fighting to protect yourself and your village or people, that's a fools errand.