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Who Does This? (Mental Ineptitude)


I’m New Here
New Orleans, LA
Today, I seen someone driving by and noticed someone that they know, who was waiting at the bus stop, stopped and asked her for a ride. Now, this young lady had her child in a stroller and the person who offered the ride, had stopped on the left turn lane by the neutral ground instead of either pulling over near the curb or make a U-turn and come near the bus stop.
This person literally made her run out in the street, with baby in stroller (Thank God that there was no incoming traffic) to get in the car that stopped in a turning lane, holding up the car behind them. What made it even more crazy is that me and elder woman, who watched this situation take place, we tried to get their attention, you know that the driver or no one in the car with the driver, didn't hear a single word. Not only that, no one in the car didn't even considered telling the driver that what is being done is dangerous, because ain't no telling what's gonna come. It could be a box truck, school bus, public transportation, 18-wheelers, 22-wheelers or construction vehicles (a new fast food restaurant is being built). That thought never crossed their minds.
Who does this? Unfortunately it's OUR youth, 25 & under (if not, 30).
The lady sitting next to me was saying that it was the charter school system that started two months before Hurricane "Katrina" as an experiment, after the storm, it was fully implemented so these were the same people that fell under the charter school. That's true, but only in part. It was also the failure of those who raised them short handed and ill-equipped to handle this world because they wasn't raised to be civilized and upstanding adults.
This kind of stuff seems to be a common occurrence, mostly in the black "neighborhoods" because we really don't have a "community" because we don't own or run anything. Thank you Civil Rights Generation for not leaving Gen-Xers nothing to further our cause. You let LBJ make us "N"-words vote Democrat for the next 200 years, which we are about 60 years in. For having your hands out looking for a handout (aka Government Assistance) to only to stop us from fighting and protesting. For not teaching us anything of value and substance, instead of false promises and symbolism. For not having the decency to create generational wealth. All this talk about wanted to be treated equal, yet don't wanna do anything to become equal. You reneged on the mission and now these youngsters have nothing because they were taught nothing.
You wanna know why Black neighborhoods are falling apart? There's your answer and probably more after that.


Master Sixer
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    San Antonio, TX
    I don't think that's really anything to do with age or a generation thing. It's just a person being irresponsible.
    There is irresponsible people everywhere regardless of age.

    Unfortunately you see it more in the civil rights and baby boomer generation which is why we're where we're at.

    They try to make up for past mistakes by voting blue no matter who because they think that's responsible not realizing that too is irresponsible!


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    Today, I seen someone driving by and noticed someone that they know, who was waiting at the bus stop, stopped and asked her for a ride. Now, this young lady had her child in a stroller and the person who offered the ride, had stopped on the left turn lane by the neutral ground instead of either pulling over near the curb or make a U-turn and come near the bus stop.
    This person literally made her run out in the street, with baby in stroller (Thank God that there was no incoming traffic) to get in the car that stopped in a turning lane, holding up the car behind them. What made it even more crazy is that me and elder woman, who watched this situation take place, we tried to get their attention, you know that the driver or no one in the car with the driver, didn't hear a single word. Not only that, no one in the car didn't even considered telling the driver that what is being done is dangerous, because ain't no telling what's gonna come. It could be a box truck, school bus, public transportation, 18-wheelers, 22-wheelers or construction vehicles (a new fast food restaurant is being built). That thought never crossed their minds.
    Who does this? Unfortunately it's OUR youth, 25 & under (if not, 30).
    The lady sitting next to me was saying that it was the charter school system that started two months before Hurricane "Katrina" as an experiment, after the storm, it was fully implemented so these were the same people that fell under the charter school. That's true, but only in part. It was also the failure of those who raised them short handed and ill-equipped to handle this world because they wasn't raised to be civilized and upstanding adults.
    This kind of stuff seems to be a common occurrence, mostly in the black "neighborhoods" because we really don't have a "community" because we don't own or run anything. Thank you Civil Rights Generation for not leaving Gen-Xers nothing to further our cause. You let LBJ make us "N"-words vote Democrat for the next 200 years, which we are about 60 years in. For having your hands out looking for a handout (aka Government Assistance) to only to stop us from fighting and protesting. For not teaching us anything of value and substance, instead of false promises and symbolism. For not having the decency to create generational wealth. All this talk about wanted to be treated equal, yet don't wanna do anything to become equal. You reneged on the mission and now these youngsters have nothing because they were taught nothing.
    You wanna know why Black neighborhoods are falling apart? There's your answer and probably more after that.
    It’s straight up being inconsiderate at the end of the day and it’s a result of bad parenting. I don’t need government policy to teach me how to be a good parent, the problem we have is that you have to be exceptional to make it to average in American society as a Black person so anyone under that is SOL.

    You know how many white people do dumb crap like that every single day and even worse? But they are born in a system of handouts that protects them every step of the way. So yeah I feel your frustration and dumb negros annoy me too but that stupidity knows no color line. It’s just that being stupid and Black in the USA is a suicide mission.


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    There are a lot of factors here to unpack. Black people started out as slaves in this country. We were not allowed to learn, not even how to read. That established a pattern. They made sure that even when we were allowed to receive education, our education was bottom of the barrel. Compare a public school in a black area to one in a white area. You will see what we are left with. There were some bright black men and women who rose from the ashes, even some great inventors but the numbers are low and the walls they had to climb were high.

    Then we move on to parenting. Piss poor parenting will create piss poor adults. Mix this in with an unfair disadvantage in society and a corrupt culture cultivated for us, not by us, and you will be left with people struggling for generations. The government knows this. The government came in and replaced the back father head for a monthly paycheck and for several generations, black women have relied on it to raise their children. Many didn't have any other options. They designed it that way.

    There are a lot of problems and there is no quick fix. This is why I always say to start where you can. Start in your own home first. Get your home in order. Then branch out to your local community. We have to uplift our own and restore a sense of community. If people want to wild out and do stupid ish, then they won't be included.