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Sen. Tim Scott , The Tragic Negro

Black Republicans figure out at some point, sooner or later, that they can't keep their self respect. They'll have to make a choice. Some do it gladly, some do it under great emotional strain. It depends on the ethics and morals you came in the game with.
Tim Scott fancied himself a moral person at one time and to some extent maybe does. He had to make a choice when the Trump train came in. Stick to the ethics of what the Republican party was supposed to be about (and hasn't lived anywhere near to what that is) or give up his self respect so he can still have a career?

He chose the latter. The man is broken. Fully buck broken. It has to hurt bad coming from the deep south, the soil and knowing he has given up every once of his self respect and slapped in the face of his ancestral heritage. We've seen it from Jesse Lee Peterson, and other domestic coons. We've seen it from foreign coons in America.

Tim Scott is broken. No where to go. The one thing about Trump, he's forced every single Black conservative to show their real face. Michael Steele, former RNC chair, black, at least stuck to his morals and repudiated Trump. I don't agree with him politically but at least he gave up his place in the party to keep some semblance of his self respect. Tim Scott couldn't and didn't.

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Why D1 Athletes Are Marrying White Women

I have my own view that is a bit different than his take. There are obviously great Black women out there. This site is full of them. So, saying you can't find a good sista is kinda BS. It may be a little harder these days than your grand mother's time but they are out there.

My thoughts are these D1 Black athletes aren't dating the church sistas, the goody two shoes ones, however they are dating the good two shoes white women who have a freak side on the low. They date black women based on how good their body is banging and date white women who have girl next door personalities and will literally do anything.

Magic, LeBron, Steph Curry, Randall Cunningham, all kinds of athletes married to sisters and stayed married for years.

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Only One Thing I Agreed With Amanda Seales On...

was when she told the story of as a child actor or in school, white kids called her a n****r, and then Shannon Sharpe said something to the effect they are just kids, they don't know what they are saying.

For me that's straight out coonish response. Little white kids are fully aware of the meaning and context of the word.

I was surprised at Sharpe's response actually. My question is if his child came home at 7 or 8 years old saying white classmates called him that what would he say or do?

Other than that, she comes off a bit too full of herself. I would not want to to work with her or be a friend of hers seeing her. She also has carried a constant anti Black male vibe about her for years. If each project you work on the Black folks got an issue with you, you gotta look in the mirror. She's too defensive and a wee bit narcissistic to see that perhaps.

She could use a therapist and I say that with love.

' Named ‘Deez-Nuts’ Appears In Court....

You thought he was Black huh? My guess is he's either a 'wigger' or he's one of these white supremacist who take on black cultural names and make racial comments online. I've seen many screen names such as 'Didnt do nuffin' or deez nuts, or 'Tyrone' These are the hard core racists .

A Man In Full (shocker: Positive Black Characters)

The movie is about a white real estate mogul in Atlanta. However, shocking to me is to find there are 2 black couples in there. Yes, black men happily married to black women who love each other. I have not seen one gay black character yet (still binge watching) or single mom, or a white man dating/married to a black woman.

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When I walk down the street - people say eew. Or when I was, walking down the street. A homeless man, almost threw a bag of urine on me. A person, walked pass me, passed gas and laughed. Or people proud to give you bad service. Or a person sits next to you. Get up and wipe themselves off. Or if someone is cordial towards you. They would ostracize,That person. Or when people view you as less than. It makes people happy. Or if you save a persons, life and call the paramedics,the paramedics will catch an attitude towards you. Or if you ask for directions, They will give you a very disrespectful, attitude. Or have cops follow you around. But if you confront them. They run away. And I have not done anything to people. Who behave , like this
