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Play any sports in school back in the day?

Back in the day I balled hard, playing basketball the most. I thought I could have been an NBA prospect one day, but nah, that wasn't going to happen. My left knee was badly damaged in a car accident after high school, so my career there was never going to go forward. Even though I don't think I would have made it on a college team even without the injury.

Anyway, I also played some football in high school, but didn't stick with it as I got a really bad concussion once and it put me off of any contact sports again. Basketball is something I still enjoy, even though my skills have went down since. It's all about fun for me these days.

How do you think people should present themselves in public?

In terms of clothing, how do you think both men and women should dress when in public?

I always felt like you could have different options according to where you are or what you are doing but you never want to dress in a way that you would feel uncomfortable walking into a church (or making others uncomfortable). Does that make sense? Some people will say you should dress for success 24/7. I don't think you need to walk around in a suit all the time as a man or in a conservative dress as a woman, but you should be tasteful in public.

Thoughts on this?

When is Twerking Inappropriate?

I was watching Tariq last night and he had a good show about when twerking is inappropriate. I personally think that twerking is not appropriate in space other than your personal private space (home/hotel room), a strip club, or an urban dance club. It’s a sexual dance and nothing about it is empowering Black Women unless the empowerment they are seeking is to look like a ratchet hoe.

What happened to class? What happened to dignity, composure, and grace? I’m not saying that women need to fit a box that I define but at the same time as a man, I do have the right to state what I do and don’t like. Also, as a leader I have the right to dictate what is good and bad in the culture I’m apart of. Women that act like this feel liberated but it rarely leads to good outcomes.

If you want to start a family and be with a classy, respectable, and determined man…do you think he wants a woman who doesn’t know when to not pop her ass? Ciara, Normani, and Meg the Stallion twerking at that Italian event was textbook degenerate behavior.

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New York Flooding 2021

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I’m in BK and my family and I are safe but I’m exhausted at this point and looking to relocate. To be honest, I used to downplay global warming but based on the past 5 years I think the impacts of greenhouse gases and etc are wreaking havoc on the Earth’s natural patterns.

Anyone here from New York, how you holding up?

Ever gone to a major sporting event like the Super Bowl, NBA Finals or something similar?

Have you ever gone to an NFL Super Bowl, NBA Finals, NHL playoffs, etc? I have not gotten to go to any major events yet, but I think it'd be cool to go to a Super Bowl once in my life, but I figure I'd rather wait for a team I actually like before going. As I don't want to just see any teams play.

What important events are you excited to see live? Oh and I'd add other events like WWE Wrestlemania (even though I wouldn't count it as a sport). I still count the event as a big event I think would be cool to attend.

What are some sports you enjoy playing?

I am always playing basketball with my friends and family on the weekends. I don't usually get to play much of anything during the week, so I always make sure to go out and play with friends on the weekends.

I have been thinking of joining a local baseball league, as I used to play it as a kid but haven't since. Maybe it's time I get back into that. Other than that, I did play football in high school, but I won't be playing that these days. Too many knee injuries playing. So I'll pass the ball around, but that's about it. What about you guys?

Think Colin Kaepernick will ever have a chance to come back?

I think Colin Kaepernick has tried to land a team for a while now, but it's been a no go. In fact, didn't he outright retire not too long ago? Either way, that doesn't mean the guy is for sure done. Do you think a team will ever take a chance on the guy? Or is he forever done in the NFL? I want to see him make a comeback before his career is deemed lost.

Do you think a team will ever take a chance on him?

See Green Bay Packers being contenders?

The Packers were dealing with a lot of drama recently with the possibility of Aaron Rodgers bouncing, but he has come back. Well, that's not 100% true, because he has to complete his contract up to 2022, so once this season is over, he can leave. But do you think they will try to keep him around? Or will they finally move on from Rodgers?

Who could take over at QB? I don't see Jordan Love becoming the new Aaron Rodgers.

You think we will end up with livable units under water?

If you are familiar with Bioshock, think something like that. Like small towns all underwater. I feel like people are panicking more and more about running out of space so they might start looking to build underwater housing and stuff like that. I mean I think that would be cool but I would be too nervous to ever want to live there. One small leak and end up causing a lot of damage. Flex tape won't fix that either lol

Joe Biden Calls Cedric Richmond "Boy"

Yooooooooo! If you voted for this racist piece of trash this is on you. Everyone was talking abut how bad Trump's racism was and this dude is calling Cedric Richmond a "boy". Even more despicable is Cedric Richmond nodding his head in seeming agreement at the term.

Ew Reaction GIF

Do you think the Cleveland Browns can get to the playoffs again?

Or will they fall back to a losing team. Last season was one of their first winning season in years. And I feel it's due to the coaching change, and the fact they have a pretty stacked offense and defense. I honestly think Baker Mayfield gets a lot of hate at QB, but I think he's helped bring the team back to a winning team. Plus when you got Nick Chubb running the ball all over the place, and a good receiving core with Jarvis Landry, OBJ, Austin Hooper, and Rashard Higgins. Plus they also have Kareem Hunt as backup to Nick Chubb, and both of them combined for nearly 2000 rushing last season, so a combo of them could be a major issue.

idk, what I'm saying is this, I think the Browns have a chance to make the playoffs again, and maybe even be a Super Bowl contender.

Do you guys think it would be possible? Or will they fail in the playoffs?

Lakers a lock for another championship?

The finals are a long way to go, and the season has yet to even begin. But, I see the Lakers are making some interesting moves in the offseason and look to be in for a possible run. Do you think the recent trades and signings are good enough to get them another title?

They just added Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard, Rajon Rondo, and Russell Westbrook. So to me, it looks like they are looking to add veteran players to make sure they win another title. What do you think?

Patrick Mahomes the best QB right now?

Patrick Mahomes is a beast of a player, and has already won one super bowl. He may have lost the last one he was in, but hey, he still made it to two super bowls. Anyway, I feel like he is the best QB today, at least in terms of talent and what he has around him. You could argue that Tom Brady is still the great, and also Aaron Rodgers and Lamar Jackson being out there. I still feel that Mahomes is the best QB the league has. What do you guys think?

What are your thoughts on Deshaun Watson?

Deshaun Watson, the QB for the Houston Texans has been accused by many women of sexual abuse. The Texans haven't been doing much with him as of late, as he originally wanted a trade out of there, but the allegations and current lawsuits have kind of stopped that.

What do you guys think about all of this? Do you think Watson is done in football altogether? Or will he win the many lawsuits against him? Part of me thinks the dude is for sure done in the league, and I don't think there's getting back from any of it.

There was news of him possibly being traded to the Dolphins, but I don't even know if they would take a chance on the guy with what is going on. What do you guys think?

750k Household at Risk of Evictions

Yes, you read right…3/4ths of million people are at risk of being evicted due to the moratorium being lifted.

Given the slow pace of rental aid disbursement, Goldman's analysts expect that between 1 million and 2 million households will remain without support and at risk of eviction when the remaining state and local eviction bans expire at the end of September.

Oh No Reaction GIF by The Great British Bake Off

So while the US Government is saving Afghans and setting them up with housing, they letting you get kicked out your place.

When will Americans wake up and see that this shit is a farce.

In terms of fast food joints, what do you like the most?

There are so many these days, I have a hard time picking. I seem to like at least one or two things from every spot. What do you like the most out of all of them? You can include things that aren't "fast food" in the drive-thru sense as well. Just has to be food made at convenience so things like pizza can be an option as well.

What Are Your Thoughts On the Whole Lizzo Situation

Here is a video of her crying about people chastising her. What are your thoughts?

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I personally think she a skank hoe who gets the treatment she deserves. Remember when she showed her ugly fat ass at the laker game?

this new movement where people are shaming people for not accepting stank hoes like lizzo, cardi b, and Meg the stallion is done for me.

it’s ghetto snipe shit and not worthy of respect.

Beyoncé has the most Grammys of any female artist in history

This is a post I made on another board:
She almost have more Grammys than Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Diana Ross, Patti Labell, Glady Knight, Etta James and Nina Simone combined. If you remove Aretha Franklin and her 18 Grammys, the. has more than twice of all of those other ladies put together.

If you replace Aretha with Ella Fitzgerald, she would actually have more than everyone of those ladies put together.

Yet not a single classic album.

How the hell is that possible?

Edit: Alicia Keys dropped her Songs in A Minor album the same year she won songwriter of the year.
What y’all think of this? Are they out there buying Grammys? Or is she really black history?

Anti-masker at Miami Airport throws tantrum

This guy is a total douche canoe. Saying the N word and everything. My guess is he was required to wear a mask on the plane and he threw his cry baby tantrum. Like honestly, you can't wear a mask for a short period of time? I don't understand how someone can throw a fit like this over something like wearing a mask.

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