Black Generational Wealth

The Ford (of automobile fame) family are still rich. About 129 family members collectively worth around 2 billion according to Forbes. The DuPont family got about 3,500 members and collectively around 14 billion. The Rockefeller family collectively are worth over 8 billion.

There are also 1000s and 1000s of white families that have remained millionaires for 3 generations. We have had many Black millionaires going back over a hundred years. Every single story I hear about a successful black person from a hundred years ago, even 50 years ago, are no longer rich. It's a sad ending. Madame CJ Walker, and others. I am sure there are some black families who have maintained generational wealth for 2 or 3 generations but its not many. Not enough I would suggest to make a difference. We know why in part: white supremacy. But its not the whole story.

We have many, many black people these days who are worth 10s of millions, even hundreds of millions. 40 years ago, most black NBA and NFL players were broke with 5 years after retirement. Broke - ESPN Films: 30 for 30

Now we have athletes so rich, it's almost impossible to go broke. Shaq is worth over 300 million. Michael Jordan is a billionaire. Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Jay Z and other entertainers are worth hundreds of millions if not billions. However, can you think of any extremely wealthy black person who you think their children will maintain the wealth, if not build on it and have it last 3 generations?

You have some who married white so that money goes back to a white widow (Tiger Woods, and others). Some of the you think Magic's son CJ, Dwayne Wades's "son/daughter" or Herschel Walker's "son" is going to flip that bag they inherit? The Obama's daughter is bedwenching. A lot of the daughters are marrying white men.

Oprah, and other single very rich don't even have kids or a husband.

So, we are making more money than we have ever made. Some of us, not the masses but some of us. A fair number of blacks worth 10 mil or more. Then others who are worth a couple mil from all manner of work as doctors, business owners, etc.

I looked around my family. I don't have kids but I have younger cousins, nephews, etc and I can't think of anyone sadly who I would trust to flip the little I leave. It's not Elon Musk money but its a 'decent' amount.

Reparations will help a great deal. But as of now, can you think of any very rich, multi-millionaire blacks who you think their wealth will last 3 generations?

MoT #198 Beware Black Celebs Imitating Bottom-Feeders

MoT #198 Beware Black Celebs Imitating Bottom-Feeders
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Black celebs have a fetish for the dominant society. And they want us to imitate their self-debasing ways. If we do, soon we'll be copying and validating anti-black racists who abuse black children.

Mexico City having a whitewash problem LOL

So a bunch of white liberal types have been moving from NYC and cities in Cali down to Mexico City cause the rent is cheaper and life is cheaper. They can maintain the city life and earn that US wage but have WAY more money in Mexico.

What is happening is all these city yuppies are forcing their bland culture in the area and the locals are becoming pissed off. The price of everything is going up and more and more places are offering up English menus. Locals are being evicted from their homes/rentals in favor of white people willing to pay more.
They are doing this all legal as well. I can't help but laugh! usher laugh

These people like to throw us under the bus and treat us like crap in favor of these white folks, now they coming into your home and crapping on the front lawn.

Male Gold Diggers?

On my way to work the other day, some radio show was talking about the rise of male gold diggers in the black community.

I have not noticed it myself but apparently, since ladies are out there getting their degrees and getting good-paying jobs, a lot of men have switched things up and they have become gold diggers looking to leach off successful ladies.

Is this really a growing trend or was this show blowing things out of proportion?

Well, Well, Well.....The Tables turn and NOW it's a problem......

*places soapbox just so* Greetings family. I need to bitch about this because I read this and just had all types of "how-fucking-dare-you" as I read this.

So let me get this straight, those SAME locals, who easily would break ALL manner of laws to get here for the "American Dream" have the audacity to be mad when Americans working remotely and choosing LEGAL relocation to "borrow" their cheap amenities? At least we're doing it legally...They need to keep this same energy for their own citizens who do the same shit ILLEGALLY and risk separation from their own children because THEY don't want to follow protocol. But Americans do it......LEGALLY, and there's a problem...? GTFOHWTBS

Ok my rant is over *picks up soapbox*. As you all were family.

The House has passed a semiautomatic gun ban

The House passed legislation Friday to revive a ban on semiautomatic guns, the first vote of its kind in years and a direct response to the firearms often used in the crush of mass shootings ripping through communities nationwide.

Once banned in the U.S., the high-powered firearms are now widely blamed as the weapon of choice among young men responsible for many of the most devastating mass shootings. But Congress allowed the restrictions first put in place in 1994 on the manufacture and sales of the weapons to expire a decade later, unable to muster the political support to counter the powerful gun lobby and reinstate the weapons ban.

I saw some of the videos online of them, the anti-gun democrats practically drooling over the thought of this going through. They all want us unarmed so they can force anything and everything on us. You think it is bad now for black in America, just imagine if they fully got rid of gun ownership.

Mind-play as a discipline and as a neuro-psychotism

Mind-play as a discipline and as a neuro-psychotism

In ways, ANY discipline is a neurotic expression. When does that "expression" wander into the domains of an ego having deluded itself to the point of heading to be totally out of touch with the explicit reality we exist in?

I find myself measuring my own psyche on this measure with my low-esteem for the social and cultural platitudes cohered and adhered to by the folks, in general. Keeping it granularly transactional for each encounter that DOES have their monolithic homogenized character, but there's enough of the idiosyncratic with a few for me to have an intriguable expectation of receptiveness for something other than a canned regurgitation of a conformist coherence to a general meme programmed circumscribing behavioral expectation.

Too bad that most of the intriguing ones tend towards the darker sociopathic aggrandizements. Those are usually the prime examples of those whose narcissistic tendencies are showing the blossoming of their actions being unimpeachable by the dead-brained common masses. Tho' I have some affinity for the theory of the dead-brained 'common consensus', it does not give license to gratuitous and indifferent cruelty towards others dignity and integrity.

It's in this distinction between the contrarian and the social nihilist that I must be trying to address. We can get our interpretations of our perception of others projected self-image of their intent wrong from our own ignorance of the fuller context of the other person. There ARE those circumstances where an extensive exposing data set of the other person is known that one's own miscalculation would be so low that only a circumstantial anomaly of an 'inside straight' unknown factor would be the determinant of your own mea culpa of estimation and judgement.

This principle/theorem can be extrapolated to our estimation-judgements on social and cultural themes. BUT, we face the conundrum of what degree of a data base should we seek before concluding an estimable level of confidence to acceptable acknowledgement of possible error?

We can only game-out on a certain quantity of observed advisory tales lacking our own first hand participation, before facing the question about the absence of our own active investment in and with the scenario before being sure that our judgement isn't biasly prejudicial of the subject(s) in question.

From my advantage of chronological longevity, I can dare with confidence on my smugness of many common phenomena. At the same time that very longevity has placed me at a in temporal affinity with some forms that due have their contemporaneous, sui generis uniqueness that 'I'd have to be in that person's or group's shoes' to have the credible bona fides for going to the point of dismissiveness and condemnation, beyond the stoic 'not my cup of tea' equinaminous laissez-faire tolerance.

In summary, there IS an ambiguous margin where, short of an imperative necessity to know for our own welfare, we must demure from the tendency toward inviolable immutable "truths" to the empiricism of transactional experience to know the quality of essence of the subject/subject (intangible) matter we find ourselves in an obligatory position of having to interact.

Graffitti_vandal> 2022-08-02 21:48 PDT I could add that to have that acceptable extent of contextual familiarity with the tangible subjects or intangible subject one could run the risk of contamination bias from too emotionally involved with the subject(s).

Farewell on the passing of Lt Nyota Uhura -Nichelle Nichols at 89

She had a stellar career and looked fantastic throughout her senior years. She will no doubt be missed by a host of fans.

Trans cheerleader out there choking women!

These people are BOLD.

This is not the first time I have seen a trans woman act nothing like a woman and use their identity to actually hurt women. I don't know if this was talked about on here or not yet but I just can't believe this shit man. I am so sick of these people acting like they are above everyone else just cause they are part of the movement. When I told my dad about this, he said if I was that 17-year-old, he would have knocked that penis having woman's lights out.

This is what we have to deal with now ladies.

Racist WS Corrupt Cop Sentenced to less than 2 years in jail for Planting Guns, Robbing Dealers & Trappin

Former Baltimore Cop Sentenced For Planting Guns, Robbing Dealers & Trappin
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This demented drywall demon has carried out a severe level of corrupt acts for decades unchecked, yet the anti-Black racist dominant society (examples: white media, injustice system / court, legal defense team) and his fellow corrupt cave cops helped him redeem himself, "apologize", and repaint his image as an "imperfect family man who got caught up." This is a grand and dangerous insult. Do you know how many Black people are suffering because of him?!

Granted immunity, former Baltimore police sergeant Keith Gladstone admits to decades worth of crimes​

Ex-Baltimore Police sergeant who planted BB gun on man hit with a car is sentenced to 21 months in prison​

By Lee O. Sanderlin
Baltimore Sun

Jul 13, 2022 at 12:53 pm

Retired Baltimore City Police Sgt. Keith Gladstone listens as his attorney David Irwin speaks with the media outside the Federal Courthouse after he pleaded guilty in May 2019. Gladstone has been convicted of planting a toy gun to justify Sgt. Wayne Jenkins running down a man with his vehicle. (Kim Hairston / Baltimore Sun)

A federal judge sentenced ex-Baltimore Police Department Sgt. Keith Gladstone to 21 months in prison Wednesday for his role in planting a BB gun on a man another officer hit with a car eight years ago.

Gladstone’s sentencing comes three years after he first pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to deprive someone of their civil rights. Gladstone has cooperated with federal prosecutors ever since, and his cooperation led to the conviction of four other officers, including two more involved in the gun-planting scheme, Assistant U.S. Attorney Leo Wise said in court.

“There’s no dispute this is a very egregious abuse of trust by Mr. Gladstone,” U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Blake said when handing down the sentence. He is to report to Bureau of Prisons custody no later than Aug. 29.

In March 2014, police Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, the disgraced leader of the corrupt Gun Trace Task Force, ran over a man, Demetric Simon, with his car in Northeast Baltimore. Jenkins couldn’t find drugs or a gun on Simon, and called Gladstone to see whether he would help.

Gladstone, 54, worked with two other officers, his subordinates Carmine Vignola and Robert Hankard, to get a BB gun and drive out to the scene where Gladstone dropped the gun. Simon served 317 days in jail on the bogus gun charges.

Vignola and Hankard have been convicted for their roles in the incident.

Simon was in court for Gladstone’s sentencing but had to step out at one point, becoming emotional after hearing Gladstone’s wife and family describe him as someone with a good character. Simon did not speak in court, but his attorney submitted a letter he wrote asking Blake to give Gladstone the maximum punishment under the law — 37 months.

“It was dehumanizing what happened to me,” Simon wrote. “I appreciate Gladstone testified against other officers also responsible, but only after he was caught red-handed. But that’s what a narcissist does. He never apologized. He never showed remorse. Not to me. Not to the people of Baltimore.”

Simon is suing Gladstone, Hankard, Vignola, other officers and the Baltimore Police Department for $17 million as a result of the gun-planting incident.

While Gladstone was charged only in the gun-planting scheme, the crimes he committed as a member of the Baltimore Police Department go much further. At Hankard’s trial, Gladstone offered explosive testimony, detailing his decadeslong history of criminal conduct.

A Baltimore police officer since 1992, Gladstone said in court that he started stealing money from drug dealers he was arresting in the mid-1990s to pay confidential informants, and that doing so was common practice inside the department.

Years later, maybe in 2003, Gladstone said, he started stealing money for himself. Gladstone testified that he also stole money with Jenkins, who was sentenced in 2018 to 25 years in prison. He estimated the pair probably stole money during raids and searches three to five times.

Protected by his prosecutor-granted immunity, Gladstone detailed the time he and two other officers decided to deliver 3 kilograms of cocaine they found inside a backpack in a police van to a confidential informant to sell on their behalf. Armed with a gun, Gladstone personally drove the officer to deliver the drugs.

Sometimes, he said, he stole objects instead of money. Once, a suspect traded him an AR-15 rifle in exchange for being set free. In addition to planting the gun on Simon, Gladstone once planted drugs on another suspect, he testified in April.

Prosecutors granted Gladstone immunity for his testimony in the Hankard matter, meaning his words couldn’t be used against him in future cases. Blake, the judge, said Gladstone was being sentenced only for the crime he was charged with, not the one he admitted to.
David Irwin, Gladstone’s attorney, said his client’s bad actions tarnished a police career that was “99%” good and that he has been on the path of redemption ever since being caught and charged
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Four members of Gladstone’s family — his wife, Polly, and children, Courtenay, Cody and Kyle — spoke in support of him. They described a man at odds with his actions: a good father, a loving husband and someone who wanted to help the needy, especially veterans.
“That’s how Keith has been his whole life,” Polly Gladstone said.

Kyle Gladstone, who served in the U.S. Army, said he did not condone his father’s actions, but that he realizes he acted the way he did to protect people he cared about, meaning the other officers.

Cody Gladstone said he understands his father’s actions, as well as the actions of the more than 15 other police officers convicted of misconduct, including civil rights violations.
“I can understand why the officers look out for one another because the [state’s attorney] is after them and not the criminals in the streets,” Cody Gladstone said.

As for Keith Gladstone, he used his time in court to apologize for what he had done, promising he had turned the corner. Specifically he apologized to Simon, the city’s residents and the police department.

“They deserved better from me,” he said.

Sick. Evil. Inhumane.

Who knows how to build one?

Just a quick survey, how many of you know how to build a PC?
Know how to pair the CPU with the motherboard, know what ram to choose, which GFX card to pair so you're not bottlenecking.
I find it odd that a lot of Black people are not into building PCs, I see most brothas with PS or Xbox.
The first PC I built over 20 years ago, I was taught by a Brotha, I was hooked since then. The last console I ever owned was a Dreamcast, once I played a game on PC, I never touched a console again.
I think getting basic knowledge on how to build and troubleshooting is a money saver and fun.

Who knows how to build?

Is the next CoD going back to the old ways?

I have been itching for a new fps and I used to love Call of Duty.

I am tempted to get Modern Warefare 2 - assuming it is like the older games. I liked how they functioned and how they were set up. I haven't enjoyed a CoD game since Black Ops II and if we can go back to that generation in CoD, I would be all for it.

I saw the maps were leaked and some of them sound really dope! The one in Asia on that race track looks insane and they have day and night modes for most if not all maps which makes things even more interesting.

Going green for more money!

Why is it that every week I heard about "the Biden administration sending ___ to Ukraine"?

The fact that people are not pissed off about this and are protesting outside the Whitehouse makes me wonder if people are even paying attention. They are sending ALL of our tax-paying dollars to a country that gives ZERO shits about us while boosting Russia and China in terms of power. While this is happening, we have these Biden admin dipshits saying we need to push even faster for his climate goals. Do you know what those goals are? I bet most people who voted for his old racist ass don't.

His climate plans = making gas too expensive, making flights too expensive, making electricity too expensive, making meat too expensive, and making the water too expensive to the point where upper middle-class America and below can't afford any of it. That is 70%+ of this country. By 2030, they want us living in government-regulated housing and if we step out of line, we lose access to everything because WE WILL OWN NOTHING!

This whole plan is designed by the WEF to give them power and wealth over millions and millions of people in different countries around the world. Do you mean to tell me they are scared of rising water and climate change while most of them own million-dollar beachfront property? BULL.

People need to wake the f up for real.

The Child Grooming Is Getting Worse. Look at this Perverted New Book 'For Kids.'


This is children book "Sex is a Funny Word" author, Cory Silverberg.

White authors like this always use images of Black children to push sexualization agendas.

This is an old racist trope that was used since the Jim Crow era to make Black children seem less innocent.


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And yet they want to keep shaming and censoring people who call groomers and predators, well, groomers and predators. Make that make sense.

Look at the high ratings of this so-called "book."

Peep the "body positive" and "LGBT friendly" marketing buzzwords. Why is a lot of this LGBT stuff continuously connected with or at least loosely connected with something sexually perverse or even pedophilic as they continuously and simultaneously try to make Black people and Black children the faces and Trojan horses of this sexual perversion?

The author of this disgusting, predatory garbage is a predatory white Jewish male named Cory Silverberg that owns a sex store.



And Silverberg is using Black children and Black people to help push his sick, pedophilia agenda onto kids along with many others like him. This is not qn innocent act of "educating our children" and the "author" and other predatory "authors" do not mean our children well. They will smile in our children's faces, gain our children's trust, and abuse that trust as they take advantage of, groom, pervert, and outright abuse and manipulate our children if parents do not regularly check in and talk with their children and push back against this demented crap soon enough. We really need to protect and guide our children, get more involved in their lives, teach them about stranger danger and safety tips, and help them grow and become well-adjusted productive people without corrupting their minds and damaging them along the way. More and more children are becoming more exposed to and more addicted to porn and they are developing unhealthy behaviors / habits. It's not just adults with porn addiction anymore.

Perverse books encouraging "child sex exploration" are the last things our children need in an already dysfunctional enough world.

I already talked about the perverted book "for kids" called Gender Queer : A Memoir by Maia Kobabe in another thread.

Screenshot of the Gender Queer : A Memoir book that is supposed to be "for kids"

GTA 6 will feature a Latina woman lead... ffs

Some articles have stated Rockstar saying she will be a "hero"... Like excuse me? Have you ever played your own damn games? The characters are meant to be pieces of shit. You are not meant to play as these characters and want to be like them. But since it is a Latina woman, do they have to make her a hero?

People making jokes that you wont be "wasted" when you get killed, you'll be "canceled". usher laugh

I saw some other jokes saying that you will get an instant 5 star for misgendering one of the NPCs.

Is Tribalism overall still a good thing for Africa?

I am hoping we have some people on here who are African or African descended directly or knowledgable from the diaspora. Why do I say that? First of all, I see no issue in being from a tribe and having tribal pride. People are tribalistic in various forms. In America, sports and where you are from within the states is a mild form of tribalism. You may be from Alabama and are a hard core 'Bama football team fan as well as you are proud to be from the 'dirty' south for example.

Anyway, it appears that being too loyal to their tribe has hurt the progression of many African countries. I'll use Nigeria as one example. From what I understand (and I open to any corrections) the tribal rivalries and such can run so deep at times that people will only vote for candidates from that tribe even if he is not the best overall candidate. The Yoruba and Ibo don't like it each other usually. And its often not just a thing. We had the east coast vs west coast beef in the '90s but it was never as bad as the violence and social segregation we see in Nigeria. The Hausa-Fulana won't inter marry with anyone else, religion (Islam) being their primary reason but the violence we hear about comes from their area in the north.

Nigeria has about 200 million people is part of OPEC. It has so much oil its part of the biggest oil cartel in the world. A lot of natural resources but are way behind from what their resources suggest they should have. There are tribal issues in other countries to varying degrees of infighting and such. Kenya, with the Kikuyus, Luo, Embu, etc. , South African blacks have always been divided among tribal the Zulu, Sotho, Xhosa, and others.

What are the solutions? Is there even a problem? Meaning its overstated.
