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A White Author Calculated Just How Much Racism Has Benefited Her. Here’s What She Found

Exactly how much has racism benefited White Americans?

Journalist and author Tracie McMillan did the math: The advantages she’s gotten over her life from being White, she estimates, amount to $371,934.30.

To calculate that number, McMillan tallied those benefits and divided them into two categories: A family bonus, which includes money her parents spent on her college tuition, educational loans she got from her grandfather and an inheritance; and a social bonus, which includes jobs, apartments and access to credit she’s gotten throughout her life.

Those resources and capital, she concludes, wouldn’t have been available to her if it weren’t for her race.

In her new book, “The White Bonus: Five Families and the Cash Value of Racism in America,” which publishes Tuesday, McMillan traces just how much of her family’s modest wealth can be attributed to policies and practices that have systematically hurt Black Americans.

Through investigative research, interviews and personal recollections, McMillan examines how racism has shaped her life, as well as the lives of four other White, middle class families.

“It was the one story about White people that I didn’t know,” she says

McMillan, who grew up in rural Michigan and now lives in New York, didn’t have a particularly privileged upbringing by most standards. As she details in the book, she grew up in an abusive household and an unfortunate accident left her mother unable to care for her. In college, McMillan juggled numerous jobs to support herself, and as a working journalist, she’s had her own brushes with poverty.

Despite those hardships, McMillan says the financial advantages she’s experienced because of her race are undeniable. Her grandparents benefited from federal programs that largely excluded Black people, allowing them to build wealth that was then passed on to the next generation. That enabled her parents to help her pay to attend an elite university, which in turn opened doors to employment opportunities.

Sister Dismembered In Milwaukee

The police found a dismembered limb in his residence, he was then arrested, released during the investigation based on not enough evidence, then re-arrested after the investigation... And he still got a bail.

The Goal Is To Re-introduce Slavery/colonialism

White American special forces, private contractors, are suggesting this right in the open. No shame. No apologies. With their numbers dwindling they will literally try to introduce slavery with the one of the same reasons they did 500 years ago: It's good for them.

The surprise to me isn't that they want to re-colonize Africa and other non White places. The shock to me is that this guy, the CEO of that private military company saying the same thing. You might see a TYT video or two, but the fact is had the CEO said that 20 years ago, he wouldn't see another government contract, from either party.

But he said it because he has both parties giving him contracts and will continue to do so. We are headed that way. Internally, the next Black protests that spill into multi cities, like the Floyd/BLM marches, Trump or some other president will finally get their way and have Homeland Security and the National Guard round us up. And if you weren't on the street your private emails, social media, forums like this will be used as a preventive measure.

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Interest On U.S. Debt Approaches A Trillion. Possible Ramifications...

The US budget is about 6.5 trillion. In a year the interest alone, just the interest on that debt will be over a trillion and it will be the biggest component of the US budget.

An analogy would be the interest alone on your credit cards, car, mortgage, just the interest is higher than your rent or mortgage payment, car note, etc.

Israel and certain groups in America have been trying to get us into a war with Iran. That happens, stick a fork in the economy. We'll likely implode the economy in America.

My guess is if that happens, at the same time reparations has become a major issue, the government will use being broke as a reason it can't pay it to the FBAs. Just my guess on how they think.

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