Usage for hash tag: BlackTaxed

  1. The Haze Of Our Lives


    My grandparents were #BlackTaxed $15k one the house they had built in a non HOA subdivision. A white childhood friends family down the street bought and built the same style colonial home and paid $20k. My grandparents paid this house off the $35k in record time. Now the ranch homes here are...
  2. The Haze Of Our Lives

    Avoid Frankenmuth Michissippi

    ...trip there pure hell. I really wanted to burn the entire place down with the Trumpanzees still in it. Don’t buy shit from there you WILL be #BlackTaxed. The more I think about that entire day the earlier it is for me to hate YT as a whole. Their women, kids and elderly are ALL anti black racist.
  3. The Haze Of Our Lives

    Cops Threaten To SHOOT Rapper For Sitting In Car

    ...WS. In 3 years that report Sis? We love you over here. We shouldn't be taxed at all and those still #BlackTaxing need to be held accountable and there needs to be a felony removal program. I hate that my grandparents were #BlackTaxed $15k more to build this house. That BS really needs to stop.