Usage for hash tag: CutTheCheckNow

  1. ART

    Some Latino "rapper" opposes reparations in a Rap Battle. Tariq Responds.

    ...and eyes, why "repair" something that works quite well for them and everyone else? Justice for wait? Once again, white racist slave owners got their reparations. While the Black enslaved American people and us, the descendants, are still waiting for ours. #WeWillNotWaitAnymore #CutTheCheckNow
  2. ART

    Some Latino "rapper" opposes reparations in a Rap Battle. Tariq Responds.

    ...with or without the music and rapping. WHO THE FUCK does this entitled talking tortilla think he is to have any authority over what Black people's needs should and shouldn't be, a chunky Churro conquistador? The lightly seasoned Caucasity. #CutTheDamnBullshit #CutTheCheckNow...