Usage for hash tag: MejorarLaRaza

  1. ART

    George Santos is not only a LIAR, but a RACIST white Latino too. He's #UnfitForOffice

    ...anymore. Out and prouder than a San Francisco Pride Parade. You would think that a Confederate soldier from 1863 won an office seat. Nick Fuentes, Ted Cruz, Nury Martinez, Team MAGA, the Proud Boys, and Team #MejorarLaRaza are Celebrating...
  2. ART

    White Hispanic L.A. City Council President Nury Martinez Calls Black Child A Vile Racial Slur In Leaked Phone Recording were born, what you believe in, or who you love, believe me, as long as you are not Black and negro and negra, you WILL be next. #FamiliesFirst #WomenEmpowerment #ToTheGirls #daughterofimmigrants #CityofLA #SFVProud #MejorarLaRaza (6/6)" - Señora Estupida y Anti-Negro Racista Nury Martinez