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Lineage-Based Reparations are Key to Combating Structural Inequality


Everywhere At All Times
Community Host


The Descendants of Enslaved Americans have made tremendous progress in recent years through the rejection of Pan-Africanism and the instituting of an uncompromising advocacy for self-interest. On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, this cultural shift continued to bare fruit when the California Reparations Task Force decided that eligibility for Reparations would be based on one’s lineage rather than race. What this decision means, is that any Reparations payouts made by the State of California would be to the Descendants of Enslaved Americans exclusively. If successful, this decision will serve as blueprint for the rest of the states, and inevitably, the entire country.

As Jason Black would say, “THIS. IS. GOOD.” But despite our gains, we still have a long journey ahead of us in reversing the damaging, untreated aftermath of American chattel slavery and lack of reparations provided for such atrocities.

Table of Contents

The Case for Reparations​

By 2053, the median wealth of Descendants of Enslaved Americans is projected to be $0. This is the result of generations of structural inequality that has disenfranchised Black America in housing, employment, healthcare, media and more. The keyword here is “generations”…not years, not decades, literally 100’s of years of non-stop terrorism against our people. Not only were our ancestors enslaved and unpaid but even after chattel slavery was abolished, we were subject to the following:

  • Sharecropping (which is slavery by another name)
  • Being repeatedly stripped away from our families through mass incarceration
  • Being subject to downright abominable human rights violations and unsuitable living conditions
  • Being uncredited for our inventions and ideas and having them stolen (while whites and others who stole our intellectual property became wealthy and rich from them)
  • Being subject to generational theft, con games, and having our lands stolen (Did you know that, for example, George Floyd’s Family was Robbed Of 500 Acres?)
  • Being inhumanely and graphically brutalized, and severely and helplessly abused for centuries
  • Forced, unpaid, and even uncredited labor
  • Redlining
  • Jim Crow
  • Widespread and disproportionate wealth distribution (specific funding, resources, capital, and assets get distributed to whites, Native Indians, Latinos, Asians, and all other groups, whereas we as a people collectively and historically have not received any kind of tangibles specifically for us)
  • Bombings, attacks, and racist sabotaging of prosperous Black American communities
  • Lack of a repair plan provided such as cash reparations
  • And much more
Descendants of Enslaved Americans have never lived in the land of opportunity, but rather a land of oppression. We have been blocked from the GI Bill, Homestead Act, much of the New Deal, etc. It’s ironic how America boasts about diversity and inclusiveness while simultaneously having an uninterrupted timeline of terorrism and discrimination against Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

It is imperative more than ever that the USA ceases this very deliberate and long-term strangulation by putting forth a comprehensive reparations plan targeted specifically to this demographic. How much would it cost? Some studies estimate the requisite amount of repair to be around $17 Trillion while others are closer to $100 trillion once interest and inflation are taken into account.

A Specific Claim Due to Specific Harms​

What people don’t actually understand is that lineage-based reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Americans is not necessarily a racism claim, but a specific claim to get what we are owed, what we were and are blocked from, and what we were promised from the United States. With reparations, we will finally have the necessary resources available to collectively feed ourselves, gain land and assets, create our own businesses and economy, form strong neighborhoods and communities, and protect and secure ourselves and what’s ours. We will finally be able to create and enforce a real system of justice, equity, and equality for ourselves.

And even though both Descendants of Enslaved Americans and Black Immigrants continue to face racism and anti-Black discrimination, we still belong to different ethnic groups, backgrounds, and lineages. While South African apartheid, the Belgian genocide of the Congolese, and slavery in the Caribbean are all inhumane acts, they do not entitle these groups to Reparations from the United States of America. More specifically, they do not entitle these impacted groups to the claims the Descendants of Enslaved Americans have against the US Government.

Neither of these groups were kidnapped and snatched away from their homeland, thrown into a slave ship with outright deplorable and horrific living conditions, stripped away of their identity and native language and cultures, and put into the USA to remain in eternal chattel slavery and suffer for 500 years afterward. No other ethnicity of Black people in the USA have faced the targeted and persistent terrorist onslaught that Descendants of Enslaved Americans have faced at the hands of the US Government and citizens.

This reparations claim focuses on the grievances of a historically aggrieved and ignored group of a specific lineage who never received reparations for the extremely unique, yet horrific atrocity that they experienced collectively. It is disrespectful to equate the struggles of voluntary migrants to those of the Descendants of Enslaved Americans simply because they share a skin tone. Up until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Black people were all but banned from migrating to the USA. Why should repair for hundreds of years of terrorism against Descendants of Enslaved Americans be diluted by including individuals who came here largely after 1965?

Learning From Past Mistakes​

The lineage standard also avoids common trick language used to funnel resources to everyone BUT Descendants of Enslaved Americans. A great example of this is Affirmative Action, a piece of legislation passed in 1961 that aimed to stop widespread employment discrimination against Black Americans. By 1995, White women had benefitted disproportionately from the legislation. Obtuse terminology like “minority”, “disenfranchised communities”, “underserved” have all been used to funnel resources to other groups under the guise of support for Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

Race-based eligibility would be a “Black” twist on this same trick bag with the result being Reparations paid to Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Colombians, Hondurans, Belizeans, Jamaicans and many more as each group has members who have some type of “Black” admixture. What makes this even more troubling is the fact that these groups are already prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans in the USA. While we are fed lines such as “repair for Black people is unconstitutional” we see programs that target cash and resources specifically to Latinos, Asians, Afghans, Ukrainians, LGBT, etc. A race-based standard will simply infuse more cash into groups who are prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans and often harbor anti-Black sentiments themselves.

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Senior Sixer
View attachment 2572


The Descendants of Enslaved Americans have made tremendous progress in recent years through the rejection of Pan-Africanism and the instituting of an uncompromising advocacy for self-interest. On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, this cultural shift continued to bare fruit when the California Reparations Task Force decided that eligibility for Reparations would be based on one’s lineage rather than race. What this decision means, is that any Reparations payouts made by the State of California would be to the Descendants of Enslaved Americans exclusively. If successful, this decision will serve as blueprint for the rest of the states, and inevitably, the entire country.

As Jason Black would say, “THIS. IS. GOOD.” But despite our gains, we still have a long journey ahead of us in reversing the damaging, untreated aftermath of American chattel slavery and lack of reparations provided for such atrocities.

Table of Contents

The Case for Reparations​

By 2053, the median wealth of Descendants of Enslaved Americans is projected to be $0. This is the result of generations of structural inequality that has disenfranchised Black America in housing, employment, healthcare, media and more. The keyword here is “generations”…not years, not decades, literally 100’s of years of non-stop terrorism against our people. Not only were our ancestors enslaved and unpaid but even after chattel slavery was abolished, we were subject to the following:

  • Sharecropping (which is slavery by another name)
  • Being repeatedly stripped away from our families through mass incarceration
  • Being subject to downright abominable human rights violations and unsuitable living conditions
  • Being uncredited for our inventions and ideas and having them stolen (while whites and others who stole our intellectual property became wealthy and rich from them)
  • Being subject to generational theft, con games, and having our lands stolen (Did you know that, for example, George Floyd’s Family was Robbed Of 500 Acres?)
  • Being inhumanely and graphically brutalized, and severely and helplessly abused for centuries
  • Forced, unpaid, and even uncredited labor
  • Redlining
  • Jim Crow
  • Widespread and disproportionate wealth distribution (specific funding, resources, capital, and assets get distributed to whites, Native Indians, Latinos, Asians, and all other groups, whereas we as a people collectively and historically have not received any kind of tangibles specifically for us)
  • Bombings, attacks, and racist sabotaging of prosperous Black American communities
  • Lack of a repair plan provided such as cash reparations
  • And much more
Descendants of Enslaved Americans have never lived in the land of opportunity, but rather a land of oppression. We have been blocked from the GI Bill, Homestead Act, much of the New Deal, etc. It’s ironic how America boasts about diversity and inclusiveness while simultaneously having an uninterrupted timeline of terorrism and discrimination against Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

It is imperative more than ever that the USA ceases this very deliberate and long-term strangulation by putting forth a comprehensive reparations plan targeted specifically to this demographic. How much would it cost? Some studies estimate the requisite amount of repair to be around $17 Trillion while others are closer to $100 trillion once interest and inflation are taken into account.

A Specific Claim Due to Specific Harms​

What people don’t actually understand is that lineage-based reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Americans is not necessarily a racism claim, but a specific claim to get what we are owed, what we were and are blocked from, and what we were promised from the United States. With reparations, we will finally have the necessary resources available to collectively feed ourselves, gain land and assets, create our own businesses and economy, form strong neighborhoods and communities, and protect and secure ourselves and what’s ours. We will finally be able to create and enforce a real system of justice, equity, and equality for ourselves.

And even though both Descendants of Enslaved Americans and Black Immigrants continue to face racism and anti-Black discrimination, we still belong to different ethnic groups, backgrounds, and lineages. While South African apartheid, the Belgian genocide of the Congolese, and slavery in the Caribbean are all inhumane acts, they do not entitle these groups to Reparations from the United States of America. More specifically, they do not entitle these impacted groups to the claims the Descendants of Enslaved Americans have against the US Government.

Neither of these groups were kidnapped and snatched away from their homeland, thrown into a slave ship with outright deplorable and horrific living conditions, stripped away of their identity and native language and cultures, and put into the USA to remain in eternal chattel slavery and suffer for 500 years afterward. No other ethnicity of Black people in the USA have faced the targeted and persistent terrorist onslaught that Descendants of Enslaved Americans have faced at the hands of the US Government and citizens.

This reparations claim focuses on the grievances of a historically aggrieved and ignored group of a specific lineage who never received reparations for the extremely unique, yet horrific atrocity that they experienced collectively. It is disrespectful to equate the struggles of voluntary migrants to those of the Descendants of Enslaved Americans simply because they share a skin tone. Up until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Black people were all but banned from migrating to the USA. Why should repair for hundreds of years of terrorism against Descendants of Enslaved Americans be diluted by including individuals who came here largely after 1965?

Learning From Past Mistakes​

The lineage standard also avoids common trick language used to funnel resources to everyone BUT Descendants of Enslaved Americans. A great example of this is Affirmative Action, a piece of legislation passed in 1961 that aimed to stop widespread employment discrimination against Black Americans. By 1995, White women had benefitted disproportionately from the legislation. Obtuse terminology like “minority”, “disenfranchised communities”, “underserved” have all been used to funnel resources to other groups under the guise of support for Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

Race-based eligibility would be a “Black” twist on this same trick bag with the result being Reparations paid to Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Colombians, Hondurans, Belizeans, Jamaicans and many more as each group has members who have some type of “Black” admixture. What makes this even more troubling is the fact that these groups are already prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans in the USA. While we are fed lines such as “repair for Black people is unconstitutional” we see programs that target cash and resources specifically to Latinos, Asians, Afghans, Ukrainians, LGBT, etc. A race-based standard will simply infuse more cash into groups who are prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans and often harbor anti-Black sentiments themselves.

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Thanks for posting this .


Don't worry, Time reveals it all. ...Always does.
I believe this fight for reparations will be that political singularity we've so desperately be looking for. We talk often about the importance of being on code, and, well, being on code is about to get seriously real from here on out. And let's be clear, it's never been an option to be on code even though we have treated it as so, our own detriment of course. But it appears now we are starting to understand what that means more and more as we push forward with this demand. It's becoming part of our political-dna now; it feels good, because we - once again - are acting out of our own cultural agency. This is not uncommon for us. We did this once before, when we led slave revolts all throughout this country to free ourselves from bondage, continuing that fight during the civil war. Yes, WE did that, not the American Government. So here we are, again, fighting to reclaim freedom, now in the form economics, (and yes, we've done that before too).

This is familiar territory for us.
Therefore, we got this.



Royal Sixer
Community Host
Content Contributor
"Descendants of Enslaved Americans"

Meaning Foundational Black Americans. Because whites, Latinos, Asians, and othe non-FBA folks claim try to claim to be a descendant of enslaved Black Americans just because their white ancestor raped a Black slave ancestor and birthed a biracial child, or they non-Black ancestor had an affair with a Black person who descended from American slavery.


The First Sixer
  • Messages
    Thanks for posting this .
    You're welcome. Thank ART for writing it.
    I believe this fight for reparations will be that political singularity we've so desperately be looking for. We talk often about the importance of being on code, and, well, being on code is about to get seriously real from here on out. And let's be clear, it's never been an option to be on code even though we have treated it as so, our own detriment of course. But it appears now we are starting to understand what that means more and more as we push forward with this demand. It's becoming part of our political-dna now; it feels good, because we - once again - are acting out of our own cultural agency. This is not uncommon for us. We did this once before, when we led slave revolts all throughout this country to free ourselves from bondage, continuing that fight during the civil war. Yes, WE did that, not the American Government. So here we are, again, fighting to reclaim freedom, now in the form economics, (and yes, we've done that before too).

    This is familiar territory for us.
    Therefore, we got this.

    Amen. We are starting to remove the distraction of integration, interracial sexual access, and etc and getting back focused on our interests. Despite what anyone says, this change of direction is being heard loud and clear and it has people shook. There's a clear line in the sand being established and it ain't even's ideology based. You either B1 or you're against us. Being Black no longer passes the test.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    "Descendants of Enslaved Americans"

    Meaning Foundational Black Americans. Because whites, Latinos, Asians, and othe non-FBA folks claim try to claim to be a descendant of enslaved Black Americans just because their white ancestor raped a Black slave ancestor and birthed a biracial child, or they non-Black ancestor had an affair with a Black person who descended from American slavery.
    I personally that DOAS, ADOS, and DOACS are better and more specific terms than FBA. If the issue is to ensure that Black migrants can shoehorn themselves into our lineage Foundational Black American does little to prevent that. People can shoehorn Stokely Carmichael into the term FBA because he was a foundational Black person in America same with Marcus Garvey but you cannot shoehorn them into Descendant of Enslaved Americans which you have used in the article because the term is clear. Tariq simply took an ambiguous phrase "Black American" and added an ambiguous term as a prefix "foundational" hence why this terminology is not used in any of the legal discussion. It's every bit as vague as Black American. How do I know this. Because if you want to explain FBA you have to say Descendants of Enslaved Americans.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I wouldn't let me edit at the last minute.

    Let me elaborate on this more.

    "Descendants of Enslaved Americans" = Foundational Black Americans

    Meaning Foundational Black Americans = FBA. Because whites, Latinos, Asians, and other non-FBA folks can try to claim to be a descendant of enslaved Black Americans just because their white ancestor raped a Black slave ancestor and birthed biracial children (who were often enslaved as well), or they non-Black ancestor had an affair with a Black person who descended from American slavery and made biracial children. And what would happen in this case is that those biracial and mixed children that they created would wash away their Blackness, marry white or non-Black people and breed white or non-Black children in nearly every generation.

    Then we wake up seeing all these damn 86%, 75%, 87.5%, 95%, and 99% white and non-Black people claiming they had a Black abuela and they had an ancestor who was enslaved or a product of slavery. Even 100% white or non-Black people will try it. These are all the $5 FBAs we are talking about. The whites, for example, figured if they could finesse the red Native Indians, finesse the payrolls and reap the benefits by falling claiming to be Native American, and reclassify the Black Native people as "Negro" or "Black" so they couldn't reap the benefits and be enslaved instead, then they can ultimately finesse Foundational Black Americans. Then of course you gonna have all these golddigging, thieving, leeching, colonizing whites and others considering or trying to marry and have mixed kids with a Foundational Black American in record numbers once we get our reparations. Enough. We can and will not allow them to finesse us any longer.

    EDIT: What do you think of this take The Honorable ?


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I personally that DOAS, ADOS, and DOACS are better and more specific terms than FBA. If the issue is to ensure that Black migrants can shoehorn themselves into our lineage Foundational Black American does little to prevent that. People can shoehorn Stokely Carmichael into the term FBA because he was a foundational Black person in America same with Marcus Garvey but you cannot shoehorn them into Descendant of Enslaved Americans which you have used in the article because the term is clear. Tariq simply took an ambiguous phrase "Black American" and added an ambiguous term as a prefix "foundational" hence why this terminology is not used in any of the legal discussion. It's every bit as vague as Black American. How do I know this. Because if you want to explain FBA you have to say Descendants of Enslaved Americans.
    I see what you mean. But here's the thing. We can absolutely celebrate and honor the Stokely Carmichaels / Kwame Toure and the Marcus Garveys. They wouldn't be eligible for Reparations for Black Descendants of American Enslaved People either. They do however, show what true Pan-Africanism and strong alliances look like. Even though they don't qualify for the US Reparations claim in regards to the horrendous and evil acts committed against our Black ancestors, I'm sure they would fully support us getting our reparations from America just like we would fully support them getting their reparations from France, Britain, etc for the atrocities committed against their Black ancestors.

    Pan-Africanism is Black people getting on code.
    Example: Kwame Toure (Trinidadian) and Marcus Garvey (Jamaican) advocating for the interests of all Black people, Black ethnic groups, and our specific needs. They especially put in the work in America with us, the direct descendants of American enslaved people.

    Pan-Europeanism is whites getting on code.
    Recent Example: Ukraine gets attacked. All white allies and white allied countries stand with Ukraine and ignore away and cover up all of the extremist Nazism and anti-Black oppression in Ukraine to help protect Ukraine's ugly image. White Media and white officials stand together with and advocate for the white "civilized" people, Europe, and the "blonde haired, blue eyed" children. The entire white world stops and demands world sympathy. White governments shell out billions of dollars to these "war stricken" Ukrainians and invite these Ukrainians into their white dominant countries. They make sure to covertly express how death, despair, and misfortune are only supposed to occur to the "dirty", "savage", "uncivilized" non-white people, not "angelic", "pure", "pretty" "civilized" white people.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Meaning Foundational Black Americans = FBA. Because whites, Latinos, Asians, and other non-FBA folks can try to claim to be a descendant of enslaved Black Americans just because their white ancestor raped a Black slave ancestor and birthed biracial children (who were often enslaved as well), or they non-Black ancestor had an affair with a Black person who descended from American slavery and made biracial children. And what would happen in this case is that those biracial and mixed children that they created would wash away their Blackness, marry white or non-Black people and breed white or non-Black children in nearly every generation.

    There’s always going to be some type of fallout but if we break it down it becomes very clear:
    • The Enslaved Americans were Black
    • The descendants of Enslaved Americans are Black
    So what you can do to filter out the grifters is add a clause in the eligibility that requires the claimant to provide proof they they have identified as Black on official documents e.g driver license/census for at least the last 5-10 years.

    The amount of White people and anti-Black biracials that would slip through would be minuscule.

    Then we wake up seeing all these damn 86%, 75%, 87.5%, 95%, and 99% white and non-Black people claiming they had a Black abuela and they had an ancestor who was enslaved or a product of slavery. Even 100% white or non-Black people will try it. These are all the $5 FBAs we are talking about. The whites, for example, figured if they could finesse the red Native Indians, finesse the payrolls and reap the benefits by falling claiming to be Native American, and reclassify the Black Native people as "Negro" or "Black" so they couldn't reap the benefits and be enslaved instead, then they can ultimately finesse Foundational Black Americans. Then of course you gonna have all these golddigging, thieving, leeching, colonizing whites and others considering or trying to marry and have mixed kids with a Foundational Black American in record numbers once we get our reparations. Enough. We can and will not allow them to finesse us any longer.
    The problem is that the term Foundational Black American does not limit this doomsday scenario you’re expressing. In fact, foundational invites it because the word “Black”requires one to prove their race. If you’re 1% Black and your family has been here since 1860 are you considered foundational Black American?

    Foundational Black American has to be defined for it to have any weight and how do you define it? Descendants of American Chattel Slavery. So the term FBA is no more clear than African American or Black American, it’s simply those terms with an additional word added in the front.

    It’s actually fairly lazy and doesn’t resolve the issue it is calling out.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    But here's the thing. We can absolutely celebrate and honor the Stokely Carmichaels / Kwame Toure and the Marcus Garveys. They wouldn't be eligible for Reparations for Black Descendants of American Enslaved People either.
    You see how you has to use the term Black Descendants of American Enslaved? You couldn’t use FBA because it’s not specific enough to communicate the lineage differences between those two and let’s say a MLK Jr. That’s why I prefer the terminology you used in the article over FBA.


    Master Sixer
  • 5
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    View attachment 2572

    By ART

    The Descendants of Enslaved Americans have made tremendous progress in recent years through the rejection of Pan-Africanism and the instituting of an uncompromising advocacy for self-interest. On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, this cultural shift continued to bare fruit when the California Reparations Task Force decided that eligibility for Reparations would be based on one’s lineage rather than race. What this decision means, is that any Reparations payouts made by the State of California would be to the Descendants of Enslaved Americans exclusively. If successful, this decision will serve as blueprint for the rest of the states, and inevitably, the entire country.

    As Jason Black would say, “THIS. IS. GOOD.” But despite our gains, we still have a long journey ahead of us in reversing the damaging, untreated aftermath of American chattel slavery and lack of reparations provided for such atrocities.

    Table of Contents

    The Case for Reparations​

    By 2053, the median wealth of Descendants of Enslaved Americans is projected to be $0. This is the result of generations of structural inequality that has disenfranchised Black America in housing, employment, healthcare, media and more. The keyword here is “generations”…not years, not decades, literally 100’s of years of non-stop terrorism against our people. Not only were our ancestors enslaved and unpaid but even after chattel slavery was abolished, we were subject to the following:

    • Sharecropping (which is slavery by another name)
    • Being repeatedly stripped away from our families through mass incarceration
    • Being subject to downright abominable human rights violations and unsuitable living conditions
    • Being uncredited for our inventions and ideas and having them stolen (while whites and others who stole our intellectual property became wealthy and rich from them)
    • Being subject to generational theft, con games, and having our lands stolen (Did you know that, for example, George Floyd’s Family was Robbed Of 500 Acres?)
    • Being inhumanely and graphically brutalized, and severely and helplessly abused for centuries
    • Forced, unpaid, and even uncredited labor
    • Redlining
    • Jim Crow
    • Widespread and disproportionate wealth distribution (specific funding, resources, capital, and assets get distributed to whites, Native Indians, Latinos, Asians, and all other groups, whereas we as a people collectively and historically have not received any kind of tangibles specifically for us)
    • Bombings, attacks, and racist sabotaging of prosperous Black American communities
    • Lack of a repair plan provided such as cash reparations
    • And much more
    Descendants of Enslaved Americans have never lived in the land of opportunity, but rather a land of oppression. We have been blocked from the GI Bill, Homestead Act, much of the New Deal, etc. It’s ironic how America boasts about diversity and inclusiveness while simultaneously having an uninterrupted timeline of terorrism and discrimination against Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

    It is imperative more than ever that the USA ceases this very deliberate and long-term strangulation by putting forth a comprehensive reparations plan targeted specifically to this demographic. How much would it cost? Some studies estimate the requisite amount of repair to be around $17 Trillion while others are closer to $100 trillion once interest and inflation are taken into account.

    A Specific Claim Due to Specific Harms​

    What people don’t actually understand is that lineage-based reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Americans is not necessarily a racism claim, but a specific claim to get what we are owed, what we were and are blocked from, and what we were promised from the United States. With reparations, we will finally have the necessary resources available to collectively feed ourselves, gain land and assets, create our own businesses and economy, form strong neighborhoods and communities, and protect and secure ourselves and what’s ours. We will finally be able to create and enforce a real system of justice, equity, and equality for ourselves.

    And even though both Descendants of Enslaved Americans and Black Immigrants continue to face racism and anti-Black discrimination, we still belong to different ethnic groups, backgrounds, and lineages. While South African apartheid, the Belgian genocide of the Congolese, and slavery in the Caribbean are all inhumane acts, they do not entitle these groups to Reparations from the United States of America. More specifically, they do not entitle these impacted groups to the claims the Descendants of Enslaved Americans have against the US Government.

    Neither of these groups were kidnapped and snatched away from their homeland, thrown into a slave ship with outright deplorable and horrific living conditions, stripped away of their identity and native language and cultures, and put into the USA to remain in eternal chattel slavery and suffer for 500 years afterward. No other ethnicity of Black people in the USA have faced the targeted and persistent terrorist onslaught that Descendants of Enslaved Americans have faced at the hands of the US Government and citizens.

    This reparations claim focuses on the grievances of a historically aggrieved and ignored group of a specific lineage who never received reparations for the extremely unique, yet horrific atrocity that they experienced collectively. It is disrespectful to equate the struggles of voluntary migrants to those of the Descendants of Enslaved Americans simply because they share a skin tone. Up until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Black people were all but banned from migrating to the USA. Why should repair for hundreds of years of terrorism against Descendants of Enslaved Americans be diluted by including individuals who came here largely after 1965?

    Learning From Past Mistakes​

    The lineage standard also avoids common trick language used to funnel resources to everyone BUT Descendants of Enslaved Americans. A great example of this is Affirmative Action, a piece of legislation passed in 1961 that aimed to stop widespread employment discrimination against Black Americans. By 1995, White women had benefitted disproportionately from the legislation. Obtuse terminology like “minority”, “disenfranchised communities”, “underserved” have all been used to funnel resources to other groups under the guise of support for Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

    Race-based eligibility would be a “Black” twist on this same trick bag with the result being Reparations paid to Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Colombians, Hondurans, Belizeans, Jamaicans and many more as each group has members who have some type of “Black” admixture. What makes this even more troubling is the fact that these groups are already prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans in the USA. While we are fed lines such as “repair for Black people is unconstitutional” we see programs that target cash and resources specifically to Latinos, Asians, Afghans, Ukrainians, LGBT, etc. A race-based standard will simply infuse more cash into groups who are prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans and often harbor anti-Black sentiments themselves.

    Read More
    THIS 💯💯💯

    John Horse lineage

    You see how you has to use the term Black Descendants of American Enslaved? You couldn’t use FBA because it’s not specific enough to communicate the lineage differences between those two and let’s say a MLK Jr. That’s why I prefer the terminology you used in the article over FBA.
    Even though I’m FBA by the way of North American Indian, I would prefer what’s on the census and our Ancestors records “ Negro”

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Even though I’m FBA by the way of North American Indian, I would prefer what’s on the census and our Ancestors records “ Negro”
    But Black Immigrants are negros too so the term doesn’t help in terms of specificity.

    John Horse lineage

    I’m here for the fight I just believe we have to come together with one name to really push forward.I know we are the same (Black) but different at the same time.Some are FBA,DOAS,American Indian, Freedman, Moor, Israelite etc we all have one common goal.So if we can find common ground and agree on one name we can get busy and finish our ancestors fight..Because once we complete the assignment the whole world will follow like everything else we do.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    I’m here for the fight I just believe we have to come together with one name to really push forward.I know we are the same (Black) but different at the same time.Some are FBA,DOAS,American Indian, Freedman, Moor, Israelite etc we all have one common goal.So if we can find common ground and agree on one name we can get busy and finish our ancestors fight..Because once we complete the assignment the whole world will follow like everything else we do.
    That’s why I like Black American, Descendants of American Chattel Slavery the most because it’s pure fact. You can’t shoehorn people into it, you can’t be disingenous with it. You either are or are not it is cut and dry.

    The Haze Of Our Lives

    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
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    "Descendants of Enslaved Americans"

    Meaning Foundational Black Americans. Because whites, Latinos, Asians, and othe non-FBA folks claim try to claim to be a descendant of enslaved Black Americans just because their white ancestor raped a Black slave ancestor and birthed a biracial child, or they non-Black ancestor had an affair with a Black person who descended from American slavery.
    Thank you Sista! You laid out our case beautifully.

    John Horse lineage

    That’s why I like Black American, Descendants of American Chattel Slavery the most because it’s pure fact. You can’t shoehorn people into it, you can’t be disingenous with it. You either are or are not it is cut and dry.
    That’s why I like Black American, Descendants of American Chattel Slavery the most because it’s pure fact. You can’t shoehorn people into it, you can’t be disingenous with it. You either are or are not it is cut and dry.

    Exactly, that’s real talk!!
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    I’m New Here
    There have been some very astute perspectives on the subject of reparations on this forum. I especially appreciate what The Honrabe said about including a clause requiring proof that those seeking eligibility for reparations actually identify as black ALL THE TIME. Not when it is convenient and lucrative.
    I also appreciate the point about the potentiality for non-whites to marry black, produce a biracial child and gain access to those benefits through the child. It angers me to no end how for centuries whites and other non-whites seek to exploit us....but thankfully a lot of us have woken up and the wool has been removed from our eyes...they definitely hear us NOW.

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
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    New York
    I also appreciate the point about the potentiality for non-whites to marry black, produce a biracial child and gain access to those benefits through the child. It angers me to no end how for centuries whites and other non-whites seek to exploit us....but thankfully a lot of us have woken up and the wool has been removed from our eyes...they definitely hear us NOW.
    We have to stop playing dumb with them and their agenda.


    I’m New Here
    View attachment 2572

    By ART

    The Descendants of Enslaved Americans have made tremendous progress in recent years through the rejection of Pan-Africanism and the instituting of an uncompromising advocacy for self-interest. On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, this cultural shift continued to bare fruit when the California Reparations Task Force decided that eligibility for Reparations would be based on one’s lineage rather than race. What this decision means, is that any Reparations payouts made by the State of California would be to the Descendants of Enslaved Americans exclusively. If successful, this decision will serve as blueprint for the rest of the states, and inevitably, the entire country.

    As Jason Black would say, “THIS. IS. GOOD.” But despite our gains, we still have a long journey ahead of us in reversing the damaging, untreated aftermath of American chattel slavery and lack of reparations provided for such atrocities.

    Table of Contents

    The Case for Reparations​

    By 2053, the median wealth of Descendants of Enslaved Americans is projected to be $0. This is the result of generations of structural inequality that has disenfranchised Black America in housing, employment, healthcare, media and more. The keyword here is “generations”…not years, not decades, literally 100’s of years of non-stop terrorism against our people. Not only were our ancestors enslaved and unpaid but even after chattel slavery was abolished, we were subject to the following:

    • Sharecropping (which is slavery by another name)
    • Being repeatedly stripped away from our families through mass incarceration
    • Being subject to downright abominable human rights violations and unsuitable living conditions
    • Being uncredited for our inventions and ideas and having them stolen (while whites and others who stole our intellectual property became wealthy and rich from them)
    • Being subject to generational theft, con games, and having our lands stolen (Did you know that, for example, George Floyd’s Family was Robbed Of 500 Acres?)
    • Being inhumanely and graphically brutalized, and severely and helplessly abused for centuries
    • Forced, unpaid, and even uncredited labor
    • Redlining
    • Jim Crow
    • Widespread and disproportionate wealth distribution (specific funding, resources, capital, and assets get distributed to whites, Native Indians, Latinos, Asians, and all other groups, whereas we as a people collectively and historically have not received any kind of tangibles specifically for us)
    • Bombings, attacks, and racist sabotaging of prosperous Black American communities
    • Lack of a repair plan provided such as cash reparations
    • And much more
    Descendants of Enslaved Americans have never lived in the land of opportunity, but rather a land of oppression. We have been blocked from the GI Bill, Homestead Act, much of the New Deal, etc. It’s ironic how America boasts about diversity and inclusiveness while simultaneously having an uninterrupted timeline of terorrism and discrimination against Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

    It is imperative more than ever that the USA ceases this very deliberate and long-term strangulation by putting forth a comprehensive reparations plan targeted specifically to this demographic. How much would it cost? Some studies estimate the requisite amount of repair to be around $17 Trillion while others are closer to $100 trillion once interest and inflation are taken into account.

    A Specific Claim Due to Specific Harms​

    What people don’t actually understand is that lineage-based reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Americans is not necessarily a racism claim, but a specific claim to get what we are owed, what we were and are blocked from, and what we were promised from the United States. With reparations, we will finally have the necessary resources available to collectively feed ourselves, gain land and assets, create our own businesses and economy, form strong neighborhoods and communities, and protect and secure ourselves and what’s ours. We will finally be able to create and enforce a real system of justice, equity, and equality for ourselves.

    And even though both Descendants of Enslaved Americans and Black Immigrants continue to face racism and anti-Black discrimination, we still belong to different ethnic groups, backgrounds, and lineages. While South African apartheid, the Belgian genocide of the Congolese, and slavery in the Caribbean are all inhumane acts, they do not entitle these groups to Reparations from the United States of America. More specifically, they do not entitle these impacted groups to the claims the Descendants of Enslaved Americans have against the US Government.

    Neither of these groups were kidnapped and snatched away from their homeland, thrown into a slave ship with outright deplorable and horrific living conditions, stripped away of their identity and native language and cultures, and put into the USA to remain in eternal chattel slavery and suffer for 500 years afterward. No other ethnicity of Black people in the USA have faced the targeted and persistent terrorist onslaught that Descendants of Enslaved Americans have faced at the hands of the US Government and citizens.

    This reparations claim focuses on the grievances of a historically aggrieved and ignored group of a specific lineage who never received reparations for the extremely unique, yet horrific atrocity that they experienced collectively. It is disrespectful to equate the struggles of voluntary migrants to those of the Descendants of Enslaved Americans simply because they share a skin tone. Up until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Black people were all but banned from migrating to the USA. Why should repair for hundreds of years of terrorism against Descendants of Enslaved Americans be diluted by including individuals who came here largely after 1965?

    Learning From Past Mistakes​

    The lineage standard also avoids common trick language used to funnel resources to everyone BUT Descendants of Enslaved Americans. A great example of this is Affirmative Action, a piece of legislation passed in 1961 that aimed to stop widespread employment discrimination against Black Americans. By 1995, White women had benefitted disproportionately from the legislation. Obtuse terminology like “minority”, “disenfranchised communities”, “underserved” have all been used to funnel resources to other groups under the guise of support for Descendants of Enslaved Americans.

    Race-based eligibility would be a “Black” twist on this same trick bag with the result being Reparations paid to Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Colombians, Hondurans, Belizeans, Jamaicans and many more as each group has members who have some type of “Black” admixture. What makes this even more troubling is the fact that these groups are already prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans in the USA. While we are fed lines such as “repair for Black people is unconstitutional” we see programs that target cash and resources specifically to Latinos, Asians, Afghans, Ukrainians, LGBT, etc. A race-based standard will simply infuse more cash into groups who are prioritized over Descendants of Enslaved Americans and often harbor anti-Black sentiments themselves.

    Read More
    The only way America can maintain its social-coherency now and moving forward is the pay the outstanding debt that it has made with black Africans born in America from that "peculiar" institution that socially and economically empowered everyone else that is not black. Pay up or lose everything in time starting with black participation in the "democratic" system of "representative" democracy which is not a true one in practice because a true one will take on a more "direct" approach like that of ancient Greece which has yet to be seen. As long as they continue to ignore the builders, we the descendants of those brave people before us who did not sell out to integration, will continue to remind them and new comers of the crimes that they want us all to forget. In time, they will have to pay if they want to keep the country in tact.


    I’m New Here
    The only way America can maintain its social-coherency now and moving forward is the pay the outstanding debt that it has made with black Africans born in America from that "peculiar" institution that socially and economically empowered everyone else that is not black. Pay up or lose everything in time starting with black participation in the "democratic" system of "representative" democracy which is not a true one in practice because a true one will take on a more "direct" approach like that of ancient Greece which has yet to be seen. As long as they continue to ignore the builders, we the descendants of those brave people before us who did not sell out to integration, will continue to remind them and new comers of the crimes that they want us all to forget. In time, they will have to pay if they want to keep the country in tact.
    "American-born African Descendants of Slavery" works for me because this term tells me two things. One, that we blacks were born in the USA. Two, that we have descended from the African continent through both voyage and conquest (as Africans reached the new world about a century or two before Columbus - Mansa Abu Bakr II's commissioned voyage on the Niger River west to the Atlantic and beyond beginning in the 1300's AD AND the narrative that we all know too well in Africa since 1492). American-born African descendants of slavery effectively describes us as a people (ABADS) because it is easier to coop the term "black" and "African-American." A term like this (American-born African descendants of slavery /ABADS) will make it impossible for Whites and non generational American born blacks (Continental Africans and Caribbean /South American Diasporas) cannot make a strong argument for themselves to receive our dues with this title.


    Master Sixer
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    Between Galaxies
    "American-born African Descendants of Slavery" works for me because this term tells me two things. One, that we blacks were born in the USA. Two, that we have descended from the African continent through both voyage and conquest (as Africans reached the new world about a century or two before Columbus - Mansa Abu Bakr II's commissioned voyage on the Niger River west to the Atlantic and beyond beginning in the 1300's AD AND the narrative that we all know too well in Africa since 1492). American-born African descendants of slavery effectively describes us as a people (ABADS) because it is easier to coop the term "black" and "African-American." A term like this (American-born African descendants of slavery /ABADS) will make it impossible for Whites and non generational American born blacks (Continental Africans and Caribbean /South American Diasporas) cannot make a strong argument for themselves to receive our dues with this title.
    Descendants of American Chattel Slavery also does the same thing without adding the African part. What benefit do you think adding African makes to the claim other than a "feel good" addition. If you're from Mars, have family that are DOACS, and you have claimed Black on official records the last 10 years then you should get reparations.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
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    The only way America can maintain its social-coherency now and moving forward is the pay the outstanding debt that it has made with black Africans born in America from that "peculiar" institution that socially and economically empowered everyone else that is not black. Pay up or lose everything in time starting with black participation in the "democratic" system of "representative" democracy which is not a true one in practice because a true one will take on a more "direct" approach like that of ancient Greece which has yet to be seen. As long as they continue to ignore the builders, we the descendants of those brave people before us who did not sell out to integration, will continue to remind them and new comers of the crimes that they want us all to forget. In time, they will have to pay if they want to keep the country in tact.
    If we do not as a group push back then nothing will happen but our eventual erasure and destruction as a people.


    I’m New Here
    Descendants of American Chattel Slavery also does the same thing without adding the African part. What benefit do you think adding African makes to the claim other than a "feel good" addition. If you're from Mars, have family that are DOACS, and you have claimed Black on official records the last 10 years then you should get reparations.
    With all respect, using the term "African," sets our Identity in a social-historical context. The "other than a "feel good," is that "African" in that title (American born African Descedants of Slavery - ABADS) implies fact and a recognition that most of us descended from Farafinna (which means "Africa" in Bambara/ Bamanakan spoken in West Africa - "land of the blacks" a literal translation with farafinn meaning "black"). The comparative facial and physical features alone between black Americans and continental Africans are undeniable unless you were born on Venus or lived your life with your head in the sand. As for their (white racialists American) consensus, I have been marking the black option (proudly) on all my paperwork since I have learned how to speak, read and write in English because I understand the social-historical context surrounding the daily actions that we make and take.


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