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He's right about modern women


Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    I don't like this Andrew Tate dude but what he says in this clip is spot on when it comes to modern women. It was a recommended clip on YouTube.

    Not all of them are like this but a lot of them are. They put their value in looks and when they are young, they are getting attention of rich and wealthy dudes in their 30s and 40s (sometimes older) and it inflates their ego so they keep riding it. Until they enter their 30s and see all the attention shift away from them back onto women in their 20s. As they get older, they become spiteful of younger women, even for just existing not having done anything at all.

    I didn't grow up on social media and I don't live on it now even. I have gotten approached by an NFL player once on Twitter asking me to come over. I had a boyfriend at the time and declined. It made me feel good though being noticed. I know how these women must feel but it has to mess you up for life getting attention for doing virtually nothing.

    What are your thoughts on this?


    Sixer First Class+
    From my view regarding today's women, specifically sisters.

    The feminist movement and the media has sisters thinking they can do without a man, any man. And have gotten many to exchange seeking femininity to being seemed as 'strong' (and independent). It's been repeated so much I over use the term when I talk about women I like. We want to mean mentally, spiritually, emotionally strong but to the media they want us to also think of physically strong like a man to some extent.

    Young sisters, especially the cute ones are having way too much casual sex. This starts in HS and even middle school and continues into early 20s to mid-ish 20s. They are giving up sex for attention. Even the fine ones.

    Sisters are passing over decently ambitious men early and the smart women are catching them as they are in production mode. These can be smart sisters, white or other non black women.

    Sisters are getting near 30 or in early 30s and can't find enough eligible black men to marry. The hard 7s, 7.5s on up will find men to date even be their boyfriend but no ring. The swirlers in their 20s are getting either run through or being in serial monogamous relationships but the men white men who are producing aren't going to marry them. The stats say this. 50 million white men marry, and only 168,000 are to black women. They marry roughly 500,000 Asian women and roughly 500,000 non black, non Asian women. Black men married 4.6 million women, 4 million of them to black women.

    Finally, sisters, through social media mainly (tik tok, youtube, comment sections like Yahoo or whatever) are trying to shame black men, especially eligible black men (good job/ income, emotionally/morally decent) into accepting situations they don't want: single moms. women their age but they want a younger woman. A 35 year old guy is looking for a woman under 30 usually, maybe 31 or 32 if she ticks off boxes. It is what it is.

    At some point, it will come to a standstill. Men of reasonable means will always have options. Either the sisters that are left who didn't get a body count higher than a Navy SEAL team. Or they will marry non black women. Or they will go overseas for a black, asian or latina woman. You can't shame men into marrying who they don't want.

    Finally, the divorce laws. I have a friend, a lawyer, millionaire, has a beautiful 4 bedroom house, and a rental in a nice area. He said he will not get married and risk some sister divorcing him and some white man who doesn't like him (the judge) more than happy to give her years of his hard work. Argue with him or that thinking all you want, you will not get anywhere. In fact, he'll view arguing he is wrong as proof, because it seems logical to him and you are capping to trick him.


    Sixer First Class+
    From my view regarding today's men.

    Us black men are f*cked up. We are the result of 500 years of constant, 24/7 ongoing white supremacy. But we know that. We know we have problems, we are targeted and individually some of us have the wherewithal to fight against it and some of us don't.

    Roughly 80 percent of us were raised in as single mother household. Those of us whose parents were working class or higher, moral, the father may not have lived with you but he co-parented enough to give you a good father figure experience.

    It's the ones that had either no or not much of a relationship with his father that are the problem. Mom had a kid with a brotha wasn't sh*t. Knew he wasn't. Sometimes he wanted to be part of the son's life, but moms may have been a great woman to you but she wasn't with pops for a reason and she spent her time making it seemed like it was all his fault. Many black mothers punished the father by denying him access to his son (or daughter) and told the kids he didn't want to be part of their lives.

    Black boys, most of us, grew up with no good black male father figure. Single mom household, no black male teachers or maybe 1 or 2, maybe anywhere from K-12. The uncles didn't spend time and probably wasn't sh*t.

    Gen Z black males don't know how to talk to black women. Not in a way their previous generation did. I over hear them talking to women "Yo, what's up? What's your name? You from where? Oh okay, let me have that IG" I've heard similar by multiple guys on the train, bus, in stores and I'm thinking, really? That's it. She's supposed to want to holla at you? There is no dating or courting these days. Gen Y and Gen Z black males text multiple women till they get one to come over or they go over to smash. No movies. No Olive Garden dinner. No traditional dating.

    There isn't much for sisters to date out there. I had some cute sista homies in their early 20s and they were complaining about no good men out there and I called them on it. I was like 'BS, I see dudes hollaring all the time' and one of them said, name one of your homies you'd feel comfortable dating me? I thought about it and she got me. They were cool azz homies, my dogs, but relationship wise? Nah. Not a chance with anyone I care for.

    Sisters who are fed up with black men and wanna swirl only aren't just doing so for no reason. There simply aren't a lot of good brothers of marriage material out there. A lot of us aren't being found but the sisters that do look have to put in some work. Too much work than their white, asian or latina counterparts.


    Sixer First Class+
    The black women who will among the first to get into the best relationships will be the women of B1. Especially the TBA listeners of The Business and although he's hated by women, the smart ones will take some value from Kevin Samuels. Probably not all but the pertinent stuff.

    Because women decide when men have sex but men decide if women get married and at the end of the day we are talking marriage, long term commitment.

    Anyway, B1 type women simply aren't going to date Ray Ray and Man Man from the hood. Unless he has a plan. What's being pushed secondarily or rather alongside black empowerment is for Black men to create wealth, get an income level that is above the norm.

    There was another thread about guys using black empowerment to smash. That's always going to happen but the guys that do, will only be able to get away with it once. He won't be able to have much of a say in the B1 community if he's out there like that. Dr. Umar could have been far more prominent if he did. Not building the school on time was bad enough, but what has hurt his credibility further is his dating the stripper and openly tryna get 'sister wives'. He pushes black love more than anyone else and that's his saving grace, along with his great public speaking skills.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    You unpacked A LOT and I agree with most if not all of it. There are a lot of issues that aren't being addressed by most people and it hurts our families and our communities and just gives more power to white supremacists. It is like they have a gun and no ammo and we just keep giving them ammo or something.

    The ladies are too easy and the men are unbothered. It is a recipe for disaster. Women sleep with unbothered men and cheapen their value while all the good black men and black women end up settling and swirling because they can't find a good partner. I always see this stuff in the music and it is promoted as "good culture" when it is not. It is not healthy either. Having our young ladies thinking of themselves like meat and their only offering they have to bring to the table is a good lay while telling them they need to be "miss independent" and have the "I don't need no man" complex. Then you have the men who were raised being beat down by the system and being told by their own mothers "black men ain't shit" so they have no self worth. It is just all sad.

    Because women decide when men have sex but men decide if women get married and at the end of the day we are talking marriage, long term commitment.
    My dad said this to me growing up. He said the ball is in my court when it comes to sex but not marriage and if I want to marry a man, I have to keep this in mind cause most men will not marry someone who has been in a lot of beds. He was always clear and said it like it is. I think this helped keep me from hoeing around in my teens and early twenties.

    Grace J.

    I’m New Here
    I don't like this Andrew Tate dude but what he says in this clip is spot on when it comes to modern women. It was a recommended clip on YouTube.

    Not all of them are like this but a lot of them are. They put their value in looks and when they are young, they are getting attention of rich and wealthy dudes in their 30s and 40s (sometimes older) and it inflates their ego so they keep riding it. Until they enter their 30s and see all the attention shift away from them back onto women in their 20s. As they get older, they become spiteful of younger women, even for just existing not having done anything at all.

    I didn't grow up on social media and I don't live on it now even. I have gotten approached by an NFL player once on Twitter asking me to come over. I had a boyfriend at the time and declined. It made me feel good though being noticed. I know how these women must feel but it has to mess you up for life getting
    I don't like this Andrew Tate dude but what he says in this clip is spot on when it comes to modern women. It was a recommended clip on YouTube.

    Not all of them are like this but a lot of them are. They put their value in looks and when they are young, they are getting attention of rich and wealthy dudes in their 30s and 40s (sometimes older) and it inflates their ego so they keep riding it. Until they enter their 30s and see all the attention shift away from them back onto women in their 20s. As they get older, they become spiteful of younger women, even for just existing not having done anything at all.

    I didn't grow up on social media and I don't live on it now even. I have gotten approached by an NFL player once on Twitter asking me to come over. I had a boyfriend at the time and declined. It made me feel good though being noticed. I know how these women must feel but it has to mess you up for life getting attention for doing virtually nothing.

    What are your thoughts on this?
    Young women have never had to do anything to get the attention of older, predatory men. There's a reason why besides beauty they are drawn to younger women. Nobody becomes angry of they weren't taken advantage of in some way. I don't know who this guy is, but I certainly wouldn't view women through his opinion of lense. My take.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Young women have never had to do anything to get the attention of older, predatory men. There's a reason why besides beauty they are drawn to younger women. Nobody becomes angry of they weren't taken advantage of in some way. I don't know who this guy is, but I certainly wouldn't view women through his opinion of lense. My take.
    He is a womanizer and just got busted for child trafficking so you are right, people shouldn't view women through his lens. As I said, I don't like him. I think he is right though about modern women. But as are you. This has always been the case but technology and social media has made it worse and has allowed rich men to have their pick of the litter with ladies eagerly lining up to experience that lavish lifestyle.
    From my view regarding today's women, specifically sisters.

    The feminist movement and the media has sisters thinking they can do without a man, any man. And have gotten many to exchange seeking femininity to being seemed as 'strong' (and independent). It's been repeated so much I over use the term when I talk about women I like. We want to mean mentally, spiritually, emotionally strong but to the media they want us to also think of physically strong like a man to some extent.

    Young sisters, especially the cute ones are having way too much casual sex. This starts in HS and even middle school and continues into early 20s to mid-ish 20s. They are giving up sex for attention. Even the fine ones.

    Sisters are passing over decently ambitious men early and the smart women are catching them as they are in production mode. These can be smart sisters, white or other non black women.

    Sisters are getting near 30 or in early 30s and can't find enough eligible black men to marry. The hard 7s, 7.5s on up will find men to date even be their boyfriend but no ring. The swirlers in their 20s are getting either run through or being in serial monogamous relationships but the men white men who are producing aren't going to marry them. The stats say this. 50 million white men marry, and only 168,000 are to black women. They marry roughly 500,000 Asian women and roughly 500,000 non black, non Asian women. Black men married 4.6 million women, 4 million of them to black women.

    Finally, sisters, through social media mainly (tik tok, youtube, comment sections like Yahoo or whatever) are trying to shame black men, especially eligible black men (good job/ income, emotionally/morally decent) into accepting situations they don't want: single moms. women their age but they want a younger woman. A 35 year old guy is looking for a woman under 30 usually, maybe 31 or 32 if she ticks off boxes. It is what it is.

    At some point, it will come to a standstill. Men of reasonable means will always have options. Either the sisters that are left who didn't get a body count higher than a Navy SEAL team. Or they will marry non black women. Or they will go overseas for a black, asian or latina woman. You can't shame men into marrying who they don't want.

    Finally, the divorce laws. I have a friend, a lawyer, millionaire, has a beautiful 4 bedroom house, and a rental in a nice area. He said he will not get married and risk some sister divorcing him and some white man who doesn't like him (the judge) more than happy to give her years of his hard work. Argue with him or that thinking all you want, you will not get anywhere. In fact, he'll view arguing he is wrong as proof, because it seems logical to him and you are capping to trick him.
    I’m probably one of the oldest women on here, and though my mom didn’t talk up feminism it was in every magazine, featured on every talk show and just in the air; and it ruined my life, truth be told. I went to a conservative Catholic High School where Black girls still just wanted to get their education , date to marry and start a family all before they were 30. I thought I was better than that and went for a non-existent career, had disastrous purposeless relationships (cause I had to be free and me, right?) I didn’t know better until it was way too late.
    The high school friends dated with purpose; guys didn’t get to mess over them
    because they wanted marriage and knew no man would take them seriously if they were known for warming up beds. They knew exactly what they wanted and dated with marriage in mind. No living together 5 years and to see how it works out. If he wasn’t ready they bounced.
    The one who went to college chose a practical degree went straight to grad school, met a serious guy and was married a year or so after getting her Masters.
    Both friends are still married, and the kids are in college now. And I thought they were boring and not adventurous enough. They’re content. Actually, because they had kids young they still got time to do a little traveling and get a useless, but fun degree now.
    I know that’s not everyone’s path, but I have a deep admiration for those who are deeply committed to the family path.