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Marianne Williamson Isn’t To Be Trusted Or Voted For.


Royal Sixer
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I knew she and other non-Black politicians associated with her couldn't be trusted from the start. Even Bernie "reparations is not feasible" Sanders has shown that he cannot be trusted either. Elizabeth "a check for what" Warren also revealed her true faux Native American colors. And young preppy white gay Pete Buttigieg has shown to be rather passive aggressive, polished covert racist and not an ally, especially when his mess in South Bend, Indiana got revealed and then he and the white media went on damage control and tried to shame, vilify, and guilt Black people into "hearing him out" so he can look good for the cameras and clean his PR image.

Despite having the California Reparations Task Force, Gavin Newsom has also shown that he is a more young, but polished, pretty, calculated, covert Luciferian type of racist with a fake smile. From the Bruce's Beach scam, to prioritizing illegal aliens and everyone else over Black residents, to turning a blind eye to the continuous Black displacement / homelessness / gentrification and the anti-Black racist cops and officials in California, to recently smiling and cheering with openly racist Afrikaner Elon Musk and doing business with him again in spite of Tesla being repeatedly sued for anti-Black racist discrimination and practices. Every time I see Gavin Newsom, I see a younger, slicker version of Joel Osteen and that's not a good thing or a compliment by the way.

Gabe Piemonte, a pro-reparations politician who Marcel cosigned, recently lost his election and received mainly lukewarm / mixed responses from wary Black people who were not confident that Gabe was truly for and with us. And the same skepticism that they gave Gabe is probably the same skepticism that I felt with pro-reparation politicians like Marianne Williamson and Julián Castro.

Julián Castro was proudly for reparations and talked a good game like AOC tried to. He was pandering to the heavens and I was even open to voting for him. However, I still can't put my finger on it, but something about his vibe seemed and still seems to me. Almost like he seems disingenuous in a Gavin Newsom / Joel Osteen type of way. On top of that, he supports open borders and illegal immigration, something that will undermine us and it makes me wonder if he would try to shoehorn Latinos into our reparations claim too.

With Marianne Williamson, I knew was a little cuckoo and off, but I gave her the benefit of doubt and assumed that maybe she would prove that she meant well. But when she eventually stated that Black people as a whole should only get a few billion dollars total and seemed iffy on rather or not that reparations should be cash, I backed off her. I don't know why some Black people where still hyping her like she was a Black Jesus who sliced sweet Hawaiian bread after she tried to play in our faces with that lowball offer. A few billion dollars is barely a drop in the bucket. We need at the very least 20 trillion to start.
During the 2020 election season, Julián Castro revealed that he was proudly for reparations and talked a good game like AOC tried to. He was pandering to the heavens and I was even open to voting for him. However, I still can't put my finger on it, but something about his vibe seemed and still seems off to me. Almost like he seems disingenuous in a Gavin Newsom / Joel Osteen type of way. On top of that, he supports open borders and illegal immigration, something that will undermine us and it makes me wonder if he would try to shoehorn Latinos into our reparations claim too.

With Marianne Williamson, I knew she was a little cuckoo and off, but I gave her the benefit of doubt and assumed that maybe she would prove that she meant well. But when she eventually stated that Black people as a whole should only get a few billion dollars total and seemed iffy on rather or not that reparations should be cash, I backed off her. I don't know why some Black people were still hyping her like she was a Black Jesus who sliced sweet Hawaiian bread after she tried to play in our faces with that lowball offer. A few billion dollars is barely a drop in the bucket. We need at the very least 20 trillion to start.
As for Black politicians, Shiela Jackson-Lee, Cory Booker, Jim Clyburn, the entire Congressional Black Caucus, and others have proved that they also have zero urgency or care about providing cash reparations for Foundational Black Americans who descended from American chattel slavery. HR.40 will not do.

With reparations, we need action and results, not time-wasting proposals and stalling tactics. More than enough time has passed. We are now in a state of emergency.


Sixer First Class
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    San Antonio, TX
    I have a bit of a mixed opinion on her.
    First off I will say you are right your assessment that we should not trust her.

    She ran on a platform of reparations back in 2020. She was the only candidate that openly called for reparations and had that as a major goal of her platform.
    Not only did black people not show up and vote for her in herds during the primaries, they went out and supported Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who said they were against reparations and I quote "wouldn't do anything specifically for black people".

    As a community black people should have said that we will not vote unless Marianne is nominated. We will sit out and refuse to vote for anyone else. The democrats can't win without our vote and that is a given. So if as a whole enough of use did that they will nominate who we back. And if they did not then we should have not only not voted for Biden but voted against him.

    Instead we were so worried about Trump and that he is racist that we went out and supported Biden and Kamala who don't give a crap about black people and they have showed it by doing nothing for us.

    So with that being the case the last time, why should Marianne run on a platform of reparations when black people didn't back and support her when she did?

    For her she is looking at it logically I would imagine. Black people are going to vote for whomever CNN and MSNBC tell them to because as a collective we are too damn stupid to do anything else. Let's face it, politically black people are ignorant.

    Marianne sees that and knows that reparations is a losing issue because not only will she lose moderate and independent votes by making this a chief issue, she isn't going to get the support of black voters anyway.

    So can we really blame her? And none of that is hyperbole or conjecture. It literally already happened to her. Why would she expect different?

    I agreed with most of your post but not this:

    "These individuals don't just go off on a rant talking and being overly emotional or aggressive like TBA and Prof Black Truth(although he does quote sources sometimes). These guys come off so emotional that they will easily be dismissed as being crazy by older people."

    I introduced older relatives to videos by TBA and Prof Black Truth. One liked Prof Black's delivery and content and the other took a look at a TBA video. Though some of the videos I sent to certain people of all ages weren't well-received, but that's either because they're not serious enough about Black Empowerment, they're apathetic, or they identify with the Dems and the "we're all in this together" narrative that the media keeps pushing.
    We largely disagree on our view of the new black media.
    I don't feel like they are completely useless or anything. They are just not to my liking.
    I prefer a more professional approach is all. That's why I like TD Hip Hop Media. Same message just in a calm and chill demeanor.
    Now if you more like a pissed off and angry emotional approach then TBA and Prof Black Truth appeal more.

    I'm just more like an LL Cool J tactic.
    "Be easy, Don't make decisions when you're mad!"

    I'm not mad about racism. I'm not mad that politicians aren't doing anything for black people. I'm not even mad that they aren't doing anything about us being murdered in the streets.

    They literally told us before the elections they wouldn't pass a black hate crimes bill or do anything specific for black people so why mad about racism and no reparations?
    They never promised during the elections they would pass legislation to stop police brutality so why would you expect it?

    And sure politicians run on issues such as gay rights, abortion rights that are very divisive.

    The difference is that galvanizes support and ramps up turn out amongst LGBTQ activists and abortion rights activists. These type issues are split damn near 50/50. So you aren't losing much by running on them. You just have to get you side more excited to show up.

    On the other hand anti black racism is universal. Damn near all Americans are against black people and more than half (want to say it was 60% according to a poll) were against reparations.

    There is nothing to gain with those numbers. So the hope would be that running on reparations would get you the universal, unencumbered support of the entire black community.

    She didn't even close to get our support. We instead supported Kamala Harris and Biden who said they would not do anything for black people.

    So back to what I originally said. Reparations is a losing issue. Proved by the fact that when Marianne ran on it, SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET THE NOMINATION. SHE LOST. L-O-S-T

    I listen to all 3 of the people you mentioned.

    Black people have every right to be angry at systemic anti-Black racism and the majority that take pride in oppressing and undermining us.

    Also, Marianne Williamson was going to lose anyway because her profile is currently too low compared to a Bernie Sanders, an Elizabeth Warren, or a Joe Biden. On top of that, we need more of us on code, aware of and supportive of those would actually support us to get the changes we need.


    Senior Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Half Black
    This chic is full of BS. She is #AntiBlack and shouldn’t be trusted or voted for.

    Have you heard of Sabby Sabs? (Sabrina Salvati). We need to get her away from the clutches of these people (williamson/white libs). Same with Briahna Joy Gray. If we can turn them towards B1/being on code, we’ll eliminate some potential trickery against Black America, further down the road…

    We’ll also infuriate their white audiences ;}


    The First Sixer
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    This chic is full of BS. She is #AntiBlack and shouldn’t be trusted or voted for.

    No politician should or can be trusted especially if you’re not the economy underpinning them.

    The question Black people to ask is, is there a cost for not pushing for reparations. If there is no price to pay and nothing to gain then all there will be is loonies like Marianne talking about it in hopes of finding a base.
    Exactly. Does she mean it or just hope to gain a base of votes?