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Passport Bros; Modern Women; And How I Agree With Jason Black


Master Sixer
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    San Antonio, TX
    I have always viewed the whole Passport Bros thing as just a bad talking point that people online are using to increase their clicks and views. It seems since Kevin Samuels blew up and got rich talking about "Modern women etc." that everyone has been trying to find their place in that bowl of money.

    I just see it as a false narrative and problem.

    There are some 167.5 million women in the United States. Now we are going to have to narrow that based on several factors. First you'll narrow based on attractiveness and being fit and in shape. Statistics put around 42% of the total population as being obese. Now that is a substantial amount but that includes everyone including males. Next you will have to narrow on attractiveness. That is a subjective matter so it just depends on an individuals tastes and standards as to how much that narrows the numbers.

    So even with that large narrowing you are still in the very high millions of women available. Once you start narrowing by race, height, etc the number becomes smaller and smaller. If you are trying to land a straight up 10 or even a 9 your number is even smaller and maybe even small to a point of unrealism unless you either have a lot of money or are very aesthetically attractive. That's what a lot of these passport bros don't understand.

    Now we get to realism and actuality. Just like men have preferences and ideals on what they want and expect so do women. And that is fair. So with that being the case there are just some women that are going to be out of your league. That could be because of looks. It could be because you finance aren't up to par. It could be you aren't fit enough. Whatever the case the woman has decided you aren't what she wants.

    Now there are going to be women that are more open and some of those things may not matter. As a man you have to find one that is within your realm to be able to get.

    We're not all going to end up with women that are supermodels. We're not all going to land a 10. That is totally unrealistic. We have to get used to finding value in women other than their looks. Otherwise you are looking for a 10 that may never come to fruition.

    Another issue is online dating. Women, especially the very attractive ones are getting their inbox flooded by men all day everyday. So they have their pick of the litter. Unless you are very aesthetically attractive online dating isn't going to work. A lot of guys don't think like that.

    A lot of these guys just don't have the confidence, game and ability to get women here state side so they are literally flying thousands of miles for sexual access just like Jason Black pointed out.

    I refuse to believe that it is that someone absolutely can't find a woman that is friendly, submissive and at least fairly attractive here. I believe that either the guy doesn't have the confidence to approach women in person and is dependent solely on online dating and that hasn't worked so they gave up. They are so afraid of being turned down in person that they don't approach women in person.

    Actuality is all men have what I have dubbed as a percentage. By that I mean dependent upon you looks aesthetically, finances, and personality you have a certain percent of women that will talk to you and give you a shot. Me and a friend literally tested this theory. For a period of a month we approached women and made friendly conversation to see if we could get their phone number or et them to agree to a coffee or lunch date.

    My outcome was around 40%. For every 10 women or so that I spoke with 3/4 would show interest. That meant I was going to get shot down between 6-7 times for every 10. But the numbers were consistent, I never asked 10 and got less than 3 or 4 over the entire course of the month.

    My friends numbers were a bit higher. His were around 60%. For every 10 he would get 5/6 interested. Same with him though the numbers stayed consistent. Now I don't think his numbers were higher because he was far more attractive or anything. I think it had a bit to do with him being Hispanics and us being in a predominately Hispanics city.

    I think if we were in Atlanta the numbers would have been reversed. Can't say for sure but just my theory.

    So based on that if you have the confidence, know how to talk to and respectfully approach women and can get over a few rejections then you can find a woman to talk to you.

    Again though you can't just approach all 10s or you rejection rate is going to decrease. When I did that my numbers dropped to around 10%. My friends numbers dropped to about 10% as well.

    These super attractive women know their looks are currency so they are going to be far more selective. However as long as me and my friend stayed with talking to women between 6-8.5 that were attractive but not supermodel attractive our numbers stayed high.

    I like Jason Black think these passport bros are just a bunch of simps that want a 10 but can't land one and are going overseas and paying for sex. They aren't getting married in droves or we'd hear more about that. They are just paying for p*ssy. They just feel the women there are so much more attractive because they are foreign when the reality is they are average looking chicks that are just exotic. All exotic means if different just like Jason Black said.

    So while I disagree with Jason's delivery of the message, I agree with the message itself.

    So now I am going to address the other side of it.....

    Modern women. My take from a lot of these dudes is that they mean black women but can't say that because it is too politically incorrect, so they just say modern women instead. Nevertheless as I said there are lots of women available here in the U.S. You just have to find where you fit into those available.

    Now a lot of the women you see online talking all crazy have the same issue. They want a man that is 6 foot tall, makes 6 figures, has a 6 pack and drives a Mercedes or BMW. These are things that aren't realistic. Even they know that deep down. There are WWE wrestlers that will meet every one of those except maybe one. There are those wrestlers that aren't 6 foot. Those that don't have a 6 pack. The same is true for NBA and NFL players. Do you think those women would turn these men down because they don't have a 6 pack or aren't tall enough? Of course not.

    Because they are after the bag and they will overlook that one thing for a guy who is wealthy enough. But for the average guy they aren't going to overlook it. Even if you are making say $110k they aren't going to overlook severe obesity but if you up that to being a millionaire they'll overlook it.

    These aren't "modern women" they are gold diggers and passport bros are trying to make it as if all women are like this. That's simply not true. Most women just want a man who has himself together, is friendly, in good shape and pleasant to be around. They may even want you to be funny, smart or something like that. However most women aren't going around saying a guy has to make 6 figures, drive a certain car, be a certain height and stuff like that.

    They do have demands but those demands are generally reasonable. However you can't be a guy who doesn't have himself together and expect women to just accept mediocrity. Especially the more attractive women.

    That's my take. I think these passport bros are just traveling simps!


    Sixer First Class+
    The passport bros are in a few different categories but by and large they want American 9s and 10s with a wifey mindset and they can't pull them in America.

    There was a sub category for a while during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, brothers doing defense contract work making 6 figures and Philippines and Thailand especially was relatively close by and cheap.

    Almost all these guys are dating women from the red light district and mainly dating women the local guys don't want. Lots of older guys retire there and their pension goes a long way overseas than it does in America.

    Far more white boys doing the same thing and have been doing it for a while. Brothers have been going to the DR and Brazil tough since the '90s. It ain't new .

    But by and large these are men that for whatever reason, financially, socially awkward, physically, or mentally (not ready for a relationship) or a combination thereof aren't appealing to American women, black, white or whatever who look fairly good.

    That's pretty much it. I've seen these guys a lot over the years overseas. Some nice guys often times but not able to compete. It was always a quiet world. No brotha really wants it out there he's going to DR to sex up latina 304s but these days people will put anything on Youtube for YT money and clout.
    That's exactly it. Generally speaking most of those guys only want a 9 or 10 and don't want to get with an average chick.
    The thing is they are grading the women there on a curve. They only think those women are so fine because they are foreign. Lots of those women are just working. They are trying to survive the only way they know how.

    It doesn't even have to be a straight up monetary exchange. The mere possibility of romance and getting a green card is an exchange. Simply buying a cheap dinner date is an exchange, but these passport bros don't get that.

    These passport bros don't get that. They'll spend all this money to travel overseas and trick off but won't spend money to improve themselves here in the U.S. A gym membership, a dating coach to learn to not be awkward, or spend money to get an education or training to get a better job. They won't do anything to make themselves more attractive to American women but will pay a pimp overseas for sexual access.

    Sh*t is pathetic!


    The First Sixer
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    My thing is that American women act the same way as the Dominican and other women but the standard of living is higher here so getting compliance isn’t as easy.

    I remember I was at a big summer outdoor concerts with the huge stages and one of my friends was performing so I had backstage passes. I had to go to the front of the stage for some reason and booooyyyy the amount of women that were grabbing on me and pulling on me to get back stage was ridiculous.

    I’ve seen it time and time again with American women where they’ll act every bit as compliant as DR, Thai, Filipino women but you gotta appear to be able to level them up. A dude making $65k in the USA ain’t leveling anyone up and women act accordingly.

    You take that $65k to the DR and with conversion you can level someone up especially if it’s a woman that is from the slums and not dealing with the domestic ballers.

    I feel that passport bros are basically giving up and taking their ball elsewhere. There’s a reason why you don’t see them going to another first world country. Passport bros ain’t going to England or Japan or China with that nonsense because of the median income is higher.
    Yeah but that's not really what passport bros are doing. Most of these dudes are just doing sex tourism and paying for prostitutes.

    I was making $33k when I met my wife and my body count was over 30 at the time. ( Don't judge me. Lol I was young and didn't no better than you be a womanizer)

    In the current day I don't think I'd have that high a count but I wouldn't have to leave the country to meet a woman..

    I make around $109k now. The difference between me and passport bros is they are looking for a flat out 9 or 10.

    That's hard to pull for almost anyone.

    Now a 7 or 8 is more realistic especially if you're around $65k. Even at my $109k here you have to be so lavish to pull a 9 or 10 that you'll end up broke anyway.

    The idea is to pull a woman where money isn't the basis. Because if it is she'll leave as soon as a better opportunity comes.


    Sixer First Class+
    On the flip side, sisters are complaining about men they never wanted. What sisters are really afraid of are is word getting out about these overseas places and 1. the simps start going there and 2. the guys they really want start going there.

    They are being proactive and using shaming tactics so it doesn't get popular. Back in the 90s it was expensive now you can go from NYC to DR in 3 hours for under $350.

    If you are in LA you can go to the Philippines for between 800 and a thousand depending on when you go. It's now affordable for that 65k guy to save up a couple Gs a few times a year.

    They don't talk about it because it's embarrassing if your family, coworkers, etc, know it. So, they act like it's some secret society and most aren't dating for a gf they are going for sex with mainly young but legal women who will do whatever they see on PornHub at first, then later on wifey one of them. I'm not gonna judge it, as its none of my business. My only push back is the same rule I have for swirlers.

    Don't shyt on black women here. And with this red pill, MGTOW now seeping into black culture, they are doing what white boys are doing and that is shytting on their own. Cynthia G and the swirlers fuel it because they shyt on black men.

    All this attention to it is not going to stop it, it will increase it. These guys privately hit up people who may wanna come along. There have always been chatrooms about it.

    White boys in America and Europe be doing the most in that space. There is a reason why America now got laws against sex with underage boys or girls in other countries. 50 years ago, what you do overseas is your business and if the local government hem you up about it, good luck with that. But so many of these old white men either from America or Europe (and a few Japanese, Arabs) were going to places like Cambodia, Kenya, Brazil, Senegal, Philippines for sex with young boys or girls, international groups acted on it and now if its illegal in America its illegal anywhere, even if the local age of majority is 15 or 16 as it is in some countries.

    By and large, some, not all but some of the passport bros just want easy access freaky sex with girls who look good. They graduated from the strip club and the back street hoes giving head for 40 dollars to the DR. If we want to keep it a buck. Some of them, just aren't emotionally available for a real relationship. Not all but a few.

    Lots of brothers from the military are doing it. Because they were used to it for years. Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Germany, Bahrain, those bases have easy local girls or have a big red light access. Several years of 6 figure defense contract work in Afghanistan and Iraq where its an easy connecting flight via Dubai to Thailand or Philippines.

    I travel a fair amount and brothers run into brothers while waiting for flights and you small talk, because when you see another brotha (from the states) somewhere you don't normally see us and its only y'all two, generally you speak. At least I do.

    Other than shytting on sistas in America, the other thing I got a wee bit offense is what Jason Black encountered. Them tryna recruit or talk other brothers into giving up on black women and go there. You rarely find any of these brothers in black empowerment. When ever you bring up anything about this type of space we have here on you get 'Man, f*ck all that man, let these white boys have America, get you one of these [take your pick: Dominican, Filipina, Brazilian, Thai women]'

    They aren't tryna build nothing, these are just basic brothers who are about their own well being and pleasure and not open to any work for the black community at large. That's not a crime, that's the masses in our community. They want us to do well but aren't willing to do anything about making it happen.

    One last thing regarding racism and white supremacy. One of their arguments is that they don't face racism overseas or very little. Not really true. By and large 'you are your passport'. The locals in Brazil look down on their own Blacks but view American blacks similar to white people. Not the same level but close enough. You are American and if you are all the way down there, you got chedda. The passport bros confuse their money for lack of racism.
    That's a lot to break down. Lol

    A passport isn't that expensive. They act like it's something that's so difficult to get. If they were going there and getting wives that would be one thing.

    What they are doing though is exploiting desperate women.

    Women here aren't that difficult to get. It does take some effort.

    I also don't like how they try to paint latina women as submissive. I think y'all have seen post about my Latina wife.

    Far from submissive and that's just a cultural thing. Latinas don't put up with BS. They'll tell you how they feel in a heartbeat.


    Down From Day 1
    My whole thing is that as Black people, we really need to cut the BS, come out our delusional bubbles, and truly get back to strengthening our relationships between the BM and BW. For the Passport Bros. and even the Outer Season Searching Sistas, being as quick to give up on their own and to trot over to the other side, shows in the long run that the grass isn't as green over there either. In fact, it's worse. I feel that at the end of the day, when things are solid, tight, and very understood, can nobody rock and get us!


    Sixer First Class+
    Caribbean is preaching to the choir. The real work is where we are. We all live all over and its up to us invidually to try and affect the circles we are in.
    Which is why we must have these conversations. We must speak truth and be sure to call out these fallacies.

    There are lots of young black men that unfortunately can't get women and will get mad and frustrated. They will then get online and listen to these YouTube channels promoting hatred of black women.

    Even listening to these channels as entertainment must stop. It promotes this type of rhetoric. We must oppose and be against it because it seperates out community.

    Black men need black women and black women need black men. That simple.
    Reactions: RCNAL

    Deleted member 1946

    My whole thing is that as Black people, we really need to cut the BS, come out our delusional bubbles, and truly get back to strengthening our relationships between the BM and BW. For the Passport Bros. and even the Outer Season Searching Sistas, being as quick to give up on their own and to trot over to the other side, shows in the long run that the grass isn't as green over there either. In fact, it's worse. I feel that at the end of the day, when things are solid, tight, and very understood, can nobody rock and get us!
    They realize things aren't as good as they thought. Blacks and other groups break up so much it is ridiculous.

    Deleted member 1946

    On the flip side, sisters are complaining about men they never wanted. What sisters are really afraid of are is word getting out about these overseas places and 1. the simps start going there and 2. the guys they really want start going there.

    They are being proactive and using shaming tactics so it doesn't get popular. Back in the 90s it was expensive now you can go from NYC to DR in 3 hours for under $350.

    If you are in LA you can go to the Philippines for between 800 and a thousand depending on when you go. It's now affordable for that 65k guy to save up a couple Gs a few times a year.

    They don't talk about it because it's embarrassing if your family, coworkers, etc, know it. So, they act like it's some secret society and most aren't dating for a gf they are going for sex with mainly young but legal women who will do whatever they see on PornHub at first, then later on wifey one of them. I'm not gonna judge it, as its none of my business. My only push back is the same rule I have for swirlers.

    Don't shyt on black women here. And with this red pill, MGTOW now seeping into black culture, they are doing what white boys are doing and that is shytting on their own. Cynthia G and the swirlers fuel it because they shyt on black men.

    All this attention to it is not going to stop it, it will increase it. These guys privately hit up people who may wanna come along. There have always been chatrooms about it.

    White boys in America and Europe be doing the most in that space. There is a reason why America now got laws against sex with underage boys or girls in other countries. 50 years ago, what you do overseas is your business and if the local government hem you up about it, good luck with that. But so many of these old white men either from America or Europe (and a few Japanese, Arabs) were going to places like Cambodia, Kenya, Brazil, Senegal, Philippines for sex with young boys or girls, international groups acted on it and now if its illegal in America its illegal anywhere, even if the local age of majority is 15 or 16 as it is in some countries.

    By and large, some, not all but some of the passport bros just want easy access freaky sex with girls who look good. They graduated from the strip club and the back street hoes giving head for 40 dollars to the DR. If we want to keep it a buck. Some of them, just aren't emotionally available for a real relationship. Not all but a few.

    Lots of brothers from the military are doing it. Because they were used to it for years. Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Germany, Bahrain, those bases have easy local girls or have a big red light access. Several years of 6 figure defense contract work in Afghanistan and Iraq where its an easy connecting flight via Dubai to Thailand or Philippines.

    I travel a fair amount and brothers run into brothers while waiting for flights and you small talk, because when you see another brotha (from the states) somewhere you don't normally see us and its only y'all two, generally you speak. At least I do.

    Other than shytting on sistas in America, the other thing I got a wee bit offense is what Jason Black encountered. Them tryna recruit or talk other brothers into giving up on black women and go there. You rarely find any of these brothers in black empowerment. When ever you bring up anything about this type of space we have here on you get 'Man, f*ck all that man, let these white boys have America, get you one of these [take your pick: Dominican, Filipina, Brazilian, Thai women]'

    They aren't tryna build nothing, these are just basic brothers who are about their own well being and pleasure and not open to any work for the black community at large. That's not a crime, that's the masses in our community. They want us to do well but aren't willing to do anything about making it happen.

    One last thing regarding racism and white supremacy. One of their arguments is that they don't face racism overseas or very little. Not really true. By and large 'you are your passport'. The locals in Brazil look down on their own Blacks but view American blacks similar to white people. Not the same level but close enough. You are American and if you are all the way down there, you got chedda. The passport bros confuse their money for lack of racism.
    It definitely does feel like a secret society. Both sides have been keeping it quiet that they been sneaking out of the country to find a mate or screw partner.


    Sixer First Class+
    When I date sisters, I don't even tell them that of the various places I've been to it includes Thailand, Philippines, or South America. The immediate reaction is basically you're a passport bro or something to that effect. London? Ok. Pretty much any European country, you're okay. Anything Asian or South American? lol You're guilty till proven innocent and you're never proven innocent. Have I gotten it in, in various areas? Sure. I'm a man. I get it in where ever when I'm single, LA or Lagos.

    For me though, I don't mention traveling unless it comes up in conversation and even then I am careful. I mention trips like when me and my best friend (a sista) went to Barcelona.
    I've slept with women of many different ethnic and racial backgrounds. I've traveled a lot of places but most of my travel out of country was when I was in the military.
    As far as getting women I don't need to leave the country. I amassed a disturbingly high body count right here in the states.