The 'low Black Unemployment Rate' Lie, That Both Parties Push.


Sixer First Class+
Biden, and before him Trump and before him Obama have all wanted recognition and thanks from us for lowering the Black unemployment rate. Trump and Trumpers tried to use it as why he was good for us.

1. The stats used for unemployment have been juice for decades. The real unemployment rate is way higher than the stated one. For example, if you stopped looking for a job after a certain number of months of unemployment you are not counted among the unemployed. Just one of many thing that both parties agreed to lie about. So whatever our rate is, the reality is far higher.

2. The jobs that Black have when they say our rate has dropped are the worst jobs in the economy to have. Low level service jobs, etc. These jobs are the first jobs to get cut in an economic downturn. The vast majority of us are in these types of jobs in America.

3. Our unemployment rate is NEVER lower than whites and others. We are always the highest. Trump and Biden both said we had the lowest Black unemployment rate in so many number of years, 20, 30, 40 whatever. No matter what that rate is it is always, always, always higher than Whites. We make no progress. I recall the media saying black unemployment rate was something like 5. 8 percent or some such similar number. It was the lowest for 30 years or whatever. The White, Asian and Latino unemployment rates were ALWAYS lower.

4. As stated in point 2 and 3, we not only continually have the worst jobs, but we are chronically the most unemployed of all Americans they tout these numbers in a way that we should be grateful for it. "But White unemployment is 3 percent?" "See, you can't please you Blacks, you have the lowest rate in most of your lifetimes but you're still complaining.

5. Economists know the solution. First, being a group that is systemically kept down the solution isn't jobs. The solution are our own businesses. Nothing with a job. But every other group who faced bigotry or systemic bigotry got out of it by forming their own communities and creating their own economy within the larger economy.

The country has Chinatowns in many cities. Same as Little Italies from NYC to San Francisco. Jews have always had a part of town where they own their own businesses. The reason why Tulsa, Rosewood, Durham, Wilimington were all shut down is because that was the formula. Whites knew that. Neither part pushes entrepreneurship for Blacks. Why? Because they know it makes us independent of their control. When the recession hit in 2008, notice how you didn't hear of Koreatown in LA or Chinatown in NYC collapsing? Because they had their economy kept buying from each other, kept using each other services. That Korean store owner, used a Korean plumber to fix is plumbing. The Koreans owned the apartment buildings and instead of kicking out that Korean who needed to look for a job, and bring in a non Korean they worked something out.

Our own versions of Black Wall Streets is the key and a network among them in each city. We are literally the only group who are told 'pull yourselves up by your own boot straps' and then being accused of reverse racism when we try. Remember when Killer Mike said put your money in the 20 or so black banks and credit unions around the country? Many white people on social media, were saying it was reverse racism "What if white people did that?" The Koreans have their own bank. Chinatown has their own banks. No one says anything about it. Until its us.