These illegals and legal immigrants will happily allow themselves exploited and willfully work for $3 per hour for 60 hours a week just so they can tell themselves and each other how much they "work hard", how much they "sacrifice", and how much better they are than us Black people. It sort of reminds me of how whites will go our of their way to sacrifice their themselves and their own wellbeing and children just to stick it to Black people and own the libs Black people again and again. We don't even have universal healthcare in America (which would benefit everyone, including white people) because the racist whites don't want Black people to "take advantage of it." If you really pay close attention, you can clearly see that these non-Black "people" hate us more than they actually love themselves no matter how much they try to pretend otherwise. This is proof that their own sense of "worth" is based on anti-Black racism and how they are better than Black people.