Usage for hash tag: BelieveItOrNot

  1. GwynShivers

    A Man In Las Vegas Saw Aliens In His Backyard And Calls 911

    ...WS knew this day would come long before now. That's why they're hell bent on killing us all! They also know the so-called aliens aren't aliens at all, but a civilization far more advanced than these KKKoneheads! EXODUS will show & prove! #BelieveItOrNot #SeeingIsBelieving #WeAreTheChosenPeople
  2. GwynShivers

    UFO's Should It Be Taken Seriously?

    No, it's NOT, they're our Ancestors! When the 💩 hits the fan, they'll be present to assist us in TAKING OUT THE TRASH! #BelieveItOrNot #KeepYourHeadToTheSky #SeeingIsBelieving