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Diary Of DarkOneSun...An excerpt from my book.

Hello everyone on here.

I wanted to say that I wrote a book that's on sale at that talks about my experiences from when I was young, to me moving to the Bay Area when I was 19, to all the stuff that I encountered while living in the Bay Area. A long time ago, a friend of mine on YouTube made a video review regarding my book. I would like to share it with everybody on here. If you like it, you can buy the book at .

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We are in the End Game.

I'm Generation X, and I've noticed for the last 30+ years this pattern that pretty much only affects Black Americans/FBA/Freedman, etc. Our people either do not understand this pattern or do not give a damn about it. We as a people in the united states have always lived under the pressure of white supremacy, it's nothing new dealing with racism but, the ramp-up in killings, the blatant laws being broken when it comes to our civil rights the injustice we see every day directed at us.
We are being attracted on all fronts, to our sexuality, and our culture, from tethers, to Latinos, and education. It's a nonstop erosion of us as a people.

I try to be hopeful for our people, I don't see us lasting too much longer here in the united stated if we don't get the majority of us on code, in this short amount of time that I've witnessed the assault on us as a people, I only see it ramping up. The fear most of our people have, has taken away the instinct of self-preservation. I don't think people really understand what the agenda is or realize how quickly they intend to pretty much erase us. It's scary seeing how bad things have gotten for us in just 3 decades, and I'm scared to see what this place is going to be like when my grandkids are my age.

we better wake up.

Amazon has entered the chat...

Amazon EA acquisition rumors: Reports claim no bid made - Dexerto

So rumors are now growing that Amazon has entered the EA sweepstakes. Disney was supposedly interested and Apple, too. I always harbor this sense that if Microsoft and Sony are sayin' "yeah hard pass" then it's a leftover that nobody wants. But with Amazon trying to create space for themselves in the gaming world, having a catalog of Madden, FIFA and Battlefield isn't the worst way to go. Intriguing gaming summer this has been.

You can bend Corsair’s new OLED gaming monitor into a curved display

I did not expect that to ever happen. I know the folding phones are hot right now, but I never expected they would use similar tech in TVs, but hey, gotta admit that's pretty cool. It would possibly make moving of TVs and monitors much easier I would imagine.

Do you think this will become the norm in upcoming monitors and tvs even?

Racist White Supremacist Historians, Revisionists, Archaeologists, Genetics, and Scientists

Let's talk about anti-Black white supremacists in the scientific, history, and research fields as well as their ongoing denial, falsification, and rewriting of worldwide Black history.

Since whites, Latinos and immigrants in general are currently trying to erase Black people from hip hop music and culture and give undeserved credit to non-Blacks for inventing and laying the foundation for hip hop music and culture, it's only fair to discuss and observe the other historical things these non-Blacks have or have tried to erase us from.

For first example, look how whitewashed country and rock music are today despite Black people creating the genres and laying the blueprint for them.

For second example, I was searching on why modern North Africans (such as Egyptians and Moroccans) are so white and just came across this nonsense below when browsing Quora with other idiots agreeing with the post.

Why did the world think that the ancient Egyptians were white?
Profile photo for Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith
Studied Genetics and Heredity & Archaeology

Well simply put they were white or more accurate European. White Europeans inhabited all of North Africa and the Middle East until the Islamic invasions. DNA from over 200 Ancient Egyptians has proven they all had European DNA. Along with blonde and red hair in some of the mummies.

Unfortunately black supremacists want to black wash away proven historical and scientific facts in a racist attempt to promote black supremacists ideas. ReVeRsE RaCiSm CaUsEs wHitE GenOcIde. Learn more at tHe aPriCiTY DOTcom.


For last example, we can discuss how many Black inventors have gone uncredited due to racist reasons and intellectual theft.

Fat Joe takes a "crack" at colonizing Hip Hop

Fat Joe Hip hop was a genre created way before Kool Herc, Kurtis Blow, Grandmaster Flash, Busta Rhymes (who claimed Caribbeans created hip hop) or Fat Joe. Actually, there was no name for it before the 80's. Hip hop comes from FBA soil and was cultivated by Jazz and the Blues and even Gospel.

Just like Rock and Roll and country music, which was also stolen from Foundational Black Americans, (the term Rock and Roll was cultivated by black colloquialism), hip hop was a form of expression from the grassroots. Hip hop was looked down upon by the Latin and Caribbean community in its inception and was only adopted years after it began. No Joe, you and Busta Rhymes need to get your facts straight! #guardtheculture

What is a good brand of LED bulbs?

So I got a bulk order of the standard bulbs a few years back on a good deal and been using those mostly in my house but I am just about out. I need to buy some bulbs, figured I would switch to LEDs but I am not sure which brands are good. I don't want something that will be dim. I want it to look like 100-watt incandescent bulbs. I was looking around and I am having trouble finding ones that match those in brightness.

Are we in a recession?

Everything has been going up as of late due to inflation. Food has gone up, gas prices are going up and down and it doesn't look like it's going to change soon.

Was this inflation due to the stimulus checks we got a while back? And everyone out there collecting pandemic unemployment during that time? I've found it a bit tough with everything going up in price.

With that being said, has this resulted in another recession? I don't know a whole lot on how recessions start, but I'm curious about them and whether or not we're in one currently.

Is your menstrual cycle connected to the moon?

Black women, talk to me. I can do the research but I cant have a period. I find it interesting that the moon's cycle can have a synchronicity with a women's cycle. Fact: The ocean's tide is affected by the moons cycle around the earth. What is this connection to universe women have that men don't? Is this what ya'll talking about when you say "womens intuition"???

White Man Tries To Run Over Black Kids

There are 1000s of white men out there, randomly looking for soft targets (black women and children). They are triggered, all listening to the same far right racists podcasts, etc.

They know that most black kids are unsupervised and no father in the home. And they look for isolated women and children. They NEVER try this with a group of Black men in their 20s and 30s because they are cowards. What makes them dangerous is they are cowards. Because there is no code, women and children are deemed legit targets. What makes them beatable is the same reason. They are cowards. Once we get on code, start looking out for each other and fight back, they can be defeated. These same guys when they get caught by black men are sniveling and begging.

Woman Forced To Carry Dead Fetus For Two Weeks Due To Texas Abortion Law

Expect to read more stories like this in the near future.

Would you marry and settle down with someone who doesn't want kids?

Assuming you have no children, would you be with someone who doesn't want any - like marry them and commit to them for life?

A friend at work recently got engaged to a man who said he doesn't want kids. I know she does but she is lying to herself saying she doesn't need to have kids. She is only 25 and I know she will regret it when she hits her 30s.

Does Your Tap Water Have a Smell or Strong Taste?

Well there’s a site where you can type in your zip code to see how polluted your water is. My zip code came up:


A thumbs up for this Florida school asserting moral fortitude in the burgeoning age of anti natural/normalcy 👍🏿

We need more institutions to replicate this school's stance in rejecting the sexual deviancy revolution mania plaguing our lives for us to restore morality and normalcy and to preserve our original specie -man and reproducing woman -just like the creator intended!

It's beyond the stage of tiresome and bewilderment of having to constantly defend irrefutable facts about our male and female human biology.

It's not sufficient that proponents of this sexual deviancy revolution have been given space and a voice and legislative protection to practise this lifestyle and to freely espouse their degenerate views -because there's an obvious agenda to ram this licenctiousness and gender madness down our throats 24/7 and how dare we, moral people, be repulsed by it and reject it. We're not bending over enough -clearly! Even celebrities cannot express a contrary opinion on the subject without dire consequences or death threats yet black people continue to be perpetually marginalised and unprotected. There's no outcry against our never ending oppression.

Should Aries Spears be attacked for his take on Lizzo and her weight?

I guess Aries Spears (Comedian, previously from Mad TV fame), made some remarks about Lizzo's weight during a recent interview and Lizzo fans are throwing a fit. I guess what he said could be deemed a bit offensive, but I think when you're an artist in the public eye, you need to be able to handle the bad things people say. He said things like:

"But a woman that's built like a plate of mashed potatoes is in trouble," - I mean he's not wrong. It may sound hurtful, but he's right in that her weight is only hurting her health.

There was other comments, but you can read the article below to get more details on that. Anyway, the dude is a comedian, of course he's going to say some offensive stuff, and Lizzo is sadly an easy target for comedians due to her weight.

I find a lot of the comments in support of her were kinda funny. Like one saying: "Lizzo is in great shape as a performer. She twerks, sings, dance, and play an instrument at the same time."

I wouldn't say she's in great shape by any means, but she is able to do that stuff. But for how long? Because he weight is going to eventually impede her ability to do all of that eventually.
