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Is It Easy To Replace A Battery?

So I still have my OG iPod from years ago. I think I got the thing when I was 12 or something. I had been using it on and off for years but the battery stopped working so I could only use it when it is plugged in. Now it won't even turn on. I plug it in and it just acts like it is booting up but never does.

I am considering replacing the battery but idk how hard it is. I see I can get a battery for as low as $10 and that beats buying another old gen ipod. Anyone have experience with this? Is it doable for someone that never did something like this before?

Rollo Tomassi Exposed As Openly Racist.

The OG of Red Pill, a man who Kevin Samuels befriended, and later took a shot at, the man who Jason Black said stole a lot of his views on male/female dynamics.

Turns out he's had an alternate twitter account called Seattle Sports Junkie. He uses to make straight out no holds barred racist comments, including regular use of the N bomb with the hard 'er'. He outed himself by responding using his alternate account instead of his regular account.

He's also exposed for doing non Red Pill simping. We shouldn't be surprised. TBA has long told us and we already know from our own collective personal experience you can't trust these white boys especially when you are making money.

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Even White Liberals Notice Van Jones Isn't All There.

So, why is he still on CNN and getting interviews, etc? Because he's a beta, soft azz Black male. To keep embarrassing us. I'd love to see the white people who hire and employ him, Stephen A. Smith, etc, interviewed. Let them gaslight and expose them. They have the focus and animosity go towards these people while they stay in the cut.

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Jimmy (Mr. Beast) Done Phucked Up

I don't know if ya'll heard about this. I heard from my brother cause he watches some YouTubers that have collabed with Mr. Beast but that trans friend of his got busted doing all sorts of sick ish. Like the dude straight up bought animated CP of another man's 8 year old daughter, was sending sexual jokes to a 13 year old boy, and more. This was all done in public spaces prior to him deciding he was ready to be a lady so Jimmy over there trying to act like he didn't know... BS. This is the dude's lifelong best friend. He knew he was deranged and like other people are saying, he should have given him an intervention a long time ago about this stuff. There was some child protection groups calling him out about everything over a year ago and he ignored it.

Mind the company you keep people! This just might ruin the online empire be built.

Roland Martin And 50k Black Men Raise 1.3 Mil For Kamala

I think TBA is correct about Roland. His dream job is to be WH press secretary and he sees Kamala as a huge chance to do so.

We Have No Friends!!!

The footage shows that Massey told the deputy, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus," and then that's when the devil came out!!! I was thinking to myself, we grew up believing that this current generation would no longer harbor racism and hatred. We sometimes grew up together, we many times worked together, but the more things changed, the more they remained the same.

Is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Worth The Watch?

Looking for a new series to get into and I want something with humor. This seems to be on a lot of recommendation lists but I am not sure about it. I am not familiar with any of the people in the movie outside of that little dude and I don't know if I ever watched anything he was in. Anyone here watch it? I heard some mixed things about it crossing the line so idk.

DL Hughley Supporting Biden (B4 He Quit)

This didn't age well.
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I think DL Hughley loves Black folks. To my LA brothers and sisters, I knew a sister who said she went to HS with him at Gardena High.

I think he's one of those older brothers who see the Democratic party as saviors. That old way of thinking. He has a show with Black folks who call in and one would think he has a feel of what the community is thinking, feeling. Maybe the ones who are B1, a bit more TBA, Tariq, Dr. Umar, etc, don't listen or call in? Maybe its the old vote Blue no matter who people?

He is now beefing with Dr. Boyce.


D.L. can be eloquent at times. I've heard him speak on some things with a unique twist of words. I just hope he gets on the B1 train and stop being a DNC shill.

ATAK/MESHTASTIC Communications

Guess this is my first big post. Here goes.

I've seen a lot of people focus more on boafeng radios and other long range comms. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with ATAK or MESHTASTIC networks?
I am currently trying to configure one right now but I am at a dead end.

What Vitamins Should I Stock Up On?

I am still doing my prep work and I feel like vitamins are easily one of the most overlooked things. I am trying to get a list of things that would be good to have on hand. Like natural anti-biotics, standard vitamins, and things of that nature. So what would you recommend? Do you have anything like this stocked up and ready to go?
