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Anyone here want to make movies or even act?

I'm big into movies and TV and always wanted to make movies of my own. But I never pushed forward for that kind of career. But I'm curious to know if anyone here was or is interested in making movies like directing or producing. Maybe even acting. Are you interested in doing either?

Is anyone here an actor of film maker?

Scambaiting channels

Does anyone here watch those YouTube channels that bait scammers? Like the ones who hijack your files on a PC and claim to be Microsoft.

There's a few people on YouTube that do live streams and videos about scam baiting. They essentially hold some of these scammers for hours on the phone. Some even hack into the security cameras of the place they're working. It's fun stuff, and the reactions they get from the scammers can be hilarious.

Does anyone here like to toy with tech support scammers/phone scammers yourself? Know any other scam baiters?

Here are a couple I know of:
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World Series thread

Astros vs Phillies. I got the Phillies for very personal reasons.
Game 1 was a thriller. I'm not a huge baseball fan any more. Keeping an eye on this series though. If the Phillies win it, the big question is how turnt up the city will be in the victory parade. Philly fans always turn up. All races. In fact the white boys are the worst and the suburban white boys are often worse than the city.

LISA CABRERA: City organizers launch bid to recall L.A. Councilmember Kevin de Leon


Balkanizing Am*rica

More people need to advocate to balkanize this shitfest of a country, this country doesn't care about it's original inhabitants at all, we should balkanize into different countries for the racial groups that have been here, the Indians (Native American), the Whites (The bitch ass enslavers), and Blacks (AA/FBA). We would be able to govern ourselves under our own governments separate from eachother.

I can only dream youngbruhdisgusted


I'm a black man.
Over the last 2 years the Democratic party has insulted, belittled and trashed black men.

They feel our vote is owned by them and just a given. They put out the no voting no vucking video. Biden openly said during his SOU that he wants to give police (race soldiers) more money even as they are killing us wholesale.

The way I feel about it is this. Black men don't have a democracy. Our voice doesn't matter. We go out and vote for Democrats and they didn't pass any legislation to reign in police. Our existence is determined by the blue no matter who idiots of our community!

They talk about the Republicans ending democracy. They talk about Fascism when most of them don't even know what it means.

I served this country for 8 years in the military. I continue to serve my community and my country as a nurse. I don't at all feel free.

So in 2022 and 2024 I'll be voting Republican down ballot. I don't agree with anything about the Republicans,

But damn it if I can't have a democracy as a black man then the rest of these motherf*ckers can't either!

Example of Staying On Code!!

In my hometown of Jersey City, New Jersey Jared Kushner(Jewish) son-in-law of former President Donald Trump & republican is building 3 skyscrapers in the Journal Square district. These high rise buildings are suppose to be capped at 39 stories but if you donate to the local art group you can remove the cap.
The mayor ( Steve Fulop,another Jew) had signed off on this with no hesitation. The point is it doesn't matter what political team you play on. What matters is that you stay on code.

If you could go back and play professional sports, would you?

I grew up wanting to play basketball, but I gradually grew out of it. I just wasn't in to it as much, especially because all I could focus on was girls and hanging out with friends and gaming. But looking back, I regret it. I remember enjoying the brief time I played basketball, the team atmosphere, the roadtrips to opposing schools, and so on. If I could go back and play, I think I would have stuck with it and attempted to even go professional.

If I had the opportunity to go back, I think I'd try my best to go pro in the NBA. Or maybe go back to try football, but I didn't like how bad it was for my body. With basketball it's not so impactful to your body, but football is just so damn rough. My first concussion I was done.

Is physical media dead?

Did you guys hear about how the new Modern Warfare 2 game comes with just the license for the game? Well the PS5 version only 70MB on the disc, which is likely just the license for the game to work, so that it can download the actual game. I believe this is going to happen for the Xbox version as well.

To me, this is confirming that physical media is going to be done for soon. We already see Nintendo Switch games coming out with a physical release that just has a slip in it with a code to download the game. It's going to eventually result in digital only in the future. Sure maybe Limited Run games will still make physical releases, but I really think we're nearing an end of physical media. At least when it comes to video games, and movies. I can still see people buying vinyl to get the best sound for their music.

Do you guys think we're nearing a future where we're only going to be able to get our games digitally?

Would you rather homeschool your children these days?

I want to have kids one day, but I've yet to meet the right woman, but one day I hope to have a family of my own. When it comes to education, I'm kinda worried about it. I think most public schools don't teach the 100% truth of our history. I want my kids to know our past, the horrible abuse the US put upon African American men and women over the years. The fact that there is still hate out there. It's pushed me further away from the idea of public schooling.

Growing up I hated school, absolutely hated it. It was probably because I was around a mostly white population and had mostly white teachers. I always felt looked down on, was bullied, and dealt with the racism of the area. It's made me consider the idea that I'd rather homeschool my future children. The issue with that, is that I'm not a teacher, I don't know a whole lot. I suppose I could look into what teachers teach, and just use the books and teach from there. But I want to also teach him our truth, and make sure he/she knows what our past was.

Oh, and I'd make sure they'll learn how to do their taxes. Because I wish I learned how to do them in school, but nope, I have to learn more math or something dumb that I won't be utilizing outside in the real world anyway. I learned about what American history wants you to know about, not about what actually happened until I looked more into the past more thoroughly.

Would you rather homeschool your children than let most public & private schools teach them? Hell, maybe homeschooling together with the kids will teach me too.

It is official, Elon bought Twitter

So the CEO and the other woman who were in charge of silencing people were terminated.

That's good and all but what now? Supposedly, everyone who was banned under "hate speech" or "misinformation" are going to get their accounts back. I am going to have to check my old account to see if this is true cause my OG one was banned a few years back.

What do you think will come of this? I think we should use it as an opportunity to spread the real truth without the fears of being silenced. Get more people off the platform and on this forum.

Do you plan on using it for anything once we no longer need to fear being banned?

Increase of black male Republicans

The voting results showed that in 2020 black men voted for Trump and Republicans in larger numbers.

Black women did too but to a lesser extent. The Democrats are confused as to why black men would vote for Trump who was pretty openly racist.

For 8 years Obama did nothing for black men. We were slaughtered by racists both police officers and civilians because they were upset about his presidency.
They run Hilary Clinton who made the super predator comments.

They then run Joe Biden who was responsible for the 90s crime bill. He had done more harm to the black community than Trump ever has. Once he got in office he wants to give race soldier police more money.

As a running mate they put Kamala Harris who was responsible for mass incarceration of black men in California. She's done more harm to the black community than Trump ever has. She's not black. She's AAPI so it's not that far of a stretch to believe she's anti black racist!

Yet they expect that all of us are politically dumb enough to just go vote blue no matter who!

Just because the person isn't saying outwardly open racist rhetoric doesn't mean that aren't racist.
Yeah yeah Trump is racist. So what. America is racist. Stop being so emotional and voting based on that.

Black men weren't voting for Donald Trump.

We're voting against the Democrats. Simple!

Popular game streamers you'd recommend tuning into

What are some popular game streamers I should be checking out? For some reason I've been checking out more game streams on twitch while I do my work, and I'm interested in hearing your suggestions. I just want to tune into someone who's chill and fun when they game. I'm also not opposed to streamers who just chat, sometimes that can be fun. But I'm open to just about anything from FPS, action games, RPGs, etc.

Would you ever work at or for Amazon?

I've heard mostly horror stories from people who previously worked for Amazon. I personally would never work for Amazon after the stories I have heard. They just sound like a place where you work nonstop and barely get breaks. And from others I've heard of Amazon losing employees because of their horrible practices and rules.

Does anyone here work for Amazon or have worked for Amazon? I'd love to hear your experiences. I worked with some people who said they worked for Amazon as well, a couple of them just got tired of it fast, while some others had a few things to complain about.

What are your views on working with or for Amazon? Should you not bother with them?


Has anyone here heard of this new series coming from Netflix? It's made by the creators of Dark, which I watched a bit of, and I gotta say was pretty good. I still need to complete the show. I may have to re-watch it, because I last watched it like two years ago. I just know the show got really wild with its time travel and twists. One of these days I'll catch up on it.

Anyway, 1899 is a new series by the the same people who did Dark and it looks interesting. It takes place on a ship where some kind of strange phenomenon occurs, and it looks like no one's safe.

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Foq Twitter

Twitter banned me permanantly for making a tweet about Stacy Abrams comment regarding aborting babies. I called her a mammified coon. Twitter said this was "threatening" and "hate speech"! Meanwhile, tethers are tweeting about killing FBAs! This makes 3 accts banned for spurious reasons. I'm done with Twitter!pamgrierdisgust
