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Is the hip hop Superstar dead?

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This tweet made me ask this question. I have to rack my brain to figure out if there's any artist that even has the potential to be that guy, let alone actually is. In the 80s it was undeniable, we had LL, Run DMC, NWA. In the 90s we had Tupac, Big, Nas, Jay Z, DMX. In the 2000s we had Wayne, Eminem (I know, I know) Nelly, Ludacris and Kanye. And of course this past decade there was Kendrick, J. Cole, Drake, and Nicki Minaj (again, I know).

Looking at this new era we have seen minimal artists that had the it factor to lead an era for the next decade and we're two years into it already. The artists that I've seen mentioned so far are Uzi, Carti, Lil Baby, Gunna, and those of the like. Commercially they do well but they don't necessarily stand out, or there's nothing special about them. They may seem interesting but not enough to convince me that they can lead hip hop through an entire decade. The important part about this is they aren't undeniable, even if you don't like them. Many are critical of the likes of Nelly, Eminem, or Nicki, for example, but they're undeniable impact wise.

This is the first decade that we have experienced the beginning of where streaming took a large portion of music consumption, and as the Is Old Music Killing New Music article stated (Is Old Music Killing New Music?) record labels haven't figured out a way to produce talent. They have yet to catch up to the technology, which struggles to get the spark that you would get watching a music video on MTV in 2003.

To produce a new superstar, the industry is going to have to have more room for organic growth instead of trying to force certain artists on our playlists and algorithms. The Blog Era was the last time we saw that, but I'm seeing plenty of dope artists on Hip Hop Twitter which could cause a shift if given a chance.

Moving Away From Cities?

I think about this all the time. I see so many white people doing it, especially couples looking to raise kids in a safer area. I think it would be good for black couples to start making these moves as well. Looking at the state of cities across America, it is a nightmare. We have cops going around targeting black people, especially black men. There is crime, racism, anti-black agendas throughout the city streets. We have the people trying to paint us as Asian assassins. It is getting very tiring. I think the dems have long since destroyed these areas and they lie to keep black folks in them so they can control, push poverty, and keep us enslaved to a system that is destroying us. I feel we need to start encouraging our people to leave these cities. We need to become more self-sufficient ,. Get back into a community dialog. When we can get big numbers on the same page, we can see change for the better. What is left to love about city life in 2022? I just don't see it.

What are your thoughts on all this? About our communities. Making better changes. Leaving cities behind.

Waffle House

This was a big reason i stopped patronizing there. Its been about 2 yrs. That and most of the time the cops are posted inside or in the parking lot. Theres not toomany places open late hours except Taco Bell which doesnt offer much of a variety.

Black Woman’s Violent Arrest at Alabama Waffle House Was Justified, Police Say (Published 2018)

Modern Games are too long in playtime

I realize this after a playing a few modern games, i know this is a subjective depending on who you asked but when a person tell me that a game is 70 hours to complete I won't even touch it especially if it is single player only i won't even start it. Certain games have you do the same or similar side quest as a filler to the story, As I became older i stopped playing a lot of single player games and focused more on multiplayer games like fighters and shooters or even co op games

Am I the only one that thinks Modern games are too long

NFL hires 1st Black Female AG to defend racism, and gains $110 Billion in resources to help maintain racism

Thanks to everyone's continual NFL and Super Bowl support, this is the result:
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This is a race war, one that's waged against us, not one initiated by us. Something needs to be done. We cannot accept this, at all.

Any Walmart shoppers here?

Curious about this. My local Walmart has had some pretty bare shelves the last few weeks. One thing in particular that has been almost entirely out of stock for over a month now is cat food (canned ones). I looked at the soda section and they had maybe 10% of what they normally have. The meat selection was minimal. A lot of staples were gone - rice, pasta, cheap canned goods, etc.

I would like to think this is down to hoarding but given the issues with the supply chain, I think this is just down to them not having enough people to deliver to all the stores. I want to know if anyone else is seeing bare shelves at their local Walmarts. It is a bit concerning seeing it for weeks.

50 Year Old Virgin

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She is waiting for marriage and hasn’t got married in all this time.

How much you wanna bet she is difficult AF to deal with?

I met a 30 year old virgin and she cherished that shit like it was the ark of the covenant.

At a certain point they put so much premium on the virginity and be much more than the market can support.

The want you to jump through hoop after hoop because to them they are giving away something near and dear not realizing that in the market it’s just another vagina that’s in oversupply.

Racist Calls Black Man the N-Word and Gets His Tastebuds Realigned

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This is the energy we need to be bringing all the time. They trying to make saying the N-Word commonplace, we need to make sure there is a consequence when they say it even Willie D and J Prince won’t.

The Game Allegedly Tells Jay-Z to “Duck His Sick”

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We knew The Game was salty about the Super Bowl performance and 50 Cent being Chosen over him.

According to Wack 100 Jay Z is the one that banned him from the show.

Game is such a child all those “Fuck Jay Z rants came back and bit him in the ass”. Never knew that Jay would be the negro whisperer at the NFL later down the road.

Black Flora

This book is set to release on March 15th and is the first of its kind. It explores the culture, heritage, and empowerment behind black florists as well as what flowers represent for them. I have never seen a book like this. A friend was telling me about it. I have always had a thing for flowers. I have live ones in my apartment all the time, especially in the spring and summer months. I have considered getting into doing arrangements for weddings and starting up my own business before. Maybe this will be my inspiration. I am going to be picking up a copy of this book for sure. It will be a good coffee table reader and something that is directly helping support black creators.

There is a rich, beautiful, complex, and diverse narrative being told by African Americans and other persons of color in the floral marketplace. It is long past time to recognize their excellence and contributions to cut flower farming and floristry. Garden writer, podcaster, and blogger Teresa J. Speight of Cottage in the Court shares her interviews and profiles with leading pioneers and explores their lives rooted in the floral world.
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The Worst States for Black Americans

The May 2020 murder of George Floyd brought the U.S. into an era of racial reckoning. The tragedy, in which an unarmed Black man was killed in broad daylight by a white police officer, sparked global outrage and in the U.S., put racial inequity at the center of the national conversation.

From slavery to the Jim Crow era, the United States has a centuries-long history of government-sanctioned racism. While such laws have been long since repealed, their legacies loom large and have shaped much of the racial inequity evident in the United States to this day. Here is a look at the most important moments of the civil rights movement.

If you live in any of these states, watch your six and be safe!

Mo'Nique Goes in on Oprah, Lee Daniels, and Tyler Perry

Her speaking Oprah starts here:

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She says they only paid her $50k but she got 5% on the backend, she accepted it because it was an independent flick by Lee Daniels. It hits Sundance, gets rave reviews, and Oprah and Tyler Perry get involved and start putting the film in the circuit. Monique refused to travel for marketing because she was not under contract. Tyler Perry tried to talk her into campaigning outside of contract and without pay but she refused. Tyler Perry began to tell other people that she was difficult to work with and helped to black ball her.

Tyler Perry called her years down the line and said "What I did to you was wrong".

This is messed up situation and everyone should be ashamed of themselves for doing Mo'Nique like that.

This is What Happens When You Remove CRT From Schools

She said MLK was the first Black man to remove slavery. Yoooooooo if you think White people are ignorant AF now imagine how they gon be when our history is fully removed from the equation.

They gon be thinking the pilgrims came over here, had thanksgiving, and the natives gave them all the land, and Black people came here on H1B visas to make the railroads.

Woman Reportedly Jumps Overboard of the Carnival Valor

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She supposedly was fighting in the hot tub and when they hand cuffed her she kissed her son and hopped overboard. What's odd to me is that it looks like she was detained so I'm not understanding how they let her jump off. Was it just negligence or was she pushed off. It happens so fast on the video it is weird. Here's a news report about it:

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She was on the ship with her kids and husband.

INDISPUTABLE with Dr. Rashad Richey

I just came across this stream by mistake. Didn't know this man existed until now. He covers everything from Blacks in politics, all the way down to everyday Black lives.
To me, he's another version of Jason Black. 💯
View him on YouTube, you won't be disappointed! 💯



What the hell is going on with Victoria's Secret?

So I won't lie, I used to spend a lot of money on their bras. They had some killer ones back in the day that fit me right and wasn't giving me issues. I have since moved away from the brand and found better ones that aren't so expensive. I also found better options for loungewear. Their Pink line went downhill over the last 5 or so years. I don't shop with them at all anymore.

So I heard about them signing a trans woman as a model and declaring it as some sort of win for black history month. I was a bit taken aback by this. Are they now going to be selling trans women bras and panties? Also, wtf does this have to do with black history? Is this a joke?

And now I heard the other day that they signed a 24-year-old Latina woman who has down syndrome.

No Way Wtf GIF by Harlem
