White Supremacy And Children's Toys

Note: I understand that this video was posted a long time ago but I believe that this video and many other videos that talk about the topic of Racism should be watched and studied regardless of how old the information is (as long as the individual person watching the video finds the information in the video to be constructive) because we still exist in a Global Prison System Of White Supremacy/Racism.

I am not a parent but this video had made me more alert when it comes to me as a Victim Of Racism understanding that I need to be more conscious of the products that I buy and to look for the meanings behind those products and to always look at these meanings through a Counter-Racist Scientific lense:

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Cory Booker Is Always Tap-Dancing For AIPAC

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Here he is trying to make the case that there is anti-semitism in the Black community. Keep it a buck, how many Black people do you know that talk about Jews? It is not an issue in the Black community…we don’t care about Jewish people enough to hate them.

What he should be talking about is why that community keeps profiting off of negative depictions of Black culture.

AI Hides Jooish Involvement In The Slave Trade

I was going down the rabbit hole with how jooish merchants gained their wealth in Newport, VA. Went to Bing AI, and of course, they didn't want to reveal any truth. After seeing this, I immediately went to the Final Call website to purchase physical copies of The Secret Relationship between Jews and Blacks. At this point, it won't be long when they try to erase and revise ALL our history from the internet.

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What Do We Want?

I think we need a bigger discussion for everybody to get behind, obviously .. It always comes down to voting time, issues get splintered , and so does our group agenda ...

... we need some serious political and numerical analysis (independent) beforehand, so we not scrambling at the last minute (if that's even possible) ...

Collective action is the only way we are going to make real gains in a place that does everything to keep us on the fence, destabilize, circumvent laws, etc (I'm thinking about the 13th, slavery illegal except for a crime ... all those innocents who were enslaved because of technicalities) ...

If you were to present a list of demands to either party, what would it include? ...

Right now, I believe the only candidate with a reparations agenda/plan are the independents (Kennedy, and Williamson? I haven't heard of anybody else) - currently, serious options in my opinion ...

Newsome ... Eh, I'll believe it when I see it ...

Everyone has their own set of priorities, but high on my list is police reform and/or Anti-Black Hate ...

I also realize that the goal won't be as easy to attain nationally if Congress is not on the same page (courts come into play also ... This whole thing is a cluster really, which adds another conversation) ...

I'm an advocate of local politics being the biggest driver and where we should put most of our efforts ... Our own party articulating or own agenda ...

As Sinclair Skinner (iloveblackpeople.com) says,
"it's just one day ... We need to put something in place for the other 364 days" ...

Whatever is done, we also need something in place to get in front of the Pavlov experiment ..

Is It Weird To Buy Gifts For Pets?

I don't know if anyone else does this really outside of my one friend but I started it last year for my cats. I buy them birthday gifts and Christmas gifts. Am I weird af for this? lol

I just like wrapping stuff up in tissue with catnip and watching them open them. I know, I know... I should probably be having kids by now but let me enjoy this.

Anyone else or just my weird ass? usher laugh

End Of An Era

The Pac 12 just played their last game ever? The Washington Huskies defeat Oregon to win the Pac 12 championship. Everybody really just jumped ship to new conferences next year is crazy to think the Pac 12 is basically gone. Which Pac 12 school was your favorite? What are some of your favorite players out of the Pac 12?

They Came For Dr. Cornell West

This was not that easy to find out by any average reporter. To me it means they knew about his financial issues and his relationships with women for a long time but waited till the right time (for them) to expose it.

I am not shocked, but a wee bit surprised. The women part but not the financial part. Dr. West fell out with the establishment Democrats when he criticized Obama.

Then running against Biden. He was not going to be protected and that's why I think a right wing publication like Forbes felt it could go after someone so respected on both sides.

Hannity likes Dr. West. This expose` means to me that he's no longer useful, possibly a danger so he's going to be 'broken'.

Mexico Is Racist? Really? LOL

I've long read about how they are at their southern border. The border guards and other people literally rape and kill a number of the Central Americans coming in. The reason why they travel in such large numbers of caravan of people out of Guatemala, etc, is for protection against Mexican nationals.

Also, we have long heard how they want to whiten their 'race'.

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"Da Bears" Have Been Poked In Black Chicago. Who's Next?

Login to view embedded media Truth to Power! I can hear the Black grassroots all up in her speech and I Love It! How we'll begin to change things is first, expose and remove our coons, second recycle our dollars with us and third vote in our own interests (A Black Agenda). Things will change when we all begin to be on code! #chicagocityhall

Taurean Reign: Kathy Barnette Calls Black People Politically Dumb

Where do they find these people. She's gone. Lost. No coming back. I was very surprised she had a black husband. This is the first time that I can recall a black female Republican didn't have a white husband. She's 52 so that may explain it. Not too easy when she was growing up to find a white man as it is today to marry you.


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