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    The disturbing minds of Europe View: Came across this while browsing online and found one of the many examples of what goes on in...

    When Floyd Mayweather shut the anti-black noise with rhythm and grace

    View: I remember a broadcast I believe it was professor black truth or Jason Black who highlighted how the white "american" fans we're cheering for Mcgregor who is an irish man against Floyd who is a foundational black american...

    This the consistency I respect and I been on #B1

    View: This the energy I've felt since hearing the message day 1. If this is not your position for the empowerment of our FBA cousins in the diaspora here in the US you foolin yourself. #B1Eternally.

    I want to talk a little bit of business today come on in and share your tips and ideas here for irl or online

    Hey B1 fam I wanted to start this thread as a way to communicate some tips and ideas for us to gain a foothold on offering goods and services and build ourselves financially i.e. I've looked into power washing and thermal imaging for housing developments during winter time. If you have anything...

    What are your well known pro-black leader(s) you revered and respected during their time or at this moment.

    Hey B1 family I started this thread to get everyone's favorite and/or well known pro-black leader(s) and also if you want you can add a little auto-bio on that individual(s) as well. I want this thread to be an appreciation for those who gave and are giving their lives today to fight for the...