Search results

  1. A.B.

    New technology has Google sweating 🥵

    This new tech is blowing me away. It's called ChatGPT! There's so many ways to use it! Ask it a question and it gives you some of the best answers I've seen from A.I.. Check it out I'm sure you can use it for blog posts, websites, courses, any kind of content and best of all it's free to use...
  2. A.B.

    How to create a free website. (Test Run) Any feedback appreciated.

    Any constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated! Don't worry about offending me bc it all helps make my work better! 1. What would you like to see changed in the video? 2. Was the information easy to follow? 3. Did you have any trouble reading anything? View:
  3. A.B.

    One on my favorite speakers Carol Anderson talks about - White Rage! DEEP!

    Throwback but I've watched it at least 3 times! View:
  4. A.B.

    An example of one of my affiliate program campaigns on YouTube .

    Here I will share a simple but effective affiliate campaign on YouTube. I tried a few free methods and this is one that I can recommend you try. View:
  5. A.B.

    Motivational and Leadership Quotes by Maya Angelou

  6. A.B.

    Looking For Some Constructive Criticism On My New YouTube Channel

    Any opinions would be appreciated. View:
  7. A.B.

    It's Easier Than You Think To Develop Your Own Website. Here's Some Necessary Elements Of Website Design & Development

    Making a web site is not so much a task, if we compare it to the education of other technical skillsets. Most people are likely to give up as soon as they hear the word “programming” and “technical”. They suppose it`s too much of a hassle to really become skilled at a complete PC “language”...
  8. A.B.

    5 Tips To Help With Developing A Website

    Developing a website is important if you want to be a player in the digital real estate game. You don’t want to just develop a website any old way. Instead, you want to develop a website for your audience. When doing research online you've probably seen generalized information on how to develop...
  9. A.B.

    What are keywords?

    What are keywords? Keywords are the words and phrases that people use to search for information on the internet. Your website's content should be optimized around these keywords so that your site appears higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). What is keyword research? Keyword...
  10. A.B.

    High paying affiliate programs - More Income Streams!

    There are a lot of different affiliate programs out there, but some are definitely more lucrative than others. Some of the highest paying affiliate programs are those offered by major retailers like Amazon and Walmart. These programs offer commissions of up to 10% on sales generated by...
  11. A.B.

    5 Tips On Ranking Your Blog Post.

    1. Make sure your post is high quality and provides value to your audience. 2. Write keyword-rich titles and descriptions that will help your post rank higher in search engine results pages. 3. Use optimized images and videos within your post to break up the text and help keep your readers...
  12. A.B.

    Tips on keyword research

    If you want your post to rank high on Google, it’s important to do your keyword research first. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 1. Use Google Adwords Keyword Planner. This tool is free and easy to use. You can enter a keyword or phrase and it will give you a list of related...
  13. A.B.

    Ace's Freelance Services

    A.B. submitted a new business: Ace's Freelance Services - I can help! Read more about this business...
  14. A.B.

    FREE-GAME! - No one should be jobless with so many affiliate programs you can join.

    I'm sure everyone has heard about affiliate programs. But some of them are actually worth it. Before joining any affiliate program, make sure you know what the commission payment amount will be before signing up. This will help as a side gig, main gig, extra money, or until you get back to what...
  15. A.B.

    This may help! - FREE GAME!

    If you have a business and need a website for anything. You can Google, Google Sites and make a free website. As long as you have a Gmail account, it's totally free. But you will have to pay for a domain name, a dot com, a dot net, or whatever. It allows you to make up to 40 or 50 websites so...