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Drunk Brehita Crashes Car After Leaving the Club

That Honda Accord and Challenger were totaled. I bet she was texting and speeding and lost control. I hope everyone is safe and had car insurance.

BTW that accent is annoying AF but I'd wreck that little spicy becky.


Do You Believe Rihanna Took an L?

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If you watch The Business, the last episode Jason went in on Rihanna and said that she should have got counseling with Chris Brown as that was her las train leaving. Now she is settling with ASAP Rocky who I have never been a fan of especially after all those coonish comments he made. But did she take an L? ASAP Rocky has money but is he the man she really wants to be with?

I don’t think so, based on her bad Girl riri persona I don’t see how she could want to be with a man so feminine. He wears purses, loves high fashion, he’s small and frail looking. To each their own but do you think Jason was right ladies?


Controlling the Pandemic or Movement ?

Unless you've already heard, the Canadian government is in a bit of a rif with local and regional truckers and supporters. The Federal government has gone to the extent of freezing the gofundme account of the freedom truckers, these individuals are lower members of the dominant society and also refusing the mandate in order to deliver goods. I have attached this video below, given that The Hill made an important point to note that if this happens there. What will happen the next time we have an uprising with bail funds. They also went further to state (what we already know) that paid actors may have been used in order to delegitimize the protest.

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How the hell they let inmates escape through jail’s air vent!?

Three Tennessee inmates escaped from jail through an HVAC air vent Friday morning, and are believed to be on the loose in Virginia, authorities said.

Tobias Wayne Carr, 38, Johnny Shane Brown, 50, and Timothy Allen Sarver, 45, accessed the air vent system through the ceiling of their cell and escaped through the vent on the roof of Sullivan County Jail, Capt. Andy Seabolt with the county sheriff's office told NBC affiliate WCYB of Bristol, Virginia.

The trio is believed to be traveling in a white 2001 Chevrolet Silverado, the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office said Sunday. They may be in the Pulaski, Virginia, area.

WTF is going on at this prison? Seeing what they were charged for, people should be worried. Especially if they are sticking together. I mean if anyone here is in the general scope of the area and sees any of them, they are offering $7,500 for information. Wondering if they will actually pay up though and if this is per man. Do they have to catch them to get the reward money?

Air conditioning in the house

All these House Negroes complaining cause the air went out in masters house. You got unskilled football instructors who want to change someone else organization. Then you got an artist who did the "Sammy Sosa" then gets mad cause her ethncity wouldnt bleach. Then we got the lady who said she can put her luggage down when Obama was elected. Its just February and all this. But why do people think they can break the deal with the devil? Just wondering.

Why Michael Eric Dyson’s Attack On Black Men Helps White Supremacy

Very good article from a sister I follow once Twitter (trying too get her over to #6zeros to write a few articles)
But we all know what this coon was doing when he woke up and chose tap dancing, n*ggas like this should never feel comfortable being around the grassroots #FBA #B1 family, ever.

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Do you trust your local churches?

I know not everyone here attends or believes, I can understand that. I think we can all see the value in a strong church being in a neighborhood though. Back in the day, it was about supporting the community. Making sure the kids were taken care of. Giving where it is needed through donations (money, food, clothing, etc.). These days, it seems like the pastors are the ones who make out good and there is not that much support to go around. I have tried a few different churches in my area - black churches (owned and run), mixed churches, and even ones in whiter areas (I was among maybe 6 or 7 black folks in attendance). I don't feel any connection. It doesn't feel like a community but rather a means to make people feel better for showing up and donating. Maybe that is just me. Maybe my area and the churches I have gone to just haven't been any good.

Do you trust your local churches? Do you have a church you can go to and know you are part of a community and a system that supports your area through faith, love, and charity?

What would a succession do to this country?

I keep seeing famous celebs calling for a succession, that since people are this polar opposite in their opinions - we should just all break apart. There are government officials calling for it in different states, Texas being one. I have seen/heard a lot of talk on social platforms from everyday people calling for it as well.

Given that our trade system relies heavily on different zones and states, breaking things up I feel would hurt everyone long-term. Now I don't understand the laws and the lengths of this process, but I feel like if something like this were to take place it would hurt the minorities the most and those who earn under $50k per year.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it would benefit anyone?

6 Indie Games You Need to Stop Sleeping On

Written By GACishere

In an industry enamored with big publishers, cookie cutter releases, and big wallets; it’s often difficult for the smaller more risk-tolerant developers to stand out. For this reason, many gamers clamoring for more creative, challenging, and engaging titles are left hungering for more. Well, hunger no more as here are 6 Indie Games You Need to Stop Sleeping On.

Rogue Company​


First Watch GamesFree to Play
$49.99 for Ultimate Edition
Now on its 4th Season, Rogue Company is a free-to-play multiplayer tactical third-person hero shooter available on all major platforms. While seemingly derivative, it’s well-polished and fun to play. It offers game modes such as 6v6 Team Deathmatch, Demolition (Bomb Plant/Disarm), Strikeout (King of the Hill + TDM), and Extraction (Capture the Flag). If you’re a fan of Rainbow Six Siege or Team Fortress this is a game you definitely want to pick up.



1047 GamesXBOX, PS5, PCFree-to-PlayYes
Splitgate is what would happen if Master Chief found himself milling around an Aperture Science lab, Halo with Portals! While Splitgate offers run-of-the-mill game modes, it sets itself apart with its innovative portal mechanic. But the fun doesn’t stop there, the shooting in Splitgate is crisp and while it may look like a Halo clone, it’s no Nova. This is a unique and modern experience that every Halo fan should experience.

Castle Crashers​


The BehemothSwitch, XBOX, PS4$14.99No
Castle Crashers may go down in history for having one of the best soundtracks in a side-scroller, ever. From the very beginning you are greeted with an epic theme song that sets the tone for the nostalgic goodness that’s to come. Castle Crashers pays homage to classic arcade brawlers such as Final Fight, Golden Axe, and Streets of Rage. What makes it a must play is how accessible it is. It’s easy and light which makes it simple to pick up and play whenever time permits.



Free LivesSwitch, PC, PS4$14.99No
If the Expendables movie was turned into a 2D shooter, it would be Broforce. Much like Metal Slug and Contra of yesteryear, Broforce is a 4 player side scrolling shoot ’em up that keeps you engaged from start to finish. Like Castle Crashers, it’s a 7 hour long adventure that can be played solo but is better with friends.

YS: Origin​


Nihon FalcomSwitch, PC, PS4$19.99No
While often concealed by the shadow of Final Fantasy, YS holds its own. For one, it has better combat, more exciting boss fights, and the cut scenes and dialogue are a must-see for anime fans. If you’re looking to get your JRPG fix, cop YS: Origin.

Axiom Verge​


Thomas Happ GamesSwitch, PC, PS4$19.99No
Axiom Verge is Metroid for those who do not want to purchase a Nintendo console. In Axiom, you play a scientist named Trace who is teleported to an alien world and must find his way out. Upon release, this game received perfect reviews from many reviewers, who applauded it for its level design, variety of weapons, and replay value.


If you’re tired of the yearly Madden, Call of Duty, and Ubisoft release then make sure you check out one of the games above.

I'm doing my part, how about you?

These shirts are dope AF, the shipping is fast and the quality is top notch. I buy what I can when I can to support the #6zeros #B1 #FBA family. It might not seem like much but every bit helps. If you haven't gotten yours... Why?
Thank you Jay for making these dope shirts and #6zeros for us to hang out and have the freedom to speak on what's important to us. ✊🏾

Thinking about doing a #6zeros challenge, picture in public with your #6zeros gear...

#StayOnCode #B1 #FBA #blackfirst #6zeros #ZeroNation



Best video game songs/soundtracks

a third of the music I listen to is video game official soundtracks
here are my favorite songs/soundtracks PS I chose original songs even though GTA/Mafia have good songs they are licensed music, so it really didn't count to me

Snake eater theme Metal gear solid 3 (even though peace walker is my favorite) also sung by a Beautiful black woman

Dire dire docks - super mario 64

Sonic series (almost all the games have a good soundtracks)

Final fantasy 7,8,10 have great soundtracks 9 has a great map theme

Street fighter series/Capcom vs Snk/Marvel vs Capcom

Super smash bros


Shelfie- Spaltoon 1

Pokemon Gen 1 and Gen 3 soundtrack

Kingdom hearts 1 world map theme

Super Mario Sunshine secret course

mario hoops 3 on 3- main menu

And those are on the top of my head

Bad thinkers???

The mainstream media is tired of people like me. People who always practiced using their brains. They are slowly trying to outlaw independant thoughts. Then, there are other people who dont like that your observations are correct. I thought that I wouldnt hear the phrase conspiracy theory anymore. What words or phrases will they use to try to discredit my opinions now? A decade ago people were waking up , now its a fight against people that claim they are "woke". You would have to be unconscious if you think that the world is in good shape.

Bad Thinkers

India Arie Goes In On Joe Rogan, Boycotts Spotify

Some of the larger takeways from her clips are this:

  • Spotify makes its money largely from Black American music
  • It pays the artists pennies for their music
  • Spotify takes the millions it makes off the music to pay a racist white man 100M.
  • Black artists need to all walk off together, that’s the only way to get leverage
It’s very powerful and she brought hella receipts.

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Throwback: What You Gon’ Do, Shoot Me?

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“You got a gun what you gon do with it”

“Bitch im not worried about no gun you with get blowed out”

”Call 911 she just shot me”


This is a classic right here. Shorty was talking big stuff, about how she didnt care about the gun, was trying to call the other girl’s bluff, and all that went out the way when the caps started peeling. She was crying and damn near confused about why she got shot. Her homegirl in the background was confused too, talk about lack of accountability.

What's the dumbest thing you got banned for?

Guys, what's the dumbest thing you got banned or suspended for on another platform? I literally got banned from the entire Reddit for posting this on their
fragile white redditor

Lol the
fragile white redditor
subreddit didn't even ban me from the sub, yet the reddit admin permanently banned me from all of reddit for this post which was merely pointing out the the logic of racists and how they really think.



Who is Michael Eric Dyson?

Apparently Michael Eric Dyson has been reading Iceberg Slim, cause this man got on the internet spitting his best rap. To make matters worse he spoke about how black men were to blame for the women marrying Zaddy and choice of these black (mostly immigrant) males being at these Ivy League and Elite schools.
nbaplayerdisbeliefno nigga, cause Washington Post released a study in 2007, stating that most of the black admits to these top tier schools are immigrants. The study specifically stated the applicants were chosen because the schools knew they would not bring up racism. Dyson is a prime example of why YOU CAN'T TRUST THESE OLE NIGGAS! This is was the his inner Pimp Preacher talking the other day. This man talking about all the beauty of black women and got a whole enchilada at home. Furthermore, as a community we are looking at these Supreme Court nominations as how they and their bedfellows will legislation and scrutinize policy. Screenshot_20220204-131319_Twitter.jpg

Fighting Games: the genre I spent the most time on

I think 98% of my life playing fighting games
I play the super street fighter 2 on my Sega Genesis
and from then I played almost every Capcom fighting game in existence
I got into it because of my cousin and Uncle who were both into Marvel vs Capcom 2

I remember when I was little and i went over my cousin house, he and his friends would be money matching MVC2
The following fighting game franchises i played a little once

Street Fighter
Marvel Vs Capcom
Capcom vs Snk
Soul calibur (the first and second is the best)
Tekken (played all of them , not a fan)
Mortal Kombat ( Played all of them, the first three were the best)
Guilty gear(ehh series)

Am i the only that plays this much fighting games ?

Tariq and his Twitter Spaces.

I've supported and I rock with our brotha Tariq for many years, anyone who knows him through his live broadcasts knows he can get petty and funny at the same time. Many times it is warranted and sometimes it just gets overdone. On his Twitter spaces with these topics of #FBA Vs. (insert any African name) he tends to start talking about them. I have no problem with putting these tethers in check for some of the bullsh*t they pull when they come over to our soil. When you result in name-calling and flat out making fun of them it starts getting a tad bit elementary.
Having these conversations has been long overdue but let's show them intellectually why you don't F' around and stab #FBA in the back once you are here, don't resort to name-calling just to try and make them look stupid. Don't get me wrong, a good roast is fun to listen to but, when it seems like every space he hosts turns into name-calling and a roast session... I tune out. The point is to point out that what they are doing is wrong and won't be tolerated and to let them know what to expect if they keep up with their bullsh*t.

Does anyone else feel the same or am I overthinking this?

#6zeros #B1 #FBA #StayOnCode
