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Florida Election

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Beware of the non-FBA sweetener in this story.

Special Election Held For District 20. January 11, 2022, 12:07 PM. Polls are open until 7 p.m. in the race to replace longtime Congressman Alcee Hastings in District 20. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting

What are some kitchen items that make food prep and cooking easier/more time efficient?

I want to get in the habit of cooking more at home. Taking better care of myself and eating healthier meals. Problem is, I am short on time half the time so I need to find ways to cut out cook and prep time for meals. I am looking to pick up a few things this weekend when I am out shopping. What are some good kitchen items that help save time when preparing home-cooked meals?

5G messing with airports? Here we go again...

The rollout for 5G started in the US and already they are having issues with airports getting interference from the towers. What is terrible about this is a few years ago people who knew the tech were talking about this and they were shut down on social platforms and labeled conspiracy theorists simply for cautioning people that there was a strong possibility it will interrupt satellites and airports.

I don't know the health consequences of 5G, I know there are some conspiracies around that for sure but I think it is a bit odd how now that COVID is becoming a non-issue for travel in a lot of places, they decide to roll out 5G and it is causing issues for travel. Maybe that is just be not trusting the powers that be. Can you blame me?

Keeping it positive

(Harpo said many times "She wish she was white", and that came from someone that all their family members skin tone were the same or simular)

Not once have I wished I were white...But I have wished I was born to a all dark hued family. I cant forget the constant teasing when my own fauir skinned cousins would actually team together and chant "White skin is the right skin", then my cousins would say "Light skin can NEVER sin". This was from 5 to 8 years of age.
And it seems like my own mother didn't like what came out of her own twat because also at age 8 she suggested when I reach my teens maybe I could have my wide set black ass nose slimmed down. That really hurt and it still does now.
Then when I was 9 she married this low life darkie named Charles Hill , he drove a MDOC bus in Detroit but what my mother didnt know about him was he was selling cocaine on the side. Charles would then use his 2 nephews and myself as runners all over the west side of town. At first each drop we would get a crisp $100 bill but we were told NOT to say anything, then the payments went to $50 to each of us and before you know it we were given small bags of blow.
Hooked on coke at 9.
When I was 11 Charles came back home high and started beating on my mother (I was at my grandparents house this night) and she killed him..stabbed him through his adams apple and came out the back of his neck.
Her marriage was over.
Charles' youngest nephew snitched on the entire operation and how long it had been going on, and into child thrapy I went which was 2 parts. Oh sure moms insurance took care of the first part which was just me having to talk to this carrot nosed white woman but when my family was told I would need go to a drug rehab that was $30k and Blue Cross wouldn't pay that. And I surly wasn't worth throwing $30k to get me clean off that shit.
"We can get him off that stuff with our southern home remedies" said my grandmother. And that is just what they did and They all clearly felt I wasn't worth $30k to get me fully clean??? I bet you if I was high yella with green eyes that cash would have came in hand ovewr fist. But I's 1 oF 2 darkies in this so called "FAMILY".

So, who's to say that all these health problems I am having to deal with now is the result from all that blow I did and was NOT taken off the right way? Well NiNi thinks they didnt want CPS deep in their business asking how in the hell did a 9 year old child get hooked on cocaine?

Now I didnt write this for ANY simpathy or empathy. I just for once want to be heard and understood because I didn't plan to fail, I just failed my plan putting trust into Family.

#HierarchyOfColor within the Black race

The Survivalist

Now family this is the thing we got to watch with white supremacy as far as pushing their agenda with covid and this pandemic through there b******* b class STUVIES (STUPID MOVIES) I'm not one to watch a lot of Them because I'm always out in the field but when I do have time to come home cleanse before I go back out to battle RWS I always keep an update on what they Are feeding the masses and this is a fear tactic watch this movie so you can be prepared what to look out for with this new vaccine act be very very suspicious.....



Tariq Nasheed goes in on fresh and fancy

The disgust I have for tether coons who talk shit about #FBA and have the nerve to do it on my soil.
I'm surprised he hasn't been pulled up on yet.. Tariq checks these niggas perfectly
skip to 54:30
This is long overdue, and all of these coons need to be checked, on the spot.

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The Atmospheric Water Generator

Yahoo Finance reports,

An Atmospheric Water Generator extracts water from the humidity in the air and renders water potable.
The Global Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) Market is likely to grow at around 24.88% during the forecast period, 2021-26. The market growth primarily attributes to the growing government focus toward water generation and massive investments from leading market players in the research & development activities to develop enhanced AWG units with higher efficiency and lower environmental impacts.

Covid-19 Severely Impacted the Global Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) Market
The governments across the globe had to impose stringent movement restrictions & lockdowns to combat the virus transmission, which took a negative turn on the Atmospheric Water Generators Market, resulting in massive disruptions in the supply chain, coupled with demand decline.
Additionally, the labor shortage further resulted in reduced production and later a complete shutdown of manufacturing units.

Wet Desiccation to Witness the Fastest Growth in the Global Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) Market
Wet Desiccation AWGs are expected to witness the fastest market growth in the forecast period, owing to the rapid technological advancements to upgrade & replace the crystalline brine salt with liquid brine. These advancements further enhance humidity extraction from the air. Hence, the segment demand is surging significantly.
Moreover, various large-scale industries & militaries of several economies are propelling the adoption of these AWGs for their portable variants that produce a water volume of approximately 4550 to 5000 liters per day.

Based on the Application, the Global Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) Market Bifurcates into:
  • Industrial
  • Commercial
  • Residential
Residential Sector to Display the Fastest Market Growth During 2021-26
The Residential sector is more likely to witness the fastest growth in the forecast period. It owes primarily to the increasing urbanization to suffice the need for water among the flooding population. Additionally, the favorable government policies to increase the housing facilities shall influence manufacturers to integrate the demand for AWGs across residential applications. Furthermore, consecutive years of droughts & freshwater depletion.
Followed by, the Commercial Sector is likely to witness significant growth in the forecast period, principally due to the soaring demand for AWGs across commercial buildings like hotels & theaters to eliminate water scarcity issues.
Furthermore, these AWGs installed with onboard power sources providing sustainable power generation & reduced energy costs is another crucial aspect that shall propel the demand for AWGs in the commercial sector during 2021-26.

Below is an interview with FBA Ret. Army Veteran Moses West explaining his AWG

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I Don't Care If Men Do It

Men can do it all day but ladies, please don't do this.

It would break my heart.

usher laugh

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Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in Western Asia. It spans the vast majority of the Arabian Peninsula, with a land area of approximately 2,150,000 km². Saudi Arabia is the fourth-largest country entirely in Asia, the largest in Western Asia, and the second-largest in the Arab world.

Louisiana Senate Candidate Gary Chambers smokes Marijuana in Ad Campaign

Senate candidate Gary Chambers applied some pressure in his first campaign ad. Sitting back in a leather chair in the middle of a field, he puts a blunt to his lips and lights it. In the voiceover, he says say “Every 37 seconds someone is arrested for possession of marijuana.”
The fact this nigga is focused on weed and not reparations tell me all I need to know about him. The Dems are banking on niggas loyalty to abuse, they gave us a statue, a coin (the backside) a holiday now some plump nigga smoking weed...I hope they crash and burn and never recover.

What is everyone's ideal workplace environment? Do you feel you currently have that in your occupation? Why or why not?

Hey all, I wanted to post a thread here because I don't often interact here and workplace environments and relationships are interesting to me because I feel like they subconsciously impact us in subtle ways we don't notice until after we've left that place or it's pointed out to us by someone else.

In answering the question for the topic, for me, I had an ideal workplace at a mortgage company but, it didn't work out in the end because Covid happened and I was let go. I think it could have been a great situation sans that, though.

Part of what creates a good environment for me is who the supervisor is and their management style. I prefer a more adult-like, hands-off approach. I don't need to be micromanaged and babysat because I feel like if you need to do all that, then do it your damn self. Essentially, a manager or super where they trust the people they've hired or otherwise, hire the people they trust. I also add how I mesh with co-workers. Now I'm not saying I'm looking for friends, but I still need to be able to work with and respect you, because even if I don't like you personally, we can still make shit happen and accomplish much together if we're on the same page professionally. Currently, I don't have that idyllic situation per se, although, my super is hands-off. But his hands-off is more because he doesn't really have a leadership skill-set and doesn't really know what's going on, usually. Now with that being said, I do feel it's a loose enough environment that I can focus on my true goal of self-employment and achieve what I'm working toward without much conflict. But sometimes, that leads me to lose focus on the task at hand in the office which is the job I'm getting paid for at the moment and only want to focus on my own goals.

Anyway, for those of you out there currently exchanging your time for money, what are some of your experiences in the workplace?

Capitalism vs communism

Alot of confusion is around communism due to the red scare so let me just break it down real quick

Communism is an economic model in which the citizens or community control the means of production. With a strong government that is ran for by and with the citizens control. This means you have control over your elected leader, so instead of voting in politicians you have no control of you are able to hire and fire them at will. There is no careerist politicians. Healthcare education housing and food are human rights. We all may do different jobs but all of the resourses are shared equally. Each person is given the opportunity to contribute to the society however they are able to.

Capitalism is the economic belief that the means of production should be ran by the few or the elite or overclass. They then pay their workers a wage based on the market value of that work. This means that the job is only worth what someone is willing to pay and can be depressed by people willing to do it for cheaper. It belies in weak and ineffective government and that everything should be decided through the free market. So that you vote with your dollar, even on essential things like food water healthcare and education. Everything is a store, and advertising should be a constant entity to keep the economy flowing and producing.

MoT #58 Why So Many Immigrants Attack Our Icons

This thread prompted a lot of response, and after MLK day, Professor Black Truth posted a Moment of Truth today addressing this very issue. i suggest you listen.

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Are there any TV programs safe for kids these days?

It has changed a lot since I was growing up. I see nothing but LGBT and political propaganda everywhere when it comes to children's TV programs. It is less about television at this point and more about legit programming. I don't know if TV is safe anymore. Maybe it never was? If I had a kid right now, I would not feel comfortable letting them watch Disney, Nick, or any of the other children's networks.

How would we go about gatekeeping?

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Tweet added because it's relevant.

Often, I've seen plenty people say that we should have gatekept harder...what could we have done to avoid a video like this? It seems like an impossible task, especially with assimilation.

Project Pamoja

The world is getting smaller every time I look at how the world is starting to integrate and solve problems. In the next twenty years, either we will be able to choose our own path or continue to not form corporations and trade with the Continent of Africa with all of her riches and minerals. Now is the time where you plan for a vision that you will not see for twenty or so years. As long as you stay on target, you will be prepared.

My dear brother Julius Malema is calling on KiSwahili to be the lingua franca of Africa. I happen to think his idea is a great one. Keep in mind that Julius is not a native KiSwahili speaker but he sees it as a unifying language. You can still speak your native language if you wish. Lesson: What's the downside to being bilingual?

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I am creating a free language program that I call Pamoja. In KiSwahili it means: together or unity. I want it to be simple and effective. As I write this program, the only dependencies for this program will be GTK and Vorbis. It is written in C++

There are a lot of Euro-minded African Americans that want to speak a European language and that is OK with me. The future is not in Europe, it's changing to Africa and I think you should be prepared. We have to fight back on multiple fronts and this is a major front so let's get to learning. I will be using a voice actor to teach the lessons. By the time you finish, you should be very familiar with the language and you should be able to hold a basic conversation.

/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-  */
 * Copyright (C) 2022 The Harmattan
 * Pamoja is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Pamoja is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <iostream>

#include "config.h"

#  include <libintl.h>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
    Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);

    Gtk::Window* main_win = new Gtk::Window (Gtk::WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    main_win->set_title ("Pamoja");

    if (main_win)
    return 0;

That is the outline but we have a billion things more that we will have to add. I will add to it and update the code as we go along. I can speak KiSwahili but I cannot read and so this will help me too. The code is open source so that there will be no barriers to learning.

Black Love and B1

Think of what we can do, if we do things TOGETHER!


What Happens When You Get Into A Cop's Head?

They throw a tantrum and can't control themselves. That's what happens.


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Police brutality is the excessive and unwarranted use of force by law enforcement. It is an extreme form of police misconduct or violence and is a civil rights violation. It also refers to a situation where officers exercise undue or excessive force against a person. Police violence includes but is not limited to physical or verbal harassment, physical or mental injury, property damage, inaction of police officers, and in some cases, death

China Tries To Shift The Blame For Latest Surge Of COVID-19

Chinese officials say Beijing's first case of the COVID-19 Omicron variant may be linked to a package received from Canada, however health experts are skeptical, the CBC reported.

The Beijing Center for Disease Control and virologists said the recent cases stemmed from packages shipped abroad. The Global Times, a Communist Party newspaper, said Tuesday people who were recently infected had received packages from the United States and Canada, the Associated Press reported.

Health authorities claimed a resident in Beijing was exposed to the Omicron variant after picking up a piece of mail they received from Canada. State media reported the resident's package was responsible for the new infection on January 7 after it passed through Hong Kong from Canada, The Global and Mail reported.

Global health experts disagree with China's reasoning for the COVID-19 infection. The World Health Organization said COVID-19 cannot multiply on surfaces like mail or food packages. The viruses "need a live animal or human host to multiply and survive," the AP reported.

The AP reported that experts say the virus is mainly spread by respiratory droplets of infected people's so when they breathe, sneeze, cough or speak.

Pang Xinghuo, the deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control, said health officials "cannot rule out the possibility" that the person was infected by the package from abroad containing the virus, the CBC reported.

Chinese officials said they're increasing testing on shipments from overseas, including frozen food, after trace amounts of the virus were found on packages. According to the AP, Chinese authorities emphasized the danger of international packages despite the limited trace of the virus found.

"While mail may be contaminated, the risk of COVID-19 infection when handling paper mail or cardboard packages, including international mail, is extremely low," the Public Health Agency of Canada said in an email statement to the CBC.

Chinese health authorities advised residents to wear gloves and face masks plus not to open international packages indoors. Officials urged residents not to order packages requiring international shipment to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure ahead of the Winter Olympics, U.S. News reported.

China is cracking down on its strict zero-tolerance COVID-19 policy ahead of the Winter Olympics, which are set to begin in just a couple of weeks.

Organizers for the game's recently announced event tickets will no longer be sold to the general public after a surge of COVID-19 cases. Only "targeted groups of people" will have access to tickets due to the rise of infections. Local residents who attend the game must follow strict COVID-19 policies, Reuters reported

53rd NAACP Awards 2022

The nominations have been announced! Check them out here Nominees Archive – NAACP Image Awards

Here is just a list of every category and nominee in an easier view 2022 NAACP Image Awards Nominations: The Full List

Are yall voting? I have not viewed every category but some of these I need to check all the movies/shows to be able to vote appropriately

Warren Got Handled

She looked like she wanted to run away

usher laugh

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Elizabeth Ann Warren is an American politician and former law professor who is the senior United States senator from Massachusetts, serving since 2013. A member of the Democratic Party and regarded as a progressive, Warren has focused on consumer protection, economic opportunity, and the social safety net while in the Senate

Batgirl Suit Damage Control

I just hope Batgirl has open toe boots like Halle Berry in Catwoman


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Batgirl is the name of several fictional superheroines appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, depicted as female counterparts to the superhero Batman. Although the character Betty Kane was introduced into publication in 1961 by Bill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff as Bat-Girl, she was replaced by Barbara Gordon in 1967, who later came to be identified as the iconic Batgirl
