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Danny Masterson... The Crime That Never Happened For Obvious Reasons

I'm just asking for a friend. Where's all the memes, jokes, skits, Me2's for this one also? Check my timeline once again... I talked about it!

Nobody's Talking About Dan Schneider???? 🤔

Thompson said. “It’s tough for me because I can’t really speak on things that I never witnessed, you know what I’m saying? Because all these things happened after I left, basically.”

Everybody is CSI, FBI, DEA when it comes to FBA but when asked about anyone outside the FBA community, they just don't know because they weren't there and they can't speak on it.. We know what time it is!

WHERE'S ALL THE MEMES AND FUNNY JOKES FOR DAN SCHNEIDER (and yes I've talked about this... Go way back in my timeline)

Rest In Peace, Louis Gossett, Jr.

One thing I liked about Louis Gossett Jr. is that in every role he played, he always exuded cool. Even when he played a villain like Sgt. Foley, he always had swagger. There was always something that pulled you in to his performances. Even in his later roles as an old man, he was still a presence on screen. He always represented Black masculinity & Black people to the fullest.
He earned the title of "Legend".
May he rest in peace.

4 Killed And Many Injured In Rockford, IL. Stabbing By Alleged Migrant

I lived in Rockford for 20 years of my life so I know it well. This is a travesty brought to you courtesy of the Biden administration. I'm sure this guy is not a legal citizen and has probably been arrested multiple times. When is enough, ENOUGH and we start protecting our communities from these thugs!!!

Forgiving Candace Owens

Not tryna tell Black folks who to or who not to like. However, I have a couple homies, otherwise B1, as well as online, kinda, sorta discuss the possibility of her being near the bbq if not at the bbq.

Honestly, I'm like 'WTF? How is this even a discussion?'. Her sounding black supportive on Breakfast club was the reason. Real talk, are some of us that desperate for allies?

Bottom line is this. First, she literally condoned black murder. Second, if your brother, son, homie got killed in exactly the same manner as one of the many black deaths (Trayvon, Tamir Rice, Philandro Castile, etc.) she'd co-sign their murder if its in her interest to do so.

Coach Prime At It Again

So what!
John Elway dad did it, Eli Manning dad did it so if Coach Prime doesn't want his son playing in a certain city so what he has some say to it. Nobody had a problem when the "others" did it so leave him alone. Now his son has to take care of business on the field to make this possible. How do you feel about this?


The Real Truth On Candace Owen's Childhood And Background

Coondace was born in NY state but raised in Stamford, CT. Her parents divorced and she was raised by her grandmother at about 11 years old. Her fathers side is 100 percent FBA, her mother is half Virgin Islands. Her mother's parents, her grandparents are FBA father, Virgin Islands mother.

Anyone in the NY area knows Stamord is an upper middle class area. Its gone down a wee bit but it was known as a rich area. Lots of the Wall Street bankers commuted from there. The black population has grown to around 13 percent now but it was tiny years ago. She essentially grew up in an upper middle class bougie white area.

Even though only one of her grandparents was from the Caribbean she clung to it. It made her seem less black. "I'm not black, I'm from the Caribbean". That kinda drag. She was ashamed of being black in a rich white town where they looked down on Blacks.

As she said on the breakfast club, she dated Asians in school and college. She was made fun of. Her grandparents didn't have money. Hence she had to drop out of college because of a lack of financial aid. Any New Yorker on this site can tell you Stamford is known for millionaires. My guess and its pure speculation, is that she was teased. She didn't have the money to hang with them rich white kids and they are snotty, rich white brats.

There are one of two ways Blacks usually go in an all white, rich environment. They cling to their blackness and despise the white folks who look down on you or the complete opposite, you are desperate to be accepted.

We know which one Candace chose. My guess is she was raised by the grandparents where one of them was from the Virgin Islands originally so even though she was 3/4 FBA, she clung to the one part that was farthest away from Blackness.

There is no evidence she has ever dated a Black guy. There are tons of Black male conservatives. Trump recently spoke at a conference. Around 8 years ago, racist Steve Bannon spoke at another big gathering. Although they are coons, the Black conservatives tend to have degrees and good jobs. Which, ironically is why they look down on us. She was never ever going to marry a black man, even if she met a high IQ, wealthy one.

Even as a liberal prior to her grift to conservatism, she was dating non blacks.
