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Coach Prime At It Again

So what!
John Elway dad did it, Eli Manning dad did it so if Coach Prime doesn't want his son playing in a certain city so what he has some say to it. Nobody had a problem when the "others" did it so leave him alone. Now his son has to take care of business on the field to make this possible. How do you feel about this?


The Real Truth On Candace Owen's Childhood And Background

Coondace was born in NY state but raised in Stamford, CT. Her parents divorced and she was raised by her grandmother at about 11 years old. Her fathers side is 100 percent FBA, her mother is half Virgin Islands. Her mother's parents, her grandparents are FBA father, Virgin Islands mother.

Anyone in the NY area knows Stamord is an upper middle class area. Its gone down a wee bit but it was known as a rich area. Lots of the Wall Street bankers commuted from there. The black population has grown to around 13 percent now but it was tiny years ago. She essentially grew up in an upper middle class bougie white area.

Even though only one of her grandparents was from the Caribbean she clung to it. It made her seem less black. "I'm not black, I'm from the Caribbean". That kinda drag. She was ashamed of being black in a rich white town where they looked down on Blacks.

As she said on the breakfast club, she dated Asians in school and college. She was made fun of. Her grandparents didn't have money. Hence she had to drop out of college because of a lack of financial aid. Any New Yorker on this site can tell you Stamford is known for millionaires. My guess and its pure speculation, is that she was teased. She didn't have the money to hang with them rich white kids and they are snotty, rich white brats.

There are one of two ways Blacks usually go in an all white, rich environment. They cling to their blackness and despise the white folks who look down on you or the complete opposite, you are desperate to be accepted.

We know which one Candace chose. My guess is she was raised by the grandparents where one of them was from the Virgin Islands originally so even though she was 3/4 FBA, she clung to the one part that was farthest away from Blackness.

There is no evidence she has ever dated a Black guy. There are tons of Black male conservatives. Trump recently spoke at a conference. Around 8 years ago, racist Steve Bannon spoke at another big gathering. Although they are coons, the Black conservatives tend to have degrees and good jobs. Which, ironically is why they look down on us. She was never ever going to marry a black man, even if she met a high IQ, wealthy one.

Even as a liberal prior to her grift to conservatism, she was dating non blacks.

Prosopometamorphopsia (PMO)...

This is making the rounds... What do y'all think about it?

For 59-year-old Victor Sharrah, the terrifying symptoms began on a winter day in Nashville.

“I just woke up and was sitting on the couch watching TV when my roommate came into the room, and (looking at him) I’m like, ‘What am I seeing?’ Then his girlfriend walked in and her face was the same,” Sharrah told CNN.

Each of the once-familiar faces had a grotesque grimace, elongated eyes and deeply etched scars. When turned to the side, pointy ears suddenly appeared, he said, much like those of Spock, the Vulcan first officer on the USS Enterprise in Star Trek.

“I tried to explain to my roommate what I was seeing, and he thought I was nuts. Then I went outside and all of the faces of people I saw were distorted and still are,” Sharrah said.

“It’s like staring at demons,” he added. “Imagine waking up one morning and suddenly everybody in the world looks like a creature in a horror movie.”

Sharrah has a rare condition called prosopometamorphopsia, or PMO, in which parts of the faces of other people appear distorted in shape, texture, position or color. Objects and other parts of a person’s body, however, typically remain undisturbed.

Do you think people are starting to see entities more, or are they just crazy?

Mayor Brandon Johnson Continues To Get That Work

Login to view embedded media See this illegal thing was not a problem when it was only affecting Foundational Black Chicagoans. Those brothers and sisters led the charge because it had been forced on them and all of us FBAs since the beginning. Everyone else went about their business, until it hit their front doorstep. Wonder why the rent is so high? It's because they want you woke, revolutionary FBAs out the paint and replaced with a more compliant class of people. They won't stop until we no longer exist. Not on my watch!!!! #FBA #B1

The Reason Coondance Owens Had To Go Is....

because of power dynamics. You can be blatantly racist against Blacks and still be on a major platform. You can be homophobic even to a lesser extent but not the same degree as anti Black racism. You can be anti Feminism as well.

What you can't be is seen as openly anti-semitic in the eyes of 'them'. Outright neo Nazis aren't allowed on any platform. If you are a Black person that is deemed anti-semitic, they come after you the most. More than anyone for a few reasons, some obvious, some maybe not so.

To have Candace Owens on a big platform saying what she says is a no go. No matter the rules, you change them for a black person if need be.

Kanye was the first person ever for a bank to say we don't want your account. I'm not even sure its legal. There are known KKK, Neo Nazis, known, that have a regular checking account and take donations in banks. Known. Until Kanye.

Owens is on a big platform that says they back free speech. When they say that they are signaling that in case someone says the N bomb they can say "Well, I don't like it but we are about free speech".

All kinds openly racist stuff is said like Charlie Kirk who even some white conservatives wouldn't support like saying Black pilots may have gotten their job as DEI hire. This is asinine (and no one has challenged it) that there is zero way you can become a pilot unless you have a certain amount of flight time, with certain types of planes and before that pass all kinds of test that are race blind. It's impossible for any airline to hire someone with less credentials. You can give opportunities to Blacks that we didn't have before but after that he or she is on their own to pass the certifications, etc.

He knows this.

Anyway, Candace can't be allowed to say what she said about Jews specifically and be on a major platform. That's the main reason. Can't have that precedence.

The Root (continues) To Be On Some Bullsh!t.

I saw this before Jason Black talked about it.

The Root is a black feminist anti black male shill. I'm gonna call it straight out. Just like every Black man on this site, we love seeing Sistas win. We love seeing all Black people win, and we celebrate all the victories.

We all have a mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, cousin, daughter, homegirl, who we will do what we can for them to fulfill their full potential. It could be anything up to and including CEO or President.

The same in reverse for all B1 sisters.

That said, this pic and title is on some BS. Michael B. Jordan is arguably among the top 3 if not the most prized bachelor out there, black or white. Pause.

The Root is trying to signal for the best of us to choose women who are the most problematic. Tia Mowry, 45 to him 37, divorced a good man, can't find a man. But MBJ should holla at her? GTFOH.

Jodie Turner Smith don't even like Black men. Including her is the most asinine and insulting of the 3. At least Tia and LaLa like Black men. So, he should go after a Black women who literally chased and pressured a white man to marry her. Begging him twice, and he cheats on her first with his white nanny and second with a woman she knew casually, Lupita N'yongo? This is so laughable it's not funny.

LaLa Anthony may be the best of the 3 but still, not much older (41) but still. Felt bad for. Carmelo cheated on her. She knew his get down. She helped him cheat on the previous chick.

Guarantee 100 percent if a black male centered publication said "Don't you think Lori Harvey should date these Hollywood men?" and it was Tia's ex Cory Hadrict, Megan Good ex DeVon Franklin they would not even clown but be outright upset.

I got no issues with Tia and La La per se. I got big issues with Jodie though. Bed wench poster child. This will sound mean but Tia and La La are not desirable dating options for most men. La La looks decent, cool girl, wish her luck but a man of reasonable means isn't tryna holla at her. Tia especially. I have nothing against her. Jodie is fine. She actually is my type physically. Dark, slim pretty. But she's a straight out, Brad loving, fully committed negro bedwench.

The fact that The Root feels secure enough to even make this story tells you where we are culturally. 10 years ago this wouldn't even make it to print. It would be laughed at. But Black men of means, the best of us, are being told to include women you can do far better than as the preferred option.

This is the person that wrote this article. How she wrote that with a straight face is anyone's guess.

Appreciating The Lack Of Negativity During February

For Frebruary, our Black History Month was exactly that. OUR Black History Month. It kind of helped that I spent a lot of my time outside amongst Black people of all different backgrounds (which is always amazing and appreciated for me), but even on my social media. Going back to my Facebook and Twitter accounts I was able to see the purpose of what Carter G. Woodson started exemplified and members of the Black race shared our different collective histories and victories! I even learned about the SPARK PLUG being an invention of a Black man! This was much better experiance from last year with the sharing of information as last year I saw many segregationists complaining about the diversity of different Black people. This year however was much better as far as the sharing of information went!

Trump's Top Donor Shares His Thoughts On Black People

Timothy Mellon, a billionaire trust fund baby whose great-grandfather built the family wealth, is the biggest pro-Trump political donor in recent memory. He has already poured in $15 million to Trump's 2024 reelection campaign, $20 million to RFK Jr's election campaign (under the theory that RFK Jr's candidacy will hurt Biden), and $50 million to help Trump "build the wall" (over 90% of the total donations to that effort). In 2022, a non-presidential year, he contributed $42 million to Republican election causes. In total, he's donated over $150 million to pro-Trump causes since 2020.

What does the person who wants Trump and Republicans to control the nation think of Black folk? He told us in his own self-published 2015 memoir:

“Black people, in spite of heroic efforts by the ‘Establishment’ to right the wrongs of the past, became even more belligerent and unwilling to pitch in to improve their own situations,” he wrote.

“For delivering their votes in the Federal Elections, they are awarded with yet more and more freebies: food stamps, cell phones, WIC payments, Obamacare, and on, and on, and on,” Mellon wrote. “The largess is funded by the hardworking folks, fewer and fewer in number, who are too honest or too proud to allow themselves to sink into this morass.”

Jose And Them Can Now Legally Own A Gun In Chicago

Another black face in a high place. She would give your black ass 20 years for shooting into cars but she allows someone who is not a citizen the right to not only shoot at cars but then own a gun. The fact is, it's not our criminal class that does the most damage to us, it's our politicians, judges, police, Mayors, Presidents who commit the most damage to us!

6 Mississippi Terrorists Get Sentenced

6 terrorists (They called themselves The Goon Squad) tortured two black men, shooting one in the mouth, after an illegal invasion into the men's home because a neighbor said that had a white woman living there. These six have had a looong history of terrorizing FBA citizens. But Joe won't pass an anti FBA hate crime law to save his life. They had their sentencing today and I bet you didn't even know about it.
