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Peaceful breakups that turned out bad for you

I've had my share of good and bad relationships, some that ended fine, while others turned out to be quite a messy process. I had one relationship that I ended years back, because I wasn't really into the girl I was dating. I thought there was something there, and we dated maybe a couple months, but I started to see that we weren't much of a fit. So I told her I wasn't feeling it and we called it. It all seemed fine, but then a couple weeks later, I hear things from friends we both know, that she is "Outing me" as a bad boyfriend and saying stuff about me, even stuff I told her in private. It was rough. I decided to just move on and not call her out on her bs.

With all that being said, have you had breakups that seemed peaceful, but later resulted in problems between the two of you?

Would you ever run in politics?

Politics aren't my strong suit, but in another life I would have liked to think I would be capable enough to run for office. Probably not president, but I would for sure try to be something at a lower level.

But, I'm by no means that political. I have my opinions and thoughts like anyone else, but you wouldn't catch me trying to change things. I am not very good when it comes to public speaking or anything to do with interactions with people I don't know haha. So there's also that.

But, if you had the ability to run for any form of office right now, what would you run for?

Reject Your Date With One Press of a Button

Has anyone watched these videos on YouTube? They pair two people together to see if they would be a match, but each video I have watched just results in people pushing the button right away at any sign of losing interest.

I don't see how this would result in meeting potential partners, but it's a thing I guess. I would never go on a show like this though. Would you?

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Hardcore Swirling and Bed Bucking

We've talked about this in various threads. So, I thought why not talk about it in one. I consider 'hardcore' swirling and bed bucking is when you date exclusively outside your race.

This includes those women on social media pushing dating white men as well as black men who push going to the DR, Thailand, and other locales outside America or dating exclusively non black women (White, Latina, Asian) within America.

I've mentioned some stats before. The fact is that white men overwhelmingly prefer to marry any other non white women other than black. They are least likely to marry black women than literally any other non white woman: Asian, Arab, Latina, green skinned alien life form, anything. 50 million marriages white men are in in the previous census. Over 500,000 marriages to Asian, 487,000 marriages to non Asian, non Black. Sisters? 168,000. That's .3 of 1%. The fact is they will date sisters, be great boyfriends at times, but will smash and when it comes time for a ring, their resources are going elsewhere and its the biggest kept secret that Karazin and others don't say. What she doesn't also say is that the white boys of marriage age 18-36 got hit hard by the biggest drug epidemic since the opium wars in China over a century ago. There are white women on social media all over complaining about the lack of men or the quality of men. They mean white men.
They aren't my thing but to keep it a buck these aren't butt ugly White women. They aren't beauty queens but not butt ugly. And they are complaining. So Brad is gonna pass over her to go for even a cute sista? He might but lets keep it one buck. White men and white woman are making tons and tons of videos complaining about each other, but they are now the prize? Their community is as fucked up as ours.
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As for the men, I'll keep it one buck. The only reason the women in the DR, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines or where ever are f*cking with you hard is that they are poor and your postal carrier, Costco assistant manager money is an upper middle class salary there. There are roughly half a million Brazilians in America. Let's guess that half are women. How many of them are f*cking with brothers tough like that? Now, you might say, DR women in America are dating brothers in numbers. Yes, broke ass DR women who came to America without shit are dating us.

I've been to these countries, most of them. I've seen the fat old ass European and American men 50+, 60+ who are bitterly divorced and/or can't get a woman back home to spit on them if they were on fire because they are not attractive, socially awkward, and often weird. I got homies that make the trip to DR, etc, and I love them but truth is, they are not in the position financially, physically, etc to pull a decent sista. Gotta keep it one buck

As I have said before. The reparations discussions, FBA discussions, on code vs off code discussions as they grow it will make exclusively dating outside your race have a very bad look, much more than it is now. Especially sisters on that swirling tip because they talk reckless AF.

The young cute sisters with white boys on tik tok are doing performative race play. Most people have dated outside their race, myself included. It happens, but when you give up completely on your own women, then that's a whole other thing altogether.

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YouTube channels that discuss movies/tv in depth

What are some good YouTube channels to check out that discuss movies and tv? Like documentary style mixed with interesting facts about the movie industry and movies. I already am subscribed to the likes of Corridor Crew, they talk about cgi, visual effects, stunts in movies/tv, filming, etc. Another channel I started watching is kaptainkristian. He doesn't post often, but he has an interesting video about The Shining and how the sound is done.

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So stuff like that, taking a deep dive into the production of movies and tv. There was a theory video I watched a while ago about The Shining and how it's said that Wendy is the one creating the story. I don't remember how it goes, but it is during scenes with Wendy where things aren't correct. Chairs are missing or in different spots when the film is in her perspective. I was able to find the video, but don't remember the full theory, but it makes the Shining feel like a different film.

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Any other channels/videos like those? Theories on movies and tv, or analysis of film. Just anything to do with movies and tv.

Asking for assistance from my family

This is definitely a first for me. In the eight years of my being a ProBlk advocate, activist and writer for my people I have never publicly reached out for help until very recently. That said, I have found myself in a very difficult financial/housing situation in addition to health and legal problems and could really use some assistance. A fellow activist here in Detroit recently created this #mutualaid request and shared it via Twitter but I decided it was time to let the family here know what's up (especially since many of you don't really be on Twitter and I don't blame you). Those who know me personally know that I hate asking for help and prefer to be the one helping so the simple fact that I have decided to do so demonstrates the level of hardship that I and my family are going through at the moment. And for those who may not know me or aren't familiar with what I do, I don't make any income from my activism/advocacy and #NAFPAorg is fully self funded although I'd like it not to be one day. I do it all voluntarily and as such when things like this happen I have very little to fall back on. There have been wonderful, caring and courageous people within and outside the #childwelfare reform/abolition movement who have supported and contributed and I am truly truly grateful to and for each and every person who has donated/shared and supported me during this very difficult time but I am still far from reaching my goal. If you cannot donate please share. I will be sure to personally thank each and every person for thier contribution no matter the amount. I will be creating a public open letter acknowledging any and all contributors when my goal is met. Thank you so much.

Cashapp: $LatagiaCTyronce
Venmo: Venmo | Latagia Copeland-Tyronce



Do you think watching porn while in a relationship is cheating?

This is more of a curious question, it has nothing to do with my life haha as I'm currently single, but I have met other men who've been in relationships where they watched porn and it didn't cause any issues with the relationship. But in that case the couple were both into it. What if your significant other is also watching porn, does that worry you at all?

I have friends who have lost relationships because they were caught watching porn, of course, multiple times, but it resulted in the end of their relationship.

With that being said, do you think it's cheating for someone to watch porn while being in a relationship? I mean, if it becomes a situation where the relationship is strained because of it. Like, maybe they're not having sex anymore, or their intimacy isn't the same as it once was because one of them may be addicted to porn or something.

What are your thoughts on this?

Living in a tiny house, camper, or van

I've been seeing a lot of people living this sort of lifestyle, where they live in a tiny house, or even live in a camper or a van and travel the world. I like the latter because I think it would kinda be cool to be able to travel the world and live wherever you want. Tiny houses aren't bad if you're living by yourself and maybe one other person. But I'd like to have kids one day and I don't know how it'd work living in them tiny houses with kids.

But, if I planned to live alone in one, I suppose it could be fun. Would any of you's live in a tiny house? Or prefer living in a camper, van, or even a bus (renovated of course)?

You cool with a smart home future?

Where everything is connected, your fridge, your stove, to your damn washer and dryer. Do you think you can ever do a future with smart appliances? We already are connected via our phones, smart watches, tablets, PCs etc. Now we have fridges with computers built in, and are already nearing the possibility of every device in our home being "smart".

As well, using smart lights, ring doorbells, automated security systems etc. Pretty much everything we own will be able to collect our data. Eventually we'll get to a point where we'll have to use these smart appliances. Are you worried about that? I doubt our washers and dryers will have PCs built into them, but I could see them collecting data about how often clothes are washed, and other smart settings the "Future" will have.

Weaponizing water in the black communities

Repairing the water treatment plant in mississippi is being blamed on not having enough of a tax base.Anna worf who have been covering this event for the mississippi today make this claim,a poor excuse when it comes to the infrastructure in this country.The federal government is capable of fixing this problem with dollars but refuse to allocate money toward black communities.Question-what taxes do ukraine pays this country to get be benefits from this country?

Are you caught off guard as a man, when women flirt with and shoot their shot at you?

I've had two situations in the past where women have flirted with me and I'm honestly caught off guard and don't know how to follow up.
Nothing came from these encounters because while the women weren't exactly ugly, they weren't attractive enough to me to spark further interest and even if they were, I still wouldn't have known what say lol.

What do y'all do in situations like that?
