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Can OR does anyone wanna make sense of this nonsense -trivia? No poetic license for black artists then . . . . ?

Have to admit this did make me laugh some as it took me back to when someone at school wanted to insult one of their peers but lacked the wit or intellect to do so and simply resorted to calling you a spastic or a spaz which was considered the lowest form of insult - well before it all became PC. Okay, it was puerile and harmless but hurtful.
Amazing how a mere word can be as visceral as a double edge sword!
Who are these self appointed WORD TSARS anyway?!
Massive Oops for Beyonće 🤑 😂😂😂

Marwa was charged 10 euros for a hamburger from a street vendor. He had to wash his mouth out after.

Wait a minute. 10 euros in like $14-$15 and that was for 1 nasty fries, no drink. I think Marwa was #BlackTaxed Nazi Norway style. You couldnt pay me to even try that nasty looking pinkerton hand touched burger.

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MY comment I left:

The Prince Of Paraphernalia aka The P.O.P.

0 seconds ago
Marwa? Are you tired of being #BlackTaxed by these Pinkerton parasitic people yet? I like your trips when you went to places trying to find Black residents and hoiw they live. But lately it seems you are chasing after pink people and wonder why they treat you bad. #TightenUp Marwa. You are Black just like me and they treat you bad but you keep going to these Pinkerton Parasitic nations. WTF you mean you dont like wearing pants? What the hell do you call those you are wearing right now? Looks like "Pants" to me Fam.

Are Black Americans of African Descent or Native American?

There is a huge trend online that seeks to separate Black America from any ties to Africa. To do so, it minimizes the transatlantic slave trade to a minor activity that resulted in less than 300k Africans being brought to the USA. It states that the majority of Black Americans are descendants of an indigenous population to “the Americas” predating the “Red” natives.

Now at face value, stating that Black people were here before Columbus is not controversial, Mansa Musa Keita said it himself. While in Egypt he expressed that his people encountered the land now called “The Americas” which is how he came to power (his predecessor abdicated his throne to sail there).

Moorish navigators have also known of this land and after being conquered helped the Spanish navigate here to rape and pillage. But one thing that the Moors and the Mali Empire have in common is that they are both from Africa.

In Ivan Van Sertima’s book “they came before Columbus” he states that plants native to Africa (East and west) were found in mesoamerica. He used this as an example of how Africans and the natives here have been trading with one another for centuries.

So the question arises. If African people knew of this land and the red populations of this land spoke of Black people who arrived from the seas isn’t it smart to presume that the Black people here are descendants of African settlers?

Especially considering that:

  • Black Americans look like several African populations.
  • Black Americans have a hair texture similar to most of Africa.
  • Black Americans have a bone structure similar to African populations.
  • Black Americans have similar features to certain African populations: Full Lips, Broad Noses, Tall builds, higher calf muscles.
  • Black Americans have a rhythmic musical culture that emphasizes drumming.
So I ask…are we Black Americans African genetically? If you don’t think so, please state why and state who our original identities were. For instance, “red” natives can tell you what they called this land before the Europeans arrived. They can give you their original names, lineages, etc. please provide that detail if possible. If not, state why you cannot.

Kendra G Show

Okay, I don't wanna come off like I'm the most suave`, smooth playah with all his ish together like that. I'm "i-ight" I have been watching this woman's dating program for a minute.
If this is the average brotha or sista out there, dating in black America is over. Finished. Its a wrap. Finito. I've seen maybe...maybe..1 or 2 men or woman that would be datable, meaning I and most men would date the woman or a man I would feel comfortable introducing to a homegirl. Now, I do think the dating requirements most of the women especially make are what they would like but know they ain't gonna get. The men are jacked up, ain't got their ish together or mumble mouth, don't know how to communicate, lacking presence, seem like they been raised by a single mom who didn't have no black male authority figure at all around them in their upbringing.

Am I being wrong and 'elitist'? Or on the money?

They think we are stupid


All I keep hearing about is the climate crisis and climate emergency. Looking at the news stories, it baffles my mind that they can do this crap in plain sight and people still believe them. Yes, the environment is going through changes but they are blaming US for it when it is the corporations and countries like India and China who do the most pollution. That WEF leader Shwab dude wants to take away personal ownership of vehicles now. He doesn't want anyone to own cars... But them of course. This is all a stunt being run by the rich elite of the world who want everyone beneath them to live like pigs on a farm!

Putin Warns West Current World Order Is Over and New Era Is Coming

Vladimir Putin has warned that "a new stage in world history" is coming in a speech in which he condemned "the model of total domination" by the West.

[here are the juiciest quotes from the article]

"One gets the impression that the West simply cannot offer the world its own model of the future," Putin said, as he described how the dominance of the West owed itself to "the robbery of other peoples both in Asia and in Africa."

Putin said that the global "elites" were now "terribly afraid" that other parts of the world "may present their own options for development."

"But no matter how much Western and supranational elites strive to preserve the existing order of things—a new era is coming, a new stage in world history," he added.

Black Generational Wealth

The Ford (of automobile fame) family are still rich. About 129 family members collectively worth around 2 billion according to Forbes. The DuPont family got about 3,500 members and collectively around 14 billion. The Rockefeller family collectively are worth over 8 billion.

There are also 1000s and 1000s of white families that have remained millionaires for 3 generations. We have had many Black millionaires going back over a hundred years. Every single story I hear about a successful black person from a hundred years ago, even 50 years ago, are no longer rich. It's a sad ending. Madame CJ Walker, and others. I am sure there are some black families who have maintained generational wealth for 2 or 3 generations but its not many. Not enough I would suggest to make a difference. We know why in part: white supremacy. But its not the whole story.

We have many, many black people these days who are worth 10s of millions, even hundreds of millions. 40 years ago, most black NBA and NFL players were broke with 5 years after retirement. Broke - ESPN Films: 30 for 30

Now we have athletes so rich, it's almost impossible to go broke. Shaq is worth over 300 million. Michael Jordan is a billionaire. Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Jay Z and other entertainers are worth hundreds of millions if not billions. However, can you think of any extremely wealthy black person who you think their children will maintain the wealth, if not build on it and have it last 3 generations?

You have some who married white so that money goes back to a white widow (Tiger Woods, and others). Some of the you think Magic's son CJ, Dwayne Wades's "son/daughter" or Herschel Walker's "son" is going to flip that bag they inherit? The Obama's daughter is bedwenching. A lot of the daughters are marrying white men.

Oprah, and other single very rich don't even have kids or a husband.

So, we are making more money than we have ever made. Some of us, not the masses but some of us. A fair number of blacks worth 10 mil or more. Then others who are worth a couple mil from all manner of work as doctors, business owners, etc.

I looked around my family. I don't have kids but I have younger cousins, nephews, etc and I can't think of anyone sadly who I would trust to flip the little I leave. It's not Elon Musk money but its a 'decent' amount.

Reparations will help a great deal. But as of now, can you think of any very rich, multi-millionaire blacks who you think their wealth will last 3 generations?

MoT #198 Beware Black Celebs Imitating Bottom-Feeders

MoT #198 Beware Black Celebs Imitating Bottom-Feeders
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Black celebs have a fetish for the dominant society. And they want us to imitate their self-debasing ways. If we do, soon we'll be copying and validating anti-black racists who abuse black children.

Mexico City having a whitewash problem LOL

So a bunch of white liberal types have been moving from NYC and cities in Cali down to Mexico City cause the rent is cheaper and life is cheaper. They can maintain the city life and earn that US wage but have WAY more money in Mexico.

What is happening is all these city yuppies are forcing their bland culture in the area and the locals are becoming pissed off. The price of everything is going up and more and more places are offering up English menus. Locals are being evicted from their homes/rentals in favor of white people willing to pay more.
They are doing this all legal as well. I can't help but laugh! usher laugh

These people like to throw us under the bus and treat us like crap in favor of these white folks, now they coming into your home and crapping on the front lawn.

Male Gold Diggers?

On my way to work the other day, some radio show was talking about the rise of male gold diggers in the black community.

I have not noticed it myself but apparently, since ladies are out there getting their degrees and getting good-paying jobs, a lot of men have switched things up and they have become gold diggers looking to leach off successful ladies.

Is this really a growing trend or was this show blowing things out of proportion?

Well, Well, Well.....The Tables turn and NOW it's a problem......

*places soapbox just so* Greetings family. I need to bitch about this because I read this and just had all types of "how-fucking-dare-you" as I read this.

So let me get this straight, those SAME locals, who easily would break ALL manner of laws to get here for the "American Dream" have the audacity to be mad when Americans working remotely and choosing LEGAL relocation to "borrow" their cheap amenities? At least we're doing it legally...They need to keep this same energy for their own citizens who do the same shit ILLEGALLY and risk separation from their own children because THEY don't want to follow protocol. But Americans do it......LEGALLY, and there's a problem...? GTFOHWTBS

Ok my rant is over *picks up soapbox*. As you all were family.

The House has passed a semiautomatic gun ban

The House passed legislation Friday to revive a ban on semiautomatic guns, the first vote of its kind in years and a direct response to the firearms often used in the crush of mass shootings ripping through communities nationwide.

Once banned in the U.S., the high-powered firearms are now widely blamed as the weapon of choice among young men responsible for many of the most devastating mass shootings. But Congress allowed the restrictions first put in place in 1994 on the manufacture and sales of the weapons to expire a decade later, unable to muster the political support to counter the powerful gun lobby and reinstate the weapons ban.

I saw some of the videos online of them, the anti-gun democrats practically drooling over the thought of this going through. They all want us unarmed so they can force anything and everything on us. You think it is bad now for black in America, just imagine if they fully got rid of gun ownership.

Mind-play as a discipline and as a neuro-psychotism

Mind-play as a discipline and as a neuro-psychotism

In ways, ANY discipline is a neurotic expression. When does that "expression" wander into the domains of an ego having deluded itself to the point of heading to be totally out of touch with the explicit reality we exist in?

I find myself measuring my own psyche on this measure with my low-esteem for the social and cultural platitudes cohered and adhered to by the folks, in general. Keeping it granularly transactional for each encounter that DOES have their monolithic homogenized character, but there's enough of the idiosyncratic with a few for me to have an intriguable expectation of receptiveness for something other than a canned regurgitation of a conformist coherence to a general meme programmed circumscribing behavioral expectation.

Too bad that most of the intriguing ones tend towards the darker sociopathic aggrandizements. Those are usually the prime examples of those whose narcissistic tendencies are showing the blossoming of their actions being unimpeachable by the dead-brained common masses. Tho' I have some affinity for the theory of the dead-brained 'common consensus', it does not give license to gratuitous and indifferent cruelty towards others dignity and integrity.

It's in this distinction between the contrarian and the social nihilist that I must be trying to address. We can get our interpretations of our perception of others projected self-image of their intent wrong from our own ignorance of the fuller context of the other person. There ARE those circumstances where an extensive exposing data set of the other person is known that one's own miscalculation would be so low that only a circumstantial anomaly of an 'inside straight' unknown factor would be the determinant of your own mea culpa of estimation and judgement.

This principle/theorem can be extrapolated to our estimation-judgements on social and cultural themes. BUT, we face the conundrum of what degree of a data base should we seek before concluding an estimable level of confidence to acceptable acknowledgement of possible error?

We can only game-out on a certain quantity of observed advisory tales lacking our own first hand participation, before facing the question about the absence of our own active investment in and with the scenario before being sure that our judgement isn't biasly prejudicial of the subject(s) in question.

From my advantage of chronological longevity, I can dare with confidence on my smugness of many common phenomena. At the same time that very longevity has placed me at a in temporal affinity with some forms that due have their contemporaneous, sui generis uniqueness that 'I'd have to be in that person's or group's shoes' to have the credible bona fides for going to the point of dismissiveness and condemnation, beyond the stoic 'not my cup of tea' equinaminous laissez-faire tolerance.

In summary, there IS an ambiguous margin where, short of an imperative necessity to know for our own welfare, we must demure from the tendency toward inviolable immutable "truths" to the empiricism of transactional experience to know the quality of essence of the subject/subject (intangible) matter we find ourselves in an obligatory position of having to interact.

Graffitti_vandal> 2022-08-02 21:48 PDT I could add that to have that acceptable extent of contextual familiarity with the tangible subjects or intangible subject one could run the risk of contamination bias from too emotionally involved with the subject(s).
