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  1. J

    Do you enjoy partying on the weekends, or doing something else?

    I used to party a lot in my teens and have reduced it to once or twice a month now. I find it fun spending time with family and friends in indoor.
  2. J

    Beyonce has just turned 40 and I feel old

    40 but gloriously beautiful. 😍
  3. J

    What are some sports you enjoy playing?

    I am into outdoor sports like basketball, cricket, tennis and football as I think I feel relaxed and mentally stable playing them twice a week at least.
  4. J

    When you play sports, are you very competitive or chill?

    Being competitive is something that comes naturally, but dealing with it under pressure is the smartest thing I must say. When playing with team, I make sure to out perform with all my ability and who ever wins, there’s no resentment against the opposite team.
  5. J

    Ways to get involved in bettering your community?

    Actually I struggled with that too in my previous neighbourhood, we as a community decided together to look after our near by places by gathering money for the repairing of parks, replacing old dustbins, organising community events, raising money for charity, meeting and greeting to each other...
  6. J

    Should everyone start wearing their own body cams?

    I think yes to some extent it would be better for citizens to wear a body cam for officers who do false accusations and hide the criminal evidences.
  7. J

    Do you have any dating horror stories?

    Lol! ok, so once I found a girl on a dating site and her profile with blue eyes, blonde hair with amazing body got all my attention. I eagerly wanted to meet her and we set up a meeting at some cafe. When the evening arrived and she appeared ,she hugged me and sat in front of me. I was moved...
  8. J

    Ladies, do you keep anything in your purse for self defense?

    I do have my friends who keep Stun guns and pepper spray in their bags and Yes, I too have a pepper spray in glove compartment of my car.
  9. J

    Gender Bias In Medicine

    One of my friends got into an accident and was wounded badly crying out for medical treatment in hospital faced a racial discrimination and was attended late. I really think it’s important for all of us to come out and speak for racial inequality so that everyone should be given quality health...
  10. J

    Do you 'move in silence?'

    Definitely, I am not in the habit of showing of everything and I deeply believe moving in silence protects us from evils eye and outside’s negativity. People don’t want you to flourish and will certainly try to block your way. That’s the reason, I keep my plans private and announce my victory.
  11. J

    Do you ever face trouble because of tattoos?

    I have 2 Tattoos, one on my bicep and other on spine. I must say tattooing is a painful process and mine just hides under the cloth which generally doesn’t make any difference when I go to work.
  12. J

    Wigs, Weave, Natural - What is your preference?

    I like women with natural longer hair but not abnormally long.
  13. J

    What's your diet like? Mine is garbage as of late

    You can go for OMAD just once or twice a weak in order to maintain you health. You can eat regular meals with high fibre food, limiting the use of high sugar and salt and avoiding processed and fast food.
  14. J

    Your views on abortion, for or against it?

    If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with some disease and requires abortion to treat illnesses then it must be legally free to attempt it. Aborting a fetus stating that someone’s not prepared for it, then one must not engage in sex without being aware that they can get pregnant. If in case it...
  15. J

    How do you think people should present themselves in public?

    Well said man! The clothes we wear and the way we groom and carry ourselves is our personal consent. Also it’s psychologically beneficial how we feel about our personalities inside out because it for sure increases our confidence and ability to build self credibility.
  16. J

    Work or money satisfaction

    What are you satisfied with the most, money or your job? What do you think is more important? I believe both are equally important and interlinked but work contentment is what I prefer the most as I like to learn new skills and challenge myself for the new tasks which eventually enhances my...
  17. J

    When is Twerking Inappropriate?

    Twerking is a form of dance like any other, though I don’t like it yet it’s nothing wrong in it as it’s not harming anyone. It’s basically followed as a fun thing and of course a personal choice of oneself.
  18. J

    Do you rent or own?

    I recently bought a small apartment with my brother and feel much relieved.
  19. J

    I got the second shot of Pfizer today my arm hurts like hell

    I am done with Pfizers second dose and it happens sometimes when I get little fever, my both arms feel heavy on me. I can believe on its effectiveness against the disease but it’s side effects have not studied while it’s testings
  20. J

    Celebs past and present you'd love to chill with

    Stacey dash 🤩😋